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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2017 in all areas

  1. Oiocha

    Upcoming Tattoos

    7 days away from Horitomo! I'm so excited, if anyone wants to come see a big wuss getting a big puss on his back come say hey. I also picked up two October dates days after the Bay Area Convention for a solid 10 hours. My first 20 hours will be over in no time it looks like.
    6 points
  2. Dan

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I am going to an appointment tomorrow with Shannon O'Keefe for some work on my hand and fingers. https://www.instagram.com/shannonokeeffe77/ I have another piece from him already.
    3 points
  3. When did you get the cover-up done? Not to sound harsh but I suggest living with it for a solid year. When you get to a point where you are asking for a cover-up of a cover-up, you need to seriously reconsider what you want, your expectations, how you are communicating with your artist(s)...the entire process. I really like your tattoo. It's well executed and pretty. As Dan mentioned, you could add to it.
    3 points
  4. Devious6

    Upcoming Tattoos

    @Dan Pictures are required tomorrow!!!
    2 points
  5. Your original tattoo was shit, but this coverup is great if you ask me. However, I do see what you mean about the yellow/orange in the lower flower. It will probably fade to look like your natural skin colour over the years, my guess at least. Then again, tattoos fade, and colourful tattoos probably need touching up more often than black and grey. If you want to change the colour of it then that's a perfectly sound solution, but like everyone above said; wait a while. I have a tattoo on my back that I have been insecure about for around 5-6 years now, so I know what it feels like. I know that I'm gonna get it fixed some day, but since it's covered most of the time I'm in no rush. Good luck, whatever you decide to do :)
    2 points
  6. 3rd on the bus voting for expansion. Just add a bunch more flowers around it and it'll blend in to the mix.
    2 points
  7. You may not like it but it's not a BAD tattoo. Just my opinion, but the more you screw around with it, the more likely you WILL end up with a bad tattoo. Go big around it and you won't even notice it. I definitely echo @Gingerninja - wait at least a year. It sounds like a long time, but it will pass before you know it.
    2 points
  8. Dan

    Coverup for my coverup :(

    welcome,I don't think that flower coverup is so bad,it's kind of a pretty cool tattoo IMO. maybe you could just have it added to.expand on that theme.
    2 points
  9. IF your at all thinking of going to this do it! its a blast been here a few times from oklahoma and couldnt be happier with everything from lodging to convention
    1 point
  10. Gingerninja

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I am so excited for you!! @Oiocha
    1 point
  11. Deepamar

    Need urgent help

    Thanks. But I am not moisturizing it keeping it more dry, and I am avoiding sunlight now also. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. Yeah it took me forever to figure out that one of the legs wasn't a horse head, I couldn't figure out why he'd be riding two horses at once. Like hogrider said, it's not a bad tattoo, but it's not great. The concept is cool, I truly like the idea. However, if it were executed perfectly you'd be able to see easily what's the horse, what's the guy, and where the wings are coming from (the horse, the knight, or an eagle sitting on his back?) Same as all the other threads, wait six months to a year to let it heal fully and for you to get used to what you do and don't like, then find an excellent artist and see what their concept for expanding on it would be. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. Not a bad tattoo, but it's very monochromatic and hard to read. I had to stare at it a while to figure out what everything is. Also, the proportions are off - the man is as big as the horse. I'm not sure what you would put around it, I'd find a really good artist and ask for ideas.
    1 point
  14. @Dan thank you. I would definitely love to avoid a coverup. I just can't get over how much I don't like the yellow/brown. Maybe if I add leafs to it i'd like it better. I just think the yellow/brown blends in too much with my own skin color. Other than that I absolutely love the hibiscus. I'm just having a hard time envisioning what color I can change the yellow to based on the purple/blue combo. @Gingerninja You're totally fine! I do plan to live with it for awhile until I find a tattoo artist that i'll have zero doubts about. I got the blue/yellow peony tattoo 2 months ago and the hibiscus 4 months ago. I agree it definitely looks professional but the yellow/brown colors were just disappointing. @jaimilyn Thank you! I'll just have to suck it up and not feel so self-conscious about it. P.S: any idea where this style of my tattoo falls into (eg: illustrative, realistic, .. etc) just so I can find similar examples while I research?
    1 point
  15. I'm with the other guys, live with it for a bit, it looks pretty nice. And as the others said adding to it may be better than covering. Covering a fresh dark tattoo like that will involve expensive lasering and waiting anyway so let yourself stop thinking about it for a couple of months and see how you feel about it later. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. I got a thigh tattoo yesterday and it was so painful towards the inside and outside. I sat for 3 hours straight. It is my biggest and hurt alot. I have both wrists and inner forearm done and an ankle and found them all mostly pain free. Everyone is different though but by the end of mine i was glad it was done. Was so worth it though i love it.
    1 point
  17. Devious6

    Need urgent help

    Yup, good thing that you went if for no other reason than to give yourself piece of mind. Welcome to the forum!
    1 point
  18. Gingerninja

    Need urgent help

    You did the right thing by going to the doctor. I had something similar that lasted for three months then finally went away. Resist the urge to pick at it and don't over moisturize.
    1 point
  19. Gingerninja

    New Tattoo Advice

    Here ya go. Obviously an "on the spot" photo from just now. LOL He also did a shi shi on my left ribs that's insanely good.
    1 point
  20. irish

    Need urgent help

    Hey there! It's most likely you've either got a little scarring, or you've had a reaction to red ink which is pretty common. I'd give it a while to let it all heal up properly before I'd get too concerned about it :)
    1 point
  21. lape

    Take The Pain?

    Yeah that's some bullshit. Prior is bad, during is ok and after is mandatory.
    1 point
  22. For me, the thighs (outer and front) were pretty light in terms of pain. Not as painless as the shoulder or outer bicep but very, very manageable. Now, if you are doing the BACK of the thigh, that sucks. Where on your thigh? Outer thigh or in the middle? How long is your appointment?
    1 point
  23. jnin

    Upcoming Tattoos

    @Gingerninja Here you go! Hard area of my arm to photograph, but I hope this is good enough.
    1 point
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