^ I'm going to take a wild guess and say that wasn't done in a shop. The overwhelming majority of tattoo infections come from the person administering it, especially in the case of tattoos given outside of a clean shop, or within the first couple days of having it when the skin hasn't scabbed yet. By this point, your skin has probably made enough of a protective barrier to ward off infections. I would just give it a good rinse after you're done so any sweat doesn't pile up on it and make the scabs slosh off. You want to leave the scabs alone until they fall off on their own.
I would suggest, as I do with everyone, decreasing your lotion. I only use tiny dabs of lotion maybe once every few days to make myself more comfortable as the tattoo gets dry and peels. That's really all the lotion does: it moisturizes to reduce itchiness and cracked skin. Your body can heal itself just fine and sometimes too much lotion can delay the healing process.