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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2018 in all areas

  1. I'm super stoked. Yesterday I started my second tattoo, a tiger half sleeve on my left arm. Done by Jeff Stress at Enso Tattoo in Columbus, Ohio. I'll try to get better pics, this one is right after the fact. Two things that amazed me, that it only took Kevin 2 hours and how much the pain level can change in just a matter of a couple inches.
    3 points
  2. so you made up that story just to post a link to your temporary tattoo site ? you really think anybody here is interested in temporary tattoos ? LOL
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Wife and I decided to try and knock an item off the bucket list, so we are in Titusville, Florida. Toured the Kennedy Space Center (three days worth), and hope to see a Falcon 9 go up on Tuesday. Won't stick around for Falcon Heavy (it's getting nuts around here already for that). Did get to see Falcon Heavy do its Static Hot Fire Test this week: (that was pretty awesome)
    1 point
  5. Synesthesia

    Low Key Mind Blowers

    My first two picks actually work together in a local-ish shop. Dave Wah is a little more famous than when I first met him, but still not where he should be, imo. He makes buttery smooth stuff, his style reminds me of a more neotrad Myke Chambers almost. Big, bold lines and saturated color, simple and clean designs...good stuff. https://www.instagram.com/davewahtattoos/ Another guy I really enjoy is Troy Clements. His work is balls to the wall as far as size and placement, lots of huge gnarly backs and fronts, vicious animals, bloody daggers...I'm rarely bored by what he comes up with and the execution is top notch, imo. https://www.instagram.com/tattoosbytroyclements/ One last one comes to mind for me...I recently stumbled upon Danny Potter on Instagram, and almost every time one of his pieces comes up in my feed, it makes me smile. Obscenely bold lines and ungodly amounts of black, his stuff is just so charming and he deserves way more attention. https://www.instagram.com/blakstuff/
    1 point
  6. @AtomicMagpyeSeems to be going well. First night there was some swelling and definitely sore, but the swelling is gone and only one spot near my arm pit that's still slightly tender to the touch. I'm really happy with it, I think it will turn out great.
    1 point
  7. Got this today.Jessie Hopeless Exile Tattoo.This is first session to be finished in three weeks.
    1 point
  8. I have multiple lyrics and song titles tattooed on me. I wouldn’t say I regret the ones that are a little longer and harder to read, but I think if I’d gotten them now, I’d do it differently. But in more recent years, I’ve opted for shorter two or three word phrases incorporated into an image and I’ve been happier with the outcome. I also don’t regret any of the song or lyric choices over the years.
    1 point
  9. Aaaannnndddd one more: this tiger is an add on from Colin Baker who works at State of Grace Tattoo in San Jose, CA. The tiger wraps around the inside of my right thigh. The Lady Warrior tattoo was completed in August earlier this year. The tiger was an add on. He also completed a very intricate Rat Warrior (yup the Chinese zodiac thing is lit on my leg), but that one was done on the back of my thigh. When I can figure out how to do a 360 degree shot of my leg, I'll post pictures of the complete battle scene. The Chinese calligraphy that I posted above, compliments this battle scene. Loosely translated it means: Brave woman, escape the ordinary.
    1 point
  10. Break free would work well on a banner.
    1 point
  11. Thank you all for your service. Here's my dad...I miss him!
    1 point
  12. I'm catching up on my sailor tattoos.
    1 point
  13. Devious6

    To laser or not..

    Hhhhmmmm, I love the smell of Spam in the morning. Could it be that there is a clue to the intent behind your post above in the website affiliated with your account???
    1 point
  14. Mike Panic

    To laser or not..

    @pidjones The frosting is normal, and what you explained is very typical in how it appears then fades, usually in 10-20 minutes. To do a second pass over it is referred to as the R20 method, and it's cloaked in some smoke and mirrors for sure. I'd worry less about the methods used and focus on the results, that's what really matter at the end of the day; Be aware though, since you brought up FDA, no tattoo ink on the market is FDA approved and very few cities in America have any health board / health control over what happens inside a tattoo shop, as long as they have a business license and a tax ID.
    1 point
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