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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2017 in all areas

  1. Started my back with Marius Meyer yesterday.
    8 points
  2. erit2017

    Filler Idea

    Filled in....
    7 points
  3. Beast mode! @havetsherre Marius work makes me wish i had 2 backs
    2 points
  4. Started my back with Marius Meyer yesterday. This is as far as we got.
    2 points
  5. Devious6

    Filler Idea

    1 point
  6. freshie sssssnake bite on the hand by Scott Rusnak, Lucky Strike Tattoo (Edmonton, AB) flip side inside of the wrisssst
    1 point
  7. Got this tribute to my hometown (this gazebo sits prominently in the town square) from Dave Wah at the Austin Convention this weekend.
    1 point
  8. @suburbanxcore White Rose is pretty new, the guys at the shop said they just opened about 4 months ago. They specialize in traditional and there's SO MUCH good flash on the walls, I had a hard time deciding. http://instagram.com/whiterosetattooparlour Wes didn't do the panther, that was done by Chad Koeplinger when he came through DC a couple years ago. Took him about an hour and a half to do. This is a better picture I took of it when it was freshly healed.
    1 point
  9. Some great tattoos posted on this page! Got this one yesterday from Jan Willem (@janwillemtattoo) at Bont en Blauw tattoo Rotterdam. Asked for a octopus filler and this is what he drew up. immediately said yes to his idea and this is the end result. Edit: all other work except the partially visible black skull is done by Jan Willem as well
    1 point
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