@Boiled Dove I'm not a counselor...but I have slept in a Holiday Inn Express. Seems that you have two stressors in your life, at least. The job and the marriage. I wonder if one or might be causing the issue with the other. I guess I'd just suggest taking the time to assess that and determine what is at the root of the unhappiness. As @Gingerninja said, are they a means to an end or the end to the means. As one of the relative old guys and one who has been in leadership positions since my early 20s I've seen many people go through the ups and downs of positions, jobs, relationships, locations, etc. There are cycles to it and many things can cause/impact those cycles. As an Army officer there is a pattern that sees officers hit low points at relatively predictable times in their careers. Many opt to get out at those points. Most did it for the right reason and are happy with their decisions...but not all. Make sure the emotion of the moment isn't driving your decision.
I offer what I call "The Volk Principle." Feel free to attach your own name to it if you like it. It goes like this: It doesn't matter who you are, who your parents are/were, where you went to school, what degree(s) you have, who you know, what type of car you drive or how much money you have....sometimes it just sucks to be you. At some point - tomorrow, next week, next month - it will be someone else's turn and life will come back to center. If you can approach times of trouble and misfortunes from that perspective, it helps to see your way out of the hole.
I know it's trite and it is not meant to downplay your situation. I offer it only to encourage you to really think about what it is that makes you happy and what is truly causing you to feel as you do. Sometimes we rush to a decision only to find that it was something else that was really the problem.