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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2017 in all areas

  1. Went to New Jersey on May 19th to see Robert Ryan, and picked this Narasimha out of his sketch book. He changed it a little from the original to fit the upper arm better. Easily one of my favorite tattoos. The next Saturday, I played the walk in game at Smith Street and got two tattoos from Bert Krak, a butterfly, and a skull & crossbones. I came in wanting the butterfly, and he said he had time for another quick one if I was interested, so I picked the skull after he said it was a shop favorite. Everyone at both shops were great, and I had a great experience getting tattooed.
    3 points
  2. SStu

    Tattoo help

    let it dry. don't put anything on it for a couple of weeks.
    2 points
  3. there are no coincidences. what is his and/or their names?
    1 point
  4. Mr_T

    Tattoo help

    @Rob I @scottyg thank y'all so much for your input. I'm taking everything in consideration so that way my tattoo will come out better to its full potential. Glad y'all can help out.
    1 point
  5. Hogrider

    Tattoo help

    More is not always better. ;-) Did you're artist say to put bacitracin on it for a whole month??? I wouldn't be putting anything on it after a month except my normal cocoa butter once every couple of days. A TINY bit of cocoa butter, but for what you have, I'd put nothing on it for a couple of days and you'll probably be fine.
    1 point
  6. I'll throw in this healed and hairy hand and rose combo: Got this by Uncle Allan at his shop Conspiracy Inc. in Berlin in the summer of 2015. I got in on a cancellation on the first day of a weeks stay in the city. Afterwards I proceeded to torture it by walking around Berlin for the better part of six days, sweating in my jeans under a 36C sun. There is no way I have deserved it to heal this great.
    1 point
  7. suburbanxcore

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I'll be up at Kings Ave on July 8th. Now, just have to solidify what I'm getting.
    1 point
  8. @MrToast Dude, I don't think anyone has opinions about skinny guys with tattoos other than if you rock it it'll look great. You sound really self conscious, but the tattoo will be empowering. Yes, I think part of being a good tattooer is bringing out the strengths of the canvas. Good Luck.
    1 point
  9. thyes


    Hehe no, I woulnd't go that far :P @bongsau I'd get an upside down cross or a pentagram any day of the week rather than a traditional cross But hey, that's just my personal standing, I have nothing against what people decorate themselves with or believe - as long as they don't knock on my door and try to forcefeed their beliefs on me!
    1 point
  10. @oboogie My local shop has a few great Stell sheets, and I've always wanted a handful of pieces from it but haven't pulled the trigger. That one rules. I freaking love that ROA with the skull and snake above it. So awesome.
    1 point
  11. oboogie

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Getting something off Richard Stell's new 2017 pork chop sheet in a couple of weeks. It was co-created with Aaron Coleman, Tim Martin, and Dano Sancho. I'll get a piece from it tattooed by Josh Henderson. He works in Tim Martin's shop, so it all connects. :-) Wanna guess which one I'm going for? Hahaha.
    1 point
  12. Dan

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    where the F*** is this conversation started from ? I would like to see it,but I can't seem to find it, :( is it because I am an old guy ? edit: nevermind,I think it is just because I am a brainfarting old guy.
    1 point
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