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  1. Brain tumor follow-up yesterday. The net is that it’s bigger which could either mean the radiation is working (yea) or that it’s still growing (boo). I’m doing the PMA thing and going with the radiation is working. The concern is around my facial nerve and balance issues. I’m already walking like a drunk sometimes but the facial paralysis shit freaks me out. The funny part of today went like this: Dr. Neurosurgeon: How’s your hearing in your left ear? Me: It’s shot. Dr. Neurosurgeon: How’s your balance? Me: F*cked. Dr. Neurosurgeon smiles at me, looks at my leg and says: Is that a ray gun tattoo? Me: Yes, Dr. it is indeed a ray gun to commemorate my radiation. Dr. Neurosurgeon: That is the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen. (Note: the barrel isn't crooked...straight lines on curvy body parts, ya know) Grez at Pagoda
    5 points
  2. Pharoah's Cats by Scott Sylvia. Four hour one shot
    3 points
  3. Slartibartfast


    All comments above have helped me get a different perspective and I thank you all. I have now come to see it not as I had envisioned but as it is and this is helping quite a bit. As with each tattoo I have gotten, I need a break in and adjustment phase. Right around the time it has healed and doesn’t look shiny, plastic, I start getting a perspective that most closely resembles how I will feel going forward. I guess no different than most things in life, it’s better than a lot of other possibilities, not what I expected, and if I focus on the things I like about it, I will feel good about it. Thanks!
    2 points
  4. SStu

    Tattoo healing process

    Try not looking at it for a month.
    2 points
  5. @Gingerninja HERO.
    2 points
  6. Also posted in the Pagoda City thread, but he's my one-shot Pharoah's Cats from Scott Sylvia.
    2 points
  7. @Boiled Dove - Love that poster! Looks like a cool event! @AtomicMagpye The photo of you looking at the ocean is super rad.
    2 points
  8. Nothing 100%. I've had sleeping contact t-shirts, sheets and pillows where it just came out in the normal wash, and I've got shorts that only got splattered and that ink is never coming out.
    1 point
  9. SStu

    Bruising or blowout?

    Nope. Color very regularly covers black line blowouts, but color blowouts are rather rare.
    1 point
  10. Gingerninja


    My two cents...I can certainly empathize with not getting exactly what you wanted. That being said, it appears from your photos that you are not a tattoo rookie. Don't overthink why they pulled the video down. It's certainly a very good tattoo. Breathe. Get out of yer head. Give it time. 🙂
    1 point
  11. Gpots


    Nothing wrong with the tatt, imo he did an incredible job. Yeah it's not exactly what you asked for but at least it's good work. And as you said you agreed after seeing the design, just give it some time I'm sure you'll grow to love it. Sent from my MI 6 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. Gingerninja

    Pagoda City 2018

    My little kappa.
    1 point
  13. Gingerninja

    Penis tattoo advice

    I keep reading this thread because I don't know if this is real or not. A blackout penis? Me, I find nothing attractive about that idea at all. I don't see how anything good could ever come out of this idea.
    1 point
  14. AverageJer


    I'm starting to regret NOT having that sweet dragon tattoo myself. After all, I only have two (three if you count sea monsters).
    1 point
  15. Hogrider


    Not what you wanted, but at least it's a GOOD tattoo. I agree with what the other's have posted. You can't have too many dragons.
    1 point
  16. Oiocha

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    image from Steve's Instagram of my new baby. That man FLIES through tattoos and is the largest man I've met in my whole life. Sweet as a peach, warm, intelligent, socialite at the convention and artistic and brilliant (in my opinion)
    1 point
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