I don't have my knees covered but my wife does (one of them anyway) and I will never forget the day. We went to Great Lakes in Chicago and she got a sweet squid on her knee by Nick Colella. Afterwards we celebrated buy walking around eating and drinking - as is our custom. At the end of the night we caught a bus to our hotel and as she stepped off the bus her freshly tattooed knee that had been walking around for hours just waved the white flag and gave up and wife spilled out onto the sidewalk like a sack of potatoes. I guess what I'm trying to say here is have fun but be careful getting off the bus.
Thanks @Dan @SStu @Tsam. I needed to hear this. My guy in Massapequa did my ribs, hip and calf so I at least know how he works. All I know is that after my experience getting my right shin done, I was "Tomo-tized". 🙂
I found that my expectation of how bad I thought my knees would be was way worse than they actually were, you should be fine. That first morning after bending it was admittedly a stinger though!