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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2018 in all areas

  1. zetroc

    Is it really that bad?

    I like it! In six months you won't even be thinking about it. Like Hogrider said, there is no such thing as a perfect tattoo and the idea that a tattoo will stay the same forever, or that a tattoo can even be "perfect", is a myth. Welcome!
    1 point
  2. Hogrider

    Is it really that bad?

    If you want perfection, don't get tattoos. NO tattoo is perfect. It's not a drawing on a piece of paper. OF COURSE it distorts when you bend your arm, your skin is not fixed, it moves and stretches. I don't see anything wrong with that tattoo at all. Take a deep breath and live with it for a few months.
    1 point
  3. Hogrider

    Tattoo healing process

    All tattoos don't heal the same, even in the same area. I had a tattoo on my ribs where one session didn't flake or peel at all. Give it another month before you start to worry. The bottom line is that one month into the healing process you probably can't do anything to help or hurt it.
    1 point
  4. JAC1961

    Is it really that bad?

    Ya, it's fine. We're always more critical that others. No one else would ever see the things that you are. Take a break and get used to it, it'll grow on you.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I Just got tattooed by him this past Sunday! Such an awesome guy, and insanely fast!
    1 point
  7. Got this today by Nathan Blankenship,Exile Tattoo.
    1 point
  8. got this little palm tree Friday the 13th banger today, Haiku Tattoo-Tattoos by Yasmine Anderson Maui https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/1023120837/haiku-tattoo-tattoos-by-yasmine-anderson/
    1 point
  9. @Boiled Dove I love your new tattoo! That is a super fun one. For my shin, I was actively managing the swelling. I took it really easy, kept it elevated as much as possible for a few days. It swelled up more after I traveled home which was after the second sitting. My shin didn't swell as much as I thought it would, though. The worst swelling to date was on the back of my left knee, in the ditch. THAT was swollen!
    1 point
  10. I don't get to go to Pagoda this year but I did have a little thing done yesterday. Great thing about working with the same person over a period of time. I brought a co worker to her for her first tattoo a few weeks ago and we were talking and she came up with the idea of a vintage suitcase (perfect for me). Didn't really know what to expect and this is what she came up with. She remembered my three most common travel destinations. How can you not be grateful for people like that. Drawing and tattoo by Ashley Matthias, Bulletproof Tiger Tattoo, Manchester, NH
    1 point
  11. Amazing, how bad did your shin swell up after that?
    1 point
  12. Another souvenir from my trip to Spider Murphys last month by Laurent Trelaun.
    1 point
  13. thyes

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Got this sexy wolf done on friday by Line Marielle in Denmark! It's a continuation to my existing work from her on my forearm, so now Im the proud owner of a halfsleeve 😁 Will end up with a full sleeve eventually, I bet! Theres also another raven, a Valknut symbol and a verse from Håvamål in old norse, so all of the new stuff isnt visible here. Maybe Ill upload another pic later. Im so stoked, cant wait for it to heal.
    1 point
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