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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2018 in all areas

  1. Went to the Ren Fest today with my daughter dressed in a wife made chainmail and Viking hat. Nine years old and she already kicks more ass than I ever have.
    3 points
  2. My "band" made a cheap video to go with a cheap song 🙂 ... it was fun at least.....
    3 points
  3. oboogie

    Image ideas for text.

    Yeah. I see a tattoo disaster in your future unless you rethink the whole idea. The folks above know of what they speak. Listen!
    2 points
  4. SStu

    Image ideas for text.

    send us a link to your artist
    1 point
  5. One thing not to worry about is "being unique"....unless you or your artist just rips off another persons work, your tattoo will be unique. The classics are the classics for a reason. Have you considered a Battle Royale? A bit of a different take on the meanings but could be cool (do an internet search). Or if you are religious, maybe a Rock of Ages. I am throwing some classic ideas out just for fun. What style are you considering?
    1 point
  6. Hogrider

    Image ideas for text.

    As @Gingerninja and @SStu said, you need to get someone who just kills text or it's going to look like crap. Unless you are getting that image you showed on your back, it's waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. Even then, that's a lot of fine detail going on. I doubt that would look good wrapped around your arm and should and down to the elbow. I recommend doing a lot more research. You can google tattoo image text to see what other people are doing. Not to rain on your parade, but this project just has disappointment written all over it. I would make sure your artist has something for you to look at before you start, this isn't something you can wing and freehand at the last minute. Good luck.
    1 point
  7. SStu

    Image ideas for text.

    Yeah, there is alot of historical threads on same/similar topic - but if you're set on text then the real question is are you capable of picking a serious artist. Who've you got? The standard response to the image part of the question = It's not about expressing to strangers what your thought or emotion is - it's about picking an image that resonates with YOU.
    1 point
  8. Hey Kaizu, Welcome. Here's my two cents and I'm not trying to be a downer, so please take my opinion in the right way. This is way too much. Unless you have someone who KILLS lettering, you won't be happy. Has your artist seem your idea? I would invite you to consider going with maybe one or two of those words that mean the most then put the rest of the meaning into an image. Think about why those words resonate with you and how you landed on this idea. Cheers!
    1 point
  9. Spandoria


    For me personally, some reason whenever I get a tattoo I end up regretting it severely for the first couple of weeks. even if it's perfect and looks amazing. It's probably just from the shock of having some new on my body, but generally even if I don't really like how it ended up I end up liking it and accepting it after a few weeks. So my best advice is just to wait and hopefully you'll begin to accept it and love it.
    1 point
  10. Hands On


    Add that to the list...
    1 point
  11. el twe

    Tattoo age on VBS

    Just finished the Bert Krak ep - I agree that the old (longer) format was cool, but they sure pack those 22 minutes full of great stuff. Much like after finishing the Mary Joy episode, now I really really want a Bert Krak tattoo!
    1 point
  12. Shazbot! Took the Hunley out for a Sunday ride. Started blowing headlight fuses, so headed back home after only 20 miles. Coming down our steep, concrete, tree shaded drive, all traction decided to leave and I stuck her in the woods near the bottom. Pulled her out with the winch on the wife's mule and soft straps. Looks like I get to touch up the barbeque paint on the headers and re-polish the right valve cover and belt cover. And, find the short in the headlight circuit. Ok, only a little shitty. But, Knoxville Tattoo Convention is this coming weekend, and I show the Hunley at WingDing the next week!
    0 points
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