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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/2018 in all areas

  1. Here's what I have learned 1) Sometimes you have bumps that take time to heal. 2) I, like you, didn't think that I had a bump in and/or around tattoos. My dermatologist has confirmed that I am a "grower" of bumps. I have developed bumps both in tattoos and outside of tattoos post tattoo but the two don't seem to be MEDICALLY related. 3) My tattooer's to date have never tattooed a mole!
    2 points
  2. The truth is that both of your tattoos will fade anyway with no black outlines. They will probably both just be blobs of colors in a few years.
    2 points
  3. I would do a lot of research before you start removal so that you have realistic expectations. That's some really delicate skin where you have that tattoo and I'm sure that factors in. I would also do a lot of research on coverups. Coverups are darker and heavier than what they are covering. You aren't going to cover up what you have with a light, wispy tattoo. Even with a ton of laser removal, I'm not sure you'll be able to do that. It's your body and your tattoo, but when I read, "I got bulky, realistic, mass that has some weird watercolor added to the edges as an afterthought and doesn't fit my body at all" I'm thinking you are just really determined to hate this tattoo. No one else would describe that tattoo like that. Good luck. Most of us have a tattoo or two that we aren't crazy about. It comes with the territory.
    2 points
  4. Rcal

    Bump under my tattoo!?

    Thank you Dan. I appreciate your input!
    1 point
  5. Dan

    Bump under my tattoo!?

    keep in mind that any artist that knows what they are doing will never tattoo over a mole. So I am guessing that it is just a "tattoo pimple" that I have had too and it will go away IMO. just my .02
    1 point
  6. Rcal

    Bump under my tattoo!?

    Thank you Gingerninja. My friends kept telling me it was a mole, however I am 99% sure that it wasn't there prior to my tattoo.
    1 point
  7. You may have a bump for months. Let it be. I had a bump for about six months. 🙂
    1 point
  8. Just to echo what has been already said - that is a great tattoo! I love what @el twe said. Unless it's a shite tattoo, wabi sabi!
    1 point
  9. Another little filler I got this week — Radiant Baby by Keith Haring. Erik Albright is my go-to Haring filler guy!
    1 point
  10. today's ink accumulation -
    1 point
  11. That’s a killer tattoo! Nothing to be self conscious about ...I’d wear that with pride!!
    1 point
  12. Definitely nothing to worry about. It looks good. Have to agree with @oboogie
    1 point
  13. Quit obsessing. It looks nice. That's the only advice I have.
    1 point
  14. Adulting is hard. Handle professionally, with respect and use this as an opportunity to reset your relationship with him. Find out what his expectations are, setup a path to achieve and propose items that you think will help you, him and the shop. ?
    1 point
  15. Hogrider

    Apprentice Needs Advice

    What does "refuses to let me grow as an artist" mean? He won't let you tattoo customers? Unfortunately it's his shop and his rules. If your teacher really feels you are ready, they should talk to the shop owner. Can you bring in friends to work on? It would seem that if you bring in business and show that you can do quality tattoos, he'd have no reason not to let you work on walk-ins.
    1 point
  16. Dan

    Apprentice Needs Advice

    so keep it to yourself, finish the apprenticeship at your current shop,(learn as much and get as much experience as you can) and then start looking around at other shops, don't quit until you have another job(if at that time you still want to leave). just my .02
    1 point
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