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  1. Yeah, I am not going to touch this topic. While I am not opposed to using numbing cream(s) if you feel the need and your artist agrees, venturing off into any drug discussion that references tripping isn't for me. I am much more interested in your back piece.
    5 points
  2. oboogie

    Anxiety aftermath

    Don't get any more tattoos.
    3 points
  3. That's a great idea! What's MJ's doc doing these days?
    2 points
  4. What's next, anesthesia? What ever happened to earning your tattoo?
    2 points
  5. No. I don't use meds while getting tattoos unless they are prescribed. Next.
    2 points
  6. Hogrider

    Anxiety aftermath

    At least you didn't get a tattoo of Uranus.
    2 points
  7. Grug

    Hi I'm new here

    I'm new here so I'm just saying hi
    1 point
  8. Gingerninja

    Anxiety aftermath

    @Hogrider Well played, sir.
    1 point
  9. Thanks guys - I will continue to investigate.
    1 point
  10. Correction - I'm just now noticing I see them on some messages (not just @Dan) that involve a quote of a previous post.
    1 point
  11. I'm definitely seeing in on your posts @Dan. No where else, tho.
    1 point
  12. 4 tattoo's healed with -derm, first 3 being only line work. By the time I removed the derm (first sheet, minimal weeping) they were flat, never had any tightness, sensitivity or peeling. Basically didn't have to do anything for the healing. The latest piece is larger and full colour so it was a little different. Replaced my saniderm in under 24 hours, kept the second piece on for 6 days. It's 2 days after an my tattoo is flat, vibrant and done flaking. After washing I let air dry and apply a drop or two of squalene oil. If it's really dry and flaky I thickly apply lotion (tattoo goo because I'm using it up and it's thin so it's easy to remove excess) and let that sit in for a minute before wiping away what wasn't absorbed. After that, if I run a clean hand down the tattoo, the extra dead skin rolls off without pain or pulling. What is still attached to living tissue breaks off so I am not risking pulling out ink. (Without saniderm, I don't try this until it's been a few weeks and it's going through a second peel.) It's certainly not the recommendation, but it really works for me.
    1 point
  13. @Acedia Thank you, it was such an amazing journey! Yes the full left arm is already in the works 🤣
    1 point
  14. Finally finished today, such a bittersweet feeling. Work by Guy Jones, Lucky Buddah tattoo Sacramento CA
    1 point
  15. grog

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Hey everybody! I recently put down a deposit for a full sleeve with Justin Hartman. It'll be a lady-head centric peice, based around Auri from the Kingkiller Chronicles book series. I'm super excited! I'm on a wait list for the first session and Hartman is currently traveling, so I'm not sure when or where we'll start, but I get to check out some new cities at the same time. It should be an excellent experience!
    1 point
  16. el twe

    Anxiety aftermath

    I don't think it's uncommon to have mixed emotions like this after altering your body. I know I've certainly had it with at least one tattoo, and it had nothing to do with the quality of it. I quickly got over it and began enjoying the new way I look. Got a picture of it? We like pictures 'round here...
    1 point
  17. JAC1961

    Anxiety aftermath

    No need to get upset. Just try to put it out of your mind for a week or so and think of other things. Take pride in doing something many want, but aren't brave enough to do. Concentrate on liking it and try to avoid the "what-ifs". If worse came to worse, you could have it covered with a design you like better or have it removed. Relax and breath, it'll be fine. Welcome btw.
    1 point
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