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  1. 3 points
  2. Hogrider

    Tattoo regret

    Yes. Most people complain about fading. That is a great tattoo. I wouldn't change a thing. I agree with @Gingerninja, give it a year and see how you feel. Just my two cents, but I've seen more people F*** up good tattoos by screwing with them than I've seen people improve them. Sorry, but can't relate to tattoo regret. I always loved my back piece as well as the rest. In my opinion, there is just something about a big, bold piece that you can't get from a bunch of smaller images. You should be whipping your shirt off every chance you get saying, "Hell yea, I'm the man!"
    2 points
  3. zetroc

    BOOKS CLOSED podcast

    Andrew Stortz has a new podcast, BOOKS CLOSED, about the Internet and how it has changed tattooing. It's an interview series that has, so far, featured Chad Koeplinger, Jason Scott, Todd Noble and Chris O'Donnell. Pretty damn interesting.
    1 point
  4. I know I am. Maybe there is a forum out there for scratchers where you can discuss designs that look cool but don't work on skin, infections, blow-outs, scar-tissue, vomit-enducing work, and a host of other issues endemic to kitchen magicians. My advice is just don't. If you are really an engineer, you should be able to afford quality tattoos from qualified artists. That's what this forum is about, not "how to tattoo yourself with your eBay kit."
    1 point
  5. Gingerninja

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Sweet @Dan! It's crazy that the next Friday the 13th won't be until what, September of next year?
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. welcome to LST! as you seem to already know in your intro, you probably won't get much support from many folks on your new "hobby." that's a dangerous word that you may not want to use around folks whose passion and life is tattooing. that said, many of the great tattooers today started in their kitchens... but those same tattooers would also tell you that the proper way to learn is to get an apprenticeship. obviously, things are much different in this day and age and equipment is much more easily attainable. i remember back in the day with the Lucky Supply website had a link to "Tattoo Starter Kits" that would lead to a clown college website. hahahahhahahhaa. basically, what i'm saying is that no one can stop you from doing what you're gonna do, but it's up to you to make the right decisions along the way. so anyways... what's up with some pics of your tattoos and art?
    1 point
  8. Gingerninja

    Tattoo regret

    Don't do anything for at least eight months to a year. That way, it should all settle in and look similar. It will mellow...they always do! Do.not.laser. It's expensive, uber painful and most likely won't get you the desired results. Why risk messing it up when in time it will settle in and look even more beautiful?
    1 point
  9. @Boiled Dove I love your new tattoo! That is a super fun one. For my shin, I was actively managing the swelling. I took it really easy, kept it elevated as much as possible for a few days. It swelled up more after I traveled home which was after the second sitting. My shin didn't swell as much as I thought it would, though. The worst swelling to date was on the back of my left knee, in the ditch. THAT was swollen!
    1 point
  10. omeletta

    Tattoo regret

    It's a great tattoo! Don't forget, it won't look as black in a couple of months, once it's settled properly.
    1 point
  11. Yeah, you are in doctor territory. I still let the artist know, too. Sorry man. That sucks!
    1 point
  12. scottyg

    Tattoo regret

    dude, that's one baaaaadass piece man. I would be walking the block like I F***ing owned if I had that chest piece. it's a big, impressive, monster piece.
    1 point
  13. I wish I had experience getting tattooed by Regino. His shit is bulletproof.
    1 point
  14. suburbanxcore

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Book with Scott Sylvia to one shot my stomach at Pagoda City. Last appointment of the day on Friday, "so we don't have to rush." Have a few ideas for what I want him to do, but still have to settle that.
    1 point
  15. jnin

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I’m getting tattooed by Timothy Hoyer this Friday. Can’t wait!
    1 point
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