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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2016 in all areas

  1. Well, here's my latest piece by Brian Tiger at Screamin' Ink Tattoo in N.J., still a few hours fresh. Unfinished, I hit the wall after 5 hours. I'll be going back to color it in in 2 weeks. Sorry for the bad picture...it's not easy taking good pics of yourself. P.S. If it looks slightly crooked it's not, it's just from stretching my arm to take picture.
    2 points
  2. I love the Saniderm healing process! No worries of anything sticking to it. No washing and reapplying of ointments. No mess! Best healing process I have fouND. Plus you can show off your new piece without worries of getting contact with germs.
    2 points
  3. Got this happy head hunter on my inner lower leg. Done by Peter Lagergren.
    2 points
  4. website info coming in January incl list of artists www.bayareatattooconvention.com https://www.instagram.com/bayareatattooconvention/
    1 point
  5. 9 weeks is not even healed,let it go 6 months and look at it again,as long as it's not infected,relax and let it heal. that doesn't look infected IMO. most artists offer free touch ups if needed. (be sure and tip them for supplies)
    1 point
  6. I love that stuff too,best ever healing,(as long as it's on a good spot on your body),I thought it would be cool if they made an opaque version to be worn in the sun,I spoke with them and suggested that.anyway,it's the coolest shit ever,I do a lot of traveling and getting tattooed,and it is for sure the best on a plane coming home.set it and forget it ! LOL PS,the places on your body I was referring to is places like hands and neck that doesn't work so well.
    1 point
  7. Wow! The depth in that tattoo is unreal!
    1 point
  8. Charles.M

    THE WALL stories...

    Did not see this topic anywhere else, so here it goes. The wall, to me is that phycological line you can cross where it is best to tap out of the Tattoo session, because you are out of the stuff it takes to continue, (out of gas so to speak) your endorphins are gone, your exhausted, hungry, tired, cranky, wondering what it is all about...that point is what I am talking about. Once crossed... you cannot get back to your happy place... If you keep going, you need to stop every 10 seconds, everyone is annoying everyone else and it becomes unproductive for everybody. No matter how tough you are, everyone hits the wall at some point, if you are getting big work, some even with small work. As I said in another thread "If tattooing becomes painless someday, you will see a divide where it will be a qualifier if you had a painless tattoo or not because at this time and in conceivable history, pain has been part of the deal. Looking at a 10,000-year-old mummy's tattoo, you can think to yourself, shit that had to hurt... you get tattoo creds based upon the size and placement of the art, whether consciously or not by other tattooed people, it is part and parcel in the experience." I had a 9 hour long session on my arm and hit 'the wall'. First, 5 hours fine, stopped for lunch, got back at it, went another 3 hours, then I had to stop and throw up in the bathroom, lunch gone, kept going for 30 minutes stopped (arghhh..), going again then stopped after 5 minutes, then another 5 minutes and called it. At this point, you could have touched my non-tattooed arm and my mind would have thought it hurt and I can't take it anymore, ...or my toe for that matter. That's it, out of gas....till next time. I think we all can have this genuine experience, I have seen it countless times in others and it is nothing to be embarrassed about, though it is embarrassing anyway, it just happens. Tough as nails for hours, then all of a sudden not. Dang!. Then there are the obvious fakers who think they get bonus points for making a big deal about everything, that is not the topic. Please share your 'The Wall' stories, if you have had long sessions, you know what I mean.
    1 point
  9. Rob I

    THE WALL stories...

    I've wanted to tap out about 30 seconds into each session on my back. I didn't of course, but the want was there
    1 point
  10. Hospitelli

    THE WALL stories...

    The only time I have ever felt like tapping out was the first shading session on my ribs. After having it lined out for the first session and being complimented on how well I was sitting by the artist and the shop manager I think my ego got inflated a tad bit. My next session was scheduled for three hours and it was time for shading! Going in I didn't have a good night sleep and due to traffic I wasn't able to get a solid meal in beforehand but still fetl pretty confident I'd be okay. The majority of the work was along the bottom part of the ribs and lower part of the stomach/oblique. The first 2.5 hours sucked but I was able to get thru it and then I hit that proverbial wall. Once that I happened it didn't feel like I was getting tattooed anymore but rather carved with a knife very slowly. I was so close to saying "fuck it" and cutting the session short but I was able to pull through and finish. Somehow hearing that I had only "ten minutes left" when I had about three times that had helped me out greatly.
    1 point
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