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  1. Finished my back with Alex Binnie a little over a year ago.. probably 7 sittings that were roughly 3hrs each. The second photo is George Bone tattooing me about a month after my back was finished. I'll post some proper, healed photos sometime.
    3 points
  2. Alicia

    Not loving new tattoo

    Step 2 of my cover up/re-work journey done today: Before is the red/pink flowers and after is the (slightly angry and a little bloody still) black/grey. I'm really happy with how it's looking Still got some more shading and finishing off to do, plus the first rose needs going over again as a lot of the original red has popped back out as it's healed. I'm back in another 3 weeks for another 2 hours and hopefully that should be it done then.
    2 points
  3. @oboogie was heading in the right direction, I know a bit about that,it looks like this to me .... "The Meaning of the Hawaiian Bone Fish Hook. The deep connection and reverence the Hawaiians had for the ocean created the meaning behind the Hawaiian fish hook necklace. It represents strength, prosperity, abundance, and a great respect for the sea." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hei_matau https://www.google.com/search?q=hawaiian+bone+hook+design+meaning&rlz=1C1CHHJ_enUS531US531&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2yvTL657WAhXFjlQKHQ2fCloQsAQIcg "Makau – Fish Hook Pendant Hawaiians have a deep connection and understanding of the ocean. The Makau is a fishhook pendant, which was used in ancient times to find food. During the early eras, locals would create fishhooks out of various materials – bones, wood, coral and stone. Today, the fish hook necklaces sold represent everything good: strength, prosperity and good luck. Pendants are often made in bone, wood or jade materials." https://www.olukai.com/journal/2014/11/03/the-meaning-behind-hawaiian-symbols/
    2 points
  4. I'm with @Dan and @oboogie. Do whatever you want! I'm all over the place, too. I try to find little things to help bring everything together but in reality, no one ever notices it but me. Go for it!
    1 point
  5. oboogie


    That's way too much. I don't like that at all. It's up to you, of course, but I'd give your ideas to your tattoo artist, and let him/her take care of it. I don't think many artists are going to replicate that.
    1 point
  6. Gingerninja

    Hello good people

    Welcome! Post a photo...it may be easier to visualize what you have going on. Sounds like you have a traditional-type theme going on? Any of the ideas you mentioned would be fine. :)
    1 point
  7. It looks like two fishhooks. Two Js I don't know that it "means" anything. Why?
    1 point
  8. Hogrider

    Size recommendations

    Yup, no matter what anyone says, size matters. hahahahaha
    1 point
  9. viezure

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Hey, Bucharest tattoo convention is next month and I booked two consecutive days, one with https://www.instagram.com/goranmicic_mg/ and the other with https://www.instagram.com/fantattooflo/ . Can’t wait! :)
    1 point
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