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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2018 in all areas

  1. got this little palm tree Friday the 13th banger today, Haiku Tattoo-Tattoos by Yasmine Anderson Maui https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/1023120837/haiku-tattoo-tattoos-by-yasmine-anderson/
    3 points
  2. Hogrider

    Tattoo regret

    Yes. Most people complain about fading. That is a great tattoo. I wouldn't change a thing. I agree with @Gingerninja, give it a year and see how you feel. Just my two cents, but I've seen more people F*** up good tattoos by screwing with them than I've seen people improve them. Sorry, but can't relate to tattoo regret. I always loved my back piece as well as the rest. In my opinion, there is just something about a big, bold piece that you can't get from a bunch of smaller images. You should be whipping your shirt off every chance you get saying, "Hell yea, I'm the man!"
    2 points
  3. Dan

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    thanks ! both my lower arms are mostly from the 80's & 90's, my upper arms/shoulders are newer, my right arm is still bright,I think the lighting and mix of styles make it look different, both arms were done in the same time frames alternating back and forth.
    1 point
  4. thyes

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    That's one wicked collection you got, @Dan Just out of curiosity, how old is your right sleeve? I mean it looks a little bit more faded than your left, but it still looks good.
    1 point
  5. Such a great photo! @Dan
    1 point
  6. Oiocha

    Upcoming Tattoos

    September '19 indeed
    1 point
  7. Allergy to ink is extremely rare. Every time someone scratches they think they are having an allergic reaction. Now that I'm off my soapbox, I'd go to the doctor ASAP. That is NOT normal.
    1 point
  8. I know I am. Maybe there is a forum out there for scratchers where you can discuss designs that look cool but don't work on skin, infections, blow-outs, scar-tissue, vomit-enducing work, and a host of other issues endemic to kitchen magicians. My advice is just don't. If you are really an engineer, you should be able to afford quality tattoos from qualified artists. That's what this forum is about, not "how to tattoo yourself with your eBay kit."
    1 point
  9. Gingerninja

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Sweet @Dan! It's crazy that the next Friday the 13th won't be until what, September of next year?
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. welcome to LST! as you seem to already know in your intro, you probably won't get much support from many folks on your new "hobby." that's a dangerous word that you may not want to use around folks whose passion and life is tattooing. that said, many of the great tattooers today started in their kitchens... but those same tattooers would also tell you that the proper way to learn is to get an apprenticeship. obviously, things are much different in this day and age and equipment is much more easily attainable. i remember back in the day with the Lucky Supply website had a link to "Tattoo Starter Kits" that would lead to a clown college website. hahahahhahahhaa. basically, what i'm saying is that no one can stop you from doing what you're gonna do, but it's up to you to make the right decisions along the way. so anyways... what's up with some pics of your tattoos and art?
    1 point
  12. I don't get to go to Pagoda this year but I did have a little thing done yesterday. Great thing about working with the same person over a period of time. I brought a co worker to her for her first tattoo a few weeks ago and we were talking and she came up with the idea of a vintage suitcase (perfect for me). Didn't really know what to expect and this is what she came up with. She remembered my three most common travel destinations. How can you not be grateful for people like that. Drawing and tattoo by Ashley Matthias, Bulletproof Tiger Tattoo, Manchester, NH
    1 point
  13. Boiled Dove

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I think I might be done, at least with big stuff, for a bit. I've got a few little ideas in my head that I might do but that might be it for a while. The amount of free skin I have left has really shrunk over the last couple years and I really should think out what, and who, for the rest of it. And then @suburbanxcore mentions Pagoda, which seems to be the place fir me to cross paths with Marina, so perhaps it is just a pause until Pagoda. For fun here is a pic of what Chad did to my arm a couple weeks ago, I've tried to post it a couple times but it was giving me trouble.
    1 point
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