My basic aftercare routine:
1) Get home, wash tattoo with warm/hot water and gentle soap (I already buy the cheapest, shittiest soap out there, which is usually good for tattoos )
2) Pat dry with paper towel, apply a tiny dot of Aquaphor
3) Depending on the time of day: either continue to wash it a couple times a day, or loosely wrap a paper towel/cloth around it to sleep and not destroy my sheets (to remove stuck on paper towel, I hop in the shower and let it wash off, no pulling!)
4) Wash maybe 3-4 times a day for the next couple days, whenever I was sweating or the tattoo starts to feel oozy and gross, maybe another tiny dab of Aquaphor once a day
4) Once scabs and peeling starts happening (around day 3 or 4), I stop doing anything special to it. I only rinse it in the shower like any other part of me (albeit more gently). I apply lotion only when it's so dry and itchy I can't stand it anymore, maybe once every couple days.
So yeah, I'm generally pretty low maintenance with mine and only apply lotion for my own comfort. Your body can take care of itself.