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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2017 in all areas

  1. Tornado7

    Opinion please.

    If you want to get a big piece, why don't you go for a big composed piece, instead of what looks like four one-shot tattoos? I have both - one arm is a bunch of stickers, and one arm is one complete tattoo, and I like both, but I'd not try to put on a bunch of flash sized bangers all at once. They are too close together right now. They either need space or flow.
    3 points
  2. SStu

    Tattoo Question

    that redness and warmness shouldn't still be there a week afterwards. might be infected, aside from them digging into you pretty good.
    2 points
  3. When life gives you lemons... Andy Northup @ All Star Tattoo
    2 points
  4. bongsau

    Tattoo help

    My guess is Folliculitis - infection of hair follicles. Take antihistamines and soak in an epsom salt bath. Dry heal until the bumps go away.
    1 point
  5. Tornado7

    Tattoo Question

    I bruise like that sometimes, but it doesn't still feel warm a week out. I think it is worth asking about. You're not complaining, don't think of it that way. You have a valid concern.
    1 point
  6. AverageJer

    Tattoo Question

    Before going to talk to the artist you might consider going to talk to a doctor.
    1 point
  7. Lyon isn't too far from there and Florian Bousquet is one of my favorites; https://www.instagram.com/strange_dust/?hl=en
    1 point
  8. Back from our trip to Helsingor! I'll post a photo when I'm healed. I cannot say enough GREAT things about Henning and the crew at Royal. One of the most perfect days, ever!!
    1 point
  9. SStu

    Tattoo help

    let it dry. don't put anything on it for a couple of weeks.
    1 point
  10. Rob I

    Tattoo help

    Agree with above. Could also be ingrown hairs caused by initial shaving and way too much lotion clogging pores. Keep it dry for a while
    1 point
  11. scottyg

    Tattoo help

    @Mr_T I'm no dermatologist, but it looks like either you're putting waaay too much lotion on it, and that's causing the breakouts (pores are clogged), or it's an infection. I really think you're just overdoing it on the lotion, but I don't know. Second opinion, anyone?
    1 point
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