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  1. Walk-in with Ami last Thursday...
    4 points
  2. I suppose so. I've been tattooed by 20 guys over 240hrs now, mostly in Edmonton so I guess there is some local history to that. i've been keeping data/records of everything which I'm thankful I thought of doing early on. now to start my book...haha cheers.
    2 points
  3. Hope these are better
    2 points
  4. @bongsau YES. It's incredibly vital that your tattoo history not be lost, if you want to share it. Our tattoo's are living history...emphasis on "living". When you go, they go (generally). Your story is part of the folklore of tattooing.
    2 points
  5. haha thank you @Gingerninja it's on my long-term project list...i was going to make a collection of all my stencils and line drawings as a colouring book, but i think i should go even further with pro photos of my tattoos and stories about all 50+ of em. like a personal lived-in-tattoo memoir. Not sure who would want to read it but thanks for the encouragement! Still got a few more tattoos to get though ;)
    2 points
  6. bongsau

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    One thing I do enjoy about LST is the reminders of old posts/comments to see where I was and where I am now with my tattoo journey. So here is this crazy cat idea from a few years ago and an updated photo of my chest/torso. guess ya don't always need to put a panther on it! cheers
    2 points
  7. @Gingerninjalove your new frog! I have a Japanese frog or crane on my "want wish".
    1 point
  8. @Gingerninja omg that buddha toad is amazing !
    1 point
  9. @SStu It was my first ditch tattoo. The healing worse than getting the tattoo. Oy vey....way tender.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. @Gingerninja Lol. Fabulous!
    1 point
  12. @bongsau looks like you've finally run out of space and had to start layer 2 now ;-)
    1 point
  13. Oiocha

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    image from Steve's Instagram of my new baby. That man FLIES through tattoos and is the largest man I've met in my whole life. Sweet as a peach, warm, intelligent, socialite at the convention and artistic and brilliant (in my opinion)
    1 point
  14. Got tattooed in Vancouver by a bunch of Edmonton homies: Sitting outside an Italian cafe on Commercial Drive and bump into Shawn "Deadly" Hedley who happened to also be in town and was hanging out next door at Unity Tattoo. So you wanna tattoo me right now? Sure let's do it bud. 30 minutes later... (goldfish is actually black & yellow). Shawn Hedley is great. Has a really cool aggressive style in the way he tattoos yet still his tattoos heal nice and smooth. Aftercare: walked all over Vancouver for 3 days straight with this thing rubbing on the inside hem of my jeans and drank a lot of beer. Head ringing, healing like a peach. Also got to see my other tatt-bros Teddy Kardos and King Len who were also in town and who have both tattooed me. Aside from hanging with my little bro in Vancouver, the main event of the my mini-trip was to reconnect with my old bud Shawn O'Connor. Shawn lives in Nelson, BC and was coming out to tattoo for a few days at Fraser Street Tattoo. Shawn's done half a dozen tatts on me but we haven't sat together in 4 years since he moved away from Edmonton. We did this crouching tiger blastover, 2 hours on the bread basket ... Fraser Street Tattoo had an awesome vibe and Shawn and I had a dope sesh. Saw my #1 tattbro Heidi who popped in to laugh at me. Got to meet Chad Woodley, have some show n tell in his shop and have some beers after. I'm already planning my next one to squinch in something from him next, he's a super nice guy and really skilled, I'd really like to experience his machine. Got some good mileage on my tattoos and my vans shoes. Vancouver, you are alright ;)
    1 point
  15. First sesh with Kiku, at Invisible Ink, NYC. Going to add a snek and take it down to the ankle. That's why she's peering downwards: searching for her absent friend.
    1 point
  16. Meeshka

    Hello all!

    Did you see my original tiger up above? The one that had black outlines aaaaaaand....turned into a blob? ;) Sorry for the sarcasm, nothing personal, it's just my sense of humor. All tattoos fade, I wish it wasn't so, but that's why you find an artist that you enjoy spending time with and want to support so you can go back for touch ups and reworks in the future. So for me, I hope I live long enough to see my colors fade and that I have so few worries in life that I actually care.
    1 point
  17. Hogrider


    The ink goes UNDER the skin. Four days in, you're not going to screw it up by clothing rubbing on it.
    1 point
  18. JasonTO

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Double tap, back-to-back, by Aaron Coleman, at Immaculate Tattoo in Mesa, AZ.
    1 point
  19. Here is my latest tattoo. Just finished it last Thursday. Four hour ribs session 😬
    1 point
  20. Flo Ania

    Full Back Piece Thread

    So far with Chad Koeplinger. Next Session in 2 weeks. :)
    1 point
  21. Mick Weder


    1 point
  22. benlucastattoos


    Kapala and snake
    1 point
  23. torchie

    dragon backpiece

    Finished my back earlier this month not the best pic but thought I'll share.
    1 point
  24. jade1955

    Happy Sad

    Japanese Happy Sad. Tattooed by Stewart Robson, Frith Street, London. UK
    1 point

    praying hands

    1 point
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