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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2017 in all areas

  1. I've got to say I agree with the posts about tattoos making you feel better about yourself. I've been interested in tattoos ever since I knew what they were, and always saw myself as a tattooed person. When I finally got my first one, I had a moment of "this is what I'm supposed to be doing," if that makes any sense. There's also been an attitude of "women should be pretty, this skull isn't feminine enough for me to get it" I had to get over. And man is it liberating. I feel like I can do anything with my body now and no one has any say over it. Tattoos have also renewed my interest in art and given me the confidence to proceed in some sort of art related field. Right now I work in a copy center, basically the manual labor side of graphic design. Someday I'd like to be a graphic designer, or a tattooer, or hell, just about anything related to art. I was really into it as a kid and lost my interest some time around middle/high school because I was worried I wasn't good enough. Now I just have fun doodling stuff that looks like tattoos or whatever and it's made me realize how fun art is...even if I'm not the greatest.
    4 points
  2. I'll accept your non-apology, I guess. I don't get the joke. Jews are cheap? Ha-ha, that's a good one. Never heard that before. The fact that you're Jewish – does that make it okay? I don't know. Maybe I'm easily offended. But no, I don't like antisemitism or racism or homophobia or any of that shit. And yes, I'll call it out when I see it – even on the internet and especially this forum because I don't want to see it fucked up by a bunch of trolls. And before you start in about the "PC police" or "safe spaces" or any of that shit... It's called trying not to be asshole when you can avoid it. A good policy to live by I think.
    3 points
  3. Healed lady I got from Ivan Antonyshev while he was guesting in Leeds last month. Spotted this design on the Mainstay T-shirt and fell in love with it. So stoked to get a piece from him at last.
    2 points
  4. Synesthesia

    Upcoming Tattoos

    So some updates on my upcoming tattoos: I walked into the local shop I've been wanting to check out tonight and tried to get a walk in, but unfortunately the guy I wanted to get tattooed by had to be somewhere tonight and didn't have time. But the good news is I have an appointment for tomorrow and I picked this awesome Cap Coleman dragon design. The guy doing the tattoo is Wes Garvick, who is on the short list of local artists I really want something by. Love his no nonsense, heavy black style. His Instagram is all black and gray for some reason, but you can find some color examples on the shop website: https://www.instagram.com/whiterosetattooparlour/?hl=en I also did end up booking with Topper in April. He's going to be doing a really vintage and classy lady liberty design for me.
    2 points
  5. Made another Oslo trip last week to start a cover up on my lower stomach. While i was there i picked up a namakubi from Nicholas at Blue Arms. The cover up is ongoing and i don't mind admitting i'm very apprehensive about the next session! This was not a fun tattoo to get although Marius did his best to keep my spirits up and a visit from LST's own Mr @Iwar definitely kept me distracted from the significant pain!
    2 points
  6. Shoot.. I work for a Fortune 100 company and I have 17 tattoos to date. I cover them at work, some people know I have them, some don't and it doesn't matter to anyone it seems. I would just go full speed ahead and book those appointments, life gets short by the time 60 comes around.
    2 points
  7. well,I love musubi,so I guess I'm a spammer.
    1 point
  8. It seems like this thread is now trying to drive away some of the modest number of people who still visit this forum.
    1 point
  9. How Jewish? What the F***ing F***?! Please tell me that's a typo. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. My wife has tattoos, and at this point has more than I do. But to tell the truth, she is not “into” tattoos in the same way that I am. It is something that she did in the past, reached a point where she was satisfied, and stopped. She has no regrets, but I think it is sort of a “been there, done that” thing for her, in a good way. I’m going to be flying cross-country multiple times for long sessions for my back piece. I told her that I hoped she would go with me. I had hoped that she would sit by my side for long sessions and support me, But she said that she might go with me on one or two trips, because she could shop all day. Well, to each his/her own! We talked about it and she said that she wanted to support me, but she said that if we were going to spend money to fly to an interesting distant place, sitting there for 6 hours watching me get tattooed, with nothing else to do except perhaps read a book was not her idea of fun. When she puts it in those terms, I get that! For me, getting the tattoo is the sole reason for the trip, and that is enough for me. But it’s not fair to her to expect her to just sit there.
    1 point
  11. Got the suggestion to 'work up' to the chest piece I'm getting (gnarling scarring I want to get covered) so I went back to Brittany at Hot Copper for something else I saw and fell in love with. Think I'm going to have to keep adding to the leg, carry on with the outdoors theme I seem to have got going on It's completely round irl, the angle I'm standing at just makes it look a bit thin at the bottom end in the pic.
    1 point
  12. It was great seing you again Gareth! Although I have to admit I felt like a sadist at times too, haha. You're tougher than most!
    1 point
  13. Here's a little party shark I got from Scott Sylvia recently. I meant to post healed pictures but it's a difficult area of my arm to photograph. Thanks for looking! starting the left sleeve next.
    1 point
  14. Got this kitsune from Matt Arriola yesterday.
    1 point
  15. @viezure: I'm an architect. We have corporate and institutional clients who are often quite traditional on such things, especially for someone my age, who should "know better" ;-) I value my job, am committed to it, and enjoy it too, and my personal point of view is that I don't want to do anything to make clients uncomfortable. That may sound a little like "sucking up," but business is business. Because of those clients I can feed my family and pay the mortgage...and get tattooed! On the other hand we have some clients who I know would not care, and we currently have one tattooed client. But I prefer to to keep business and personal stuff separate but in the proper balance, which had been my big hang up for years.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Stefan Johnsson


    1 point
  18. RoryQ


    Koi half-sleeve by Mo Coppoletta, The Family Business, London.
    1 point
  19. hogg

    snake back peice

    By Jill "Horiyuki" Bonny, State of Grace, San Jose, CA.
    1 point
  20. Nate Beavers

    nate beavers bio skull

    nate beavers bio skull
    1 point
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