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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2017 in all areas

  1. Because this thread needs to be bumped. If thy hate thy first tattoo, thou shall not freak out. Thou shall wait at least three months before making any decisions on cover-ups, laser or additional tattoos.
    4 points
  2. Thou shalt not offer advice to people about getting tattoos or aftercare unless thou haveth at least one of your own.
    3 points
  3. Devious6

    Is a cover up possible

    Welcome to the forum! The key to answering your question is to find a good artist who is experienced in cover-ups. That's a critical piece - you need to find someone who has the ability to translate the existing work into somethin other than a dark mass of color. I would not recommend doing any laser treatments until you answer the question of whether a cover up is possible...and more importantly is it possible to cover with something you'll be happy with? What is it that you don't like about your original design? It honestly doesn't look bad to me. The best ever - No. But it certainly isn't horrid. Do you have any ideas on what types of tattoos you might like? For anyone to give you recommendations it would help if you had some style in mind. Also, we'd all be taking a shot in the dark without some idea of what style(s) you like or don't like. There is always the school of thought much espoused here to accept what you have and move on to the next. In other words, spend your money on new art, not trying to fix old art. Laser treatments are painful and expensive. That should be your very last resort, IMHO. Where are you located? Are you willing to travel? Answering those questions will help the experts here provide some guidance. But, in the end, you are the one who has to be happy with the results.
    3 points
  4. THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS. Thou shall not refer people to Tattoodo constantly because it sucks as a resource.
    2 points
  5. Hey there...can we see a photo from further away? To echo what has been said, before doing anything you need to figure out what you want, then talk to an artist about what can be done. I'm with @Devious6...it doesn't look horrible!
    2 points
  6. Boiled Dove

    Pagoda 2017!

    I will be there!! Just booked time with Marina Inoue to do my other calf. That is Sat evening, might have to do something else as well. We should have some LST meetup times, even though I've not been on here much lately.
    2 points
  7. Had my second session a couple of days ago. I was in horrible shape going into this session, with stiches in my head, a concussion and generally fatigued. But "the stoke" pulled med through.
    2 points
  8. Gingerninja

    Pagoda 2017!

    I'll send you my number in case you end up coming down. @Devious6
    1 point
  9. Gingerninja

    Pagoda 2017!

    NICE! I will be there with my charity, Love Hope Strength. We're a rock and roll cancer organization that primarily goes on tour with bands (lots of punk...think a lot folks on Fat Wreck, Flogging, Dropkick, Social D, Bosstones, Frank Turner, etc.) and at most festivals. We educate fans on blood cancers and get people registered on the National Bone Marrow Registry! Stop by my table...I'll be there all weekend! If I'm not getting tattooed, I should be at the table. :) @Boiled Dove
    1 point
  10. JazzyMac

    Is a cover up possible

    Hey how's it going? I saw your question first and then went searching for a cover up I'd seen a few weeks prior. Finally found it. In answer to your question: I DON'T KNOW. I'm not an expert on tattoos and it looks as if you have a ton of color and detail in a tight space. However, I have seen lots of expert talent and skill on Instagram so....anything is possible? But be willing to get in a waiting list and pay much dollars for what you want. That's a big if. That said, I would first find a GOOD artist before attacking your tattoo with a laser treatment or anything of the sort. You don't want to make things worse than it already is. Welcome to the forums and don't be afraid to try out the search function. I'm fairly new myself, so still learning the lay of the land. In the Photo Gallery is a section of covered up tattoos as well. Those aren't really great though. Lurk around the threads for the skillful artists and get your name on a waiting list. Again, it doesn't hurt to try. Well in this case it might. Best wishes!
    1 point
  11. Surprised to find that there isn't a thread for this yet, so here goes... We all know about "healed 'n hairy" tattoos, but how many of you have tattoos that you've only really come to appreciate after they've settled into the skin? It's taken a couple years for me to fully enjoy having this wolf on my leg. The tattoo was done by Ron Wells and I was ecstatic to get it, but before too long I didn't quite know what to think of it. Not that I didn't like the image, the artist, or the experience - it just felt a little out of line with my own demeanor. As time passed, more tattoos were added around it but it wasn't until the last couple of months that I realized I really liked this tattoo again! Even though the tattoo was mine, it took a while before I felt like I really 'owned' it, if that makes any sense. Here's a picture of it the day I got it, and one taken this afternoon (about 2.5 years later): So post your old, but better tattoos! I'd be interested to hear others' experiences in the matter.
    1 point
  12. My drawing ability is stick figures. Thank goodness tattoo artists are artists! I've supplied some reference before, like a picture of a specific flower, or a picture of my grandma, but my MOST favorite part of getting tattooed is watching the artist turn my idea into a picture.
    1 point
  13. Why does there have to be categories?It should be open.
    1 point
  14. Think it's time to show you a pic of my back too. Had my second session yesterday, overall around 5h under the needle so far and still many more ahead... When it's done, it will be a full back dragon which goes down over my butt to my right thigh. The left thigh / butt cheek will include a koi swimming upwards. Planning to go for half or 3/4 sleeves and expand to the chest later too. Tattoo is done by Thomas Schehr @ Koerperkunst-Tattoo, Karlsruhe, Germany. Here is a pic he posted on his IG yesterday after the session:
    1 point
  15. I'm glad to see a thread about money come up on here, and stay on track with reasonable questions and reasonable answers. We have always avoided the topic, but it is a big part of getting tattooed, and new people come here to educate themselves on all aspects of tattooing. I think we have avoided it for so long because we didn't want it to turn into a big gossip thread about what specific tattooers charge. I personally have never asked ahead of time about the price, but I do think it is a good idea. Especially if you are new to getting tattooed. The ones of us that have been getting tattooed for a decade or more usually have some idea of what we might get charged. Even though we don't talk about it on open public forums we do share this type of information privately. When you are travelling across the country or across the world to get tattooed by someone you have never met before it is a huge help to have friends that have been tattooed by them. They let you know what to expect when you get there. Where to get a good pre-tattoo meal and post-tattoo drink, where the closest ATM is, how fast or slow the tattooer is, and what to expect on the money side. If you don't have friends like that as a resource then you need to talk about the price beforehand no matter how uncomfortable it makes you. I honestly believe that most really good tattooers are very fair with their pricing. That has been my experience over the last twelve years, but I also know that there are a few famous tattooers out there that charge ridiculous prices, and a couple of my friends found out the hard way. It sucks when that happens because it can really sour a person on getting tattooed.
    1 point
  16. If I may throw in my 2 cents as a newbie: If thou art new to tattoos and tattooing, thou shalt read this forum prior to joining so that thou hast a basic understanding of what it stands for. Thou shalt back down and reconsider thy position when contradicted by a forum member with greater knowledge and experience. Thou shalt be willing to learn.
    1 point
  17. It doesn't matter what you call yourself or what others call you........just get good, solid tattoos....and enjoy yourself while you are doing it!
    1 point
  18. Thou shalt tip your artist on a job well done!
    1 point
  19. Thou shalt shut the fuck up and listen to good advice. Thou shalt not keep blabbing and ignore good advice. Thou shalt lurk long enough to understand good advice.
    1 point
  20. Thou shalt post thine tattoos so we may gawk in appreciation and envy
    1 point
  21. Thou shalt not let thy friend get a shitty tattoo. Corollary: everyone on LST is your friend.
    1 point
  22. Thou shalt not revive the thread about tattooers with little to no tattoos thread because it is FACT that tattooers are required to be tattooed and your opinion will not change this.
    1 point
  23. Thou shalt respect those who came before you. Thou shalt not be a hipster.
    1 point
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