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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2018 in all areas

  1. Dan

    Upcoming Tattoos

    so here it is,I love the placement so it can be seen good with a tank. it has a little blowout at the top,that's just due to my old soft skin on my neck 😧
    3 points
  2. yesterday was our 11th wedding anniversary, we went to see Ziggy Marley at a small venue here in Sacramento last night, it was an amazing show.
    3 points
  3. Happy anniversary! Sounds like a fun time. @Dan
    1 point
  4. Gingerninja

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Dig it @Dan! Looks great. At this point, I am almost resigned to having blowouts on my old skin suit. 🙂
    1 point
  5. Islander

    Hello, from Canada!

    Hi everyone, my name is Joseph and Im a tattooaholic. one day when I was 23 I realized...."I can do whatever the F*&K I want" and got a tattoo. then another one. and another one. and now im two sleeves deep with a calve sleeve and a full leg sleeve on the way. along with several pieces on my back and chest. absolute addiction along with weight lifting. its helped ward of depression and releases serious endorphins, the effects of a recent tattoo last several months. glad to be part of a large tattoo community and looking forward to contributing to the site. cheers everyone!
    1 point
  6. Gingerninja

    Mermaid Tattoos

    My mermaid tattoo by Theo Mindell.
    1 point
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