The winner of Tattoo of the month November is @havetsherre with this insanely awesome panther tattoo by Steve Byrne. Congrats!!
The next contest will be announced on the 1st of December! (also, the polling will be much easier, I promise)
Big thanks to everyone who contributed this month!!
Wanted to post my healed tattoos, but i couldn't find a place to do so without seeming off-topic.
So, this thread is for us to show our tattoos, no matter how old they are. I just like staring at diverse tattoos :)
Here are some of mine. Joker is almost three months, Aldo and my cat about 1 month :3:
I think Brian Bruno, Jason Kundell, Kahlil Rintye, Jill Bonny and Kevin Leblanc who aren't huge self promoters are widely overlooked by the "main stream." This serves as a double edged sword in my opinion. In talking with some of these artists who intentionally avoid social media still have a steady stream of clients coming in for work. I also think there's something to be said for artists to gain the recognition we feel they deserve.
You also have the likes of Mike Roper who intentionally keep it low key. I would venture to say he's only known by the dedicated few but thats all by design.
In the end I don't think I'd change a thing. Its nice to get together with those who share the same vision of what tattooing mean to them,who appreciating good work and the artists who have withstood the change in culture. The dudes laying down great tats decade after decade without letting the latest trends in. Tattooing needs the "Brads" of the world are getting super pumped about their new water color hand tattoos from the coolest artist this week.
That's pretty dark already for a coverup, and I don't think too many artists have any real experience with the whole "white over black" thing. Personally, I think it's fine enough - and if you're going to end up with a full sleeve of storm then it should blend in fairly well.