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  1. Grom

    Infected tattoo

    OP here, the tattoo is pretty much healed up now. only a few skin scabs here and there but no redness no puss etc. and the original colour seems to not have faded as much as I had expected it to. I am very surprised at how quickly it has started healing The tattooist has offered to give me a 50% refund.
    2 points
  2. It's tattoo week! Wife and I have back to back appointments on Saturday with https://www.instagram.com/miwunsch/
    2 points
  3. Marcus Kuhn's "The Gypsy Gentleman" is returning with a new episode.
    1 point
  4. oboogie

    Tattoo problem

    Two things: That's prime real estate. Consider getting the autograph somewhere else or only get one autograph—someone you really love (I have Johnny Cash's signature on my leg.). Doesn't matter what it looks like to anyone else. It is for you.
    1 point
  5. Devious6

    New user from CA

    Welcome and congratulations on some nice pieces!!
    1 point
  6. @Dan I am so very sorry for your loss.
    1 point
  7. I also come from a Catholic S.A. mother and had to hide my tattoos or would have been beheaded. I'd say go bicep area in lieu of forearm for first tattoo to test the waters. It seems you're not quite ready to pull the trigger so think it out first. Look into getting that image in American Traditional, it would look sweet.
    1 point
  8. dustybitch

    New user from CA

    Monmon is a faithful homage by Rasta @ Ink Assassins in Long Beach who did all the above. Great chill artist. I know some people frown upon "rip off/knock offs" but I don't. Thanks.
    1 point
  9. Thanks for reporting this. Yes, we had a glitch with the SSL certificate - I was able to sort it out relatively quickly fortunately. Please keep reporting anything strange that you encounter to be sure I'm made aware as quickly as possible.
    1 point
  10. Hey everyone! I was going to post about having been busy (got 3 new puppies this year!) and me having been on a bit of a tattoo hiatus since my last post but then I realized 4 tattoos since April can't really be called a "hiatus" 😁. Sure, I would have liked more, and they may be small(ish): First off a fun little Studio Ghibli handpoke (actually it kind f ended up being two separate tattoos, Totoro/No Face on the back of my ankle and the little soot sprites (small one is about 1cm wide, excuse my blonde monkey hair) on my arm) by Serena Raccuglia. This was a "couple tattoo" to borrow a Korean expression, as the hubby got a matching one, with both Totoro and the sprites on his wrist. Then the double trouble - mammoth skull on my right forearm, by Alessandro Caponetto, and the pretty (but impossible to photograph by myself) moon/peony blossom on my left shoulder by Claudio Romeo, done at Sick To Ink in Palermo, Sicily. At the same time. Such a fun way to spend a morning 😊. Last but not least, on Friday I got my first tattoo at a convention: a very cool sacred heart by Vanessa Corsale. Edit. Totoro pic pinched from tattooer so freshly done, everything else healed, except for the last one obviously (currently with pretty scabs on the yellow and peeling elsewhere)
    1 point
  11. rdinak

    Tipping Question

    I generously tip my artist because his work will be with me for a while. The first session I tipped over 50% the cost of the work. On my next visit, I tipped just under 50% but included a couple small gifts on the front end. I dont mind when my artist needs a smoke break or to have a quick break for lunch. He doesn't mind when I say I need to stretch. At my age I am only good for about 4 or 5 hours and then I am exhausted. Quality is always worth the price and the wait. Showing a little gratitude and respect will have most artist doing some really extraordinary work. The waitress that served me a nice meal is nowhere near the same level as the guy whose ink I wear with pride for the next 20 years. Just one old guy's perspective...
    1 point
  12. Sorry for your loss, Dan. Hope you and his family shared tons of great memories with him to see you through the rough times.
    1 point
  13. Brand new shoulderblade piece, 4 days old. Inspired by the cedar waxwing, my favorite bird, and my grandma's pansies (she would have been 120 years old on Friday!) Tattoo by Darcy Nutt at the Richmond convention, blending in beautifully with her previous work the past two years on my SA cichlid/floral half-sleeve. I'm definitely one of Darcy's "nuts" P.S. All of Darcy's tattoos are free hand
    1 point
  14. Gingerninja

    Infected tattoo

    Get the infection under control - your health always comes first. If you were super rigorous in your aftercare, then I find this to be super concerning. I'd let them know and never, ever go back.
    1 point
  15. @Colored Guy Lol. Sex accidents resulting in a bad day? Hmmm . . . highs and lows.
    1 point
  16. Any motorcycle accident you walk away from is a lucky one. I spent a month in the hospital and years in PT after some day dreaming ass hole swung a quick right turn into me. Motorcycles can be replaced.
    1 point
  17. @Steve No problem at all, thank you for getting it back up so quickly! Cheers!
    1 point
  18. Gingerninja

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Where did the latest tattoo lowdown thread go? Anyway, this past weekend was Ocktoberfest at Old Soul in Canonsburg, PA. It's a cool event where the shop invites a whole bunch of artists (like 60'ish) for the weekend. Some by appointment, some by walk-in. The trick is that everyone is queued up for a table/space to work since the shop has maybe 12 stations. The Old Souls guys have it running like clockwork...superiorly organized. You still have to wait but with the festival outside in the street and karaoke going on inside, the time flies by in no time. Nate Hudak made this for me on Saturday. He has a super light hand and is fast. Back of the left thigh.
    1 point
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