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  1. Here I go again! Second tattoo booked for this afternoon. I opted for another collarbone piece on the other side with a new artist. Nervous but excited. See you on the other side ;)
    2 points
  2. I like all your thoughts, but this one sentence is perfect, I couldn't agree more.
    1 point
  3. 1. "Books closed" always makes me laugh. The best tattooists I have encountered don't advertise their books are closed, they will tattoo anything anytime (if they choose to). If the schedule is full, they will just tell you to wait or ignore you. My $0.02 "books closed" is my red flag. 2. No problemo. Some people like the consistency and stick to 1 trusted artist. But I think it's great to get tattooed by lots of different people, they all tattoo a little different and you get a variety of different experiences. I have 20 tattooists who have worked on me to date. 3. Not seeing the sketch until the day of is part the game. It gives the work that proper tattoo magic. Very rarely have I seen my tattoo sketches in advance. It's normal to be freaked out about this but after a few tattoos you come to love the anticipation and excitement. It's like Christmas morning. Most tattooists sketch out your tattoo the night before or the morning of. Keeps the tattoo idea fresh and focused. 4. Question marks mean you haven't thought enough. WHAT DO YOU WANT. You should be able to answer that question in as few words as possible. Keep it simple. And be open to the tattooist expanding on your idea. 5. If your nervous about 'outing' your tattoos a) don't get a tattoo, they are not for everyone b) pick a spot easier to hide. I had this same feeling and I got a bunch of body work before I dropped my tattoos down to the wrist. And before I had my sleeves, I made myself wear long sleeves to work for 3 solid years (winter and summer) to prove to myself that I could do it. You will eventually get to a point where you don't care, the tattoo is for you. I am at the point where if people have a problem with my tattoos - who I am - then I have no time or room from them in my life. The commitment, permanence and standing by your principles is something I have learned from getting tattoos over the years and really helped me find who I truly am and be comfortable in my own skin. Good luck with your next one, sounds like a good choice for keeping some symmetry. Enjoy the ride ! Also, you are in Alberta - we have lots of excellent tattooists that are accessible (without closed books) scattered throughout Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer and some of the small towns in between. There is a lot of tattoo history in Western Canada.
    1 point
  4. Are you SURE? I don't want you to regret anything again. Hahaha.
    1 point
  5. bongsau

    Armpit Tattoos

    Healing update - it hasn't been a picnic for the 4 days post-tattoo. Skin is so raw and tender. Almost easier taking the tattoo than healing it so far ! I dry heal so that is probably adding to the level of discomfort. Can't raise your arms above your shoulder without that tight burning feeling. But I suppose that every place you get a tattoo is gonna have its unique sensation of discomfort when you heal. As my buddy said, just gotta suck it up for a week and deal with the uncomfortable healing and then hey you're the guy with sick armpit tatts. Armpits is such a great spot for a tattoo and honestly it isn't as painful to take as you would expect. The worst spots were on the upper arm part of the pit (where the rip-outs are on mine), not on the body side, go figure. Right in the centre of pit where you would think it would be brutal was the easiest to manage. If you have a rib tattoo or an upper inner arm tattoo you are golden for pits. So I say go for it if you've been thinking about it. Hesitate a bit, that's normal, then just go for it and don't look back! I did and have no regrats and a pretty incredible pair of tattoos that fit like they were always meant to be there.
    1 point
  6. Hogrider

    New here & to tattoos

    Got my first one at 52. I started with a sleeve and I've been working pretty steady for the last 7 years. Now have two sleeves, two chest panels, full back and working up the right leg to tie it in with the chest and back. May wind up with a body suit. All by the same tattooer, Japanese theme. Go big or go home.
    1 point
  7. Hey, hey, glad to see I'm not the only one that started/continued at an older age. I'd like to think that I'm past the point where I'll regret it later in life. lol Here's a pic of my first. Never have taken the time to get a good one.
    1 point
  8. Went to Smith Street about two months ago and had the opportunity to grab this NYC rat from Bert. It's above my ankle. Pretty thrilled.
    1 point
  9. Yes, tiger is what I meant. And by bad I meant "good". Like "bad-ass"
    1 point
  10. 1. Yes, your e-mail will likely be ignored until they are willing to book new appointments. If proximity permits, drop by and visit the shop, the manager and/or artist to build a rapport and feel for the shop and how it works. 2. No. Collecting from numerous artists is very common. More the norm. 3. No. That is why it's important to know what style you want and ensure your artist is a master of that style. It is also not uncommon for drawings to be tweeked upon presentation and review by the customer. 4. Not if that artist already has a history of doing that type of work. Don't try and assume that an artist good with one style can do great in another. That would be like expecting Justin Beiber to perform like James Brown. 5. If you're hesitant about stepping out, why not choose a more hidden spot?
    1 point
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