Maybe I shouldn't post here since I am still in the planning/saving stage for my back piece and otherwise have only one tiny hidden tattoo. So I don't know how I will react to stares. But I admit that I have been guilty of "staring" sometimes, because when I see a great tattoo, I want to really soak it up. (Maybe "stare" is too strong of a word. I keep a respectful distance, and my eyes don't bug out of my head, and I keep my mouth closed).
But I think my experience as one who has "stared" will inform my future reaction to people who stare. I'm probably going to keep covered most of the time, but sometimes I'd like to be able to show my half sleeves, and I suppose some will stare. My current theory is that they can stare all they want, as long as they don't say something obnoxious or disrespectful within earshot. If they ask me a respectful question, I will gladly talk, because I have greatly appreciated it when I have politely commented on people's tattoos, and they engaged me in conversation about them. It is amazing what a polite and respectful, "Excuse me, I want to tell you that I think that is a really nice tattoo," will do. I have had people react with their faces lighting up, thanking me, and then without being asked rolling up their sleeve and showing the rest of their piece, and talking animatedly about it. I want to be that person.