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  1. It started with an old piece of Huck Spaulding flash from the 70's. Where it ends up is yet to be determined.
    2 points
  2. iowagirl

    Your First Tattoo

    I did a search but didn't see anything more than "getting/just got my first tattoo" type threads. Wondered about everyone's first ever tattoos. Do you still have it? Do you still like it? Do you feel attached to it? Etc. I got my first two days after I turned 18, on Halloween, 1992. My best friend and I got matching tattoos-a rose off the wall. Hers is teal, mine is purple. We were the only tattooed students in high school, and were considered huge bad asses. People remarked about how large it was and I thought, really? It didn't seem large to me, but, yanno, then party dots became like the "cool thing" to do, so if you put my rose next to a party dot it looked like I had a full bodysuit to those people I guess. As I've gone along in my tattoo adventures, I had one of mine covered, which ended up turning into this big Japanese wind/water deal, and now I'm looking at my first few from my 18-21 year old self and wondering if I want to keep them like they are, rework them, incorporating them into something new either way..or remove/cover them w/something else that fits me now.
    1 point
  3. relax,it looks great,and when it's fully healed in 6 months take a look at it and see if it needs any touchups, for now,enjoy it,wear it with pride and move on to the next tattoo idea and inspiration. you have great skin for tattooing,so be thankful for that and make sure you triple check your research on the next artist you choose.
    1 point
  4. I don't have any coverups, but I have a tattoo that has been reworked. In terms of being tattooed I could feel the difference between areas that had lost a bunch of color (slightly scar tissue) and areas that didn't really loose any. It did feel slightly more stingy after it was done and during the first day, but it went away fairly quick so I didn't think anything of it. I got 2 tattoos (1 new) that day and they healed just the same.
    1 point
  5. Michaelshane

    tattoo advice

    A bunch of unrelated tattoos is my favorite look.
    1 point
  6. rgrardgeradf

    Your First Tattoo

    I went all out and got a full sleeve as my first tattoo. I knew I was going to go all the way to my wrist eventually, I had the money, and the results turned out better because of it!
    1 point
  7. Got another one from Chris Marchetto and it won't be my last from him.
    1 point
  8. Probably just the photo then, the center of the 2 flowers looks like they have something that looks like scars to me, but you're the one who can tell. I have 2 reactions from the same color red, it doesn't itch, at least not that I notice, but it does flake skin on the largest section and they are all fairly raised. Remedy? Don't get tattooed with that color anymore. As for the final design? Let's just say my spider has 5 eyes that are in 3D and the splash behind it looks like it has colored scars running behind it. I couldn't care less to be honest.
    1 point
  9. I wouldn't say it is necessarily an allergic reaction - especially since you say it doesn't itch and isn't inflamed. Everyone heals differently so anything you read on sites about the "normal" healing period is just generic. I have two tattoos - each from last year and done about 6 months apart. The first was black and gray. It healed easily and fast. While it peeled, it did it quickly and without any scabbing. Then I got my second one - done with various colors. It scabbed in some places quickly while others healed easily and fast. Some of the scabs seemed to take an eternity to fall off. And, my body seemed to reject the red ink in places causing me to have to go back and have some areas redone. The point is that we all react differently and, while there are some general "norms" it's hard to compare one person's experience to another's. Those people here with lots of experience seem to have a sense of how their skin reacts and of course have less OCD-like concerns than those of us with just one or two tattoos. Relax, and let it heal. You've done major damage to your skin and it takes months to shed the outer layers of cells that were damaged in the process and allow the "new" cells to move to the surface and reveal what your art truly looks like. If you have any concerns that you might be having some type of reaction or infection, go see your artist and let him/her guide you. But, most of all, relax and enjoy your tattoo.
    1 point
  10. how about returning this thread to latest tattoos....?
    1 point
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