This book proves why he is the boss, will always be the boss, and why the young pups need to listen and learn. I would gladly have most of these images tattooed on me! This guy was killing it as a kid and worked his ass off drawing, drawing, and more drawing! As usual, Ed Did It First!!! 🙏
@viezuregreat tattoo! Love black work.
I'm the same way, I like a bunch of different styles. I don't know that I'll designate certain areas on my body for each style. I don't have a problem putting them right next to each other if I want them that way.
My two days old tattoo, i'm really excited for it, love it!
I did it on my "virgin" leg, as i want to dedicate this leg to this style of line work tattoo :)
As a note, on my left leg i have colour neo traditional tattoos, on my left arm realism black&grey and on my right arm colour realism. I like a lot of styles apparently :)
Done by Rares.
Yeah imma live with it meanwhile I get a job to pay for laser and when I have money for at least one session (and see one or two actual doctors) I’ll decide.
Sounds like good advice. You've already done one thing you regret.
This is a recipe for disaster. I've seen a lot of God-awful tattoos on people who couldn't wait to cover them. If you rush into this, you are more likely to make it worse than better. Take a deep breath, calm down and just accept that it's going to take time to fix. If you are old enough to get a tattoo, then you are old enough to get your own money. Get a job , earn money , fix it .
I remember that article. She probably wrote another article later talking about how everyone regrets tattoos and crying about her laser removal.
To the OP - same as my thoughts for a woman - if you have to ask, you're not ready.
Unrelated: This reminds me of that woman who got upset that a really good tattoo artist refused to tattoo her kid's name on her neck in an ugly font. She had one or two other tiny tattoos, and she wrote a whole article about how awful he was and how she got some hack to tattoo the name on her anyway.
Hi guys! Hope you're well!
id like a tattoo as an homage to my favourite song of all time, 'And it Stoned Me' by Van Morrison. What images do you think would work well, as a palm sized trad tattoo, on my inside forearm? I've a few ideas but am interested in more from you good people!
Thanks for your help!