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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2016 in all areas

  1. I was definitely unable to contain myself the last two months. -Dan Sinnes scribbled on this locust yokai at Temple. I'm so pumped on how it came together. He posted a photo of the draw on for hilarity. -Valerie Vargas did the Oni/Gorilla fight on my arm at the Bay convention. I liked the idea of the eastern/western imagery clashing. My right arm is all american traditional patchwork and my left is semi-american traditional style patchwork with Japanese imagery. This has already healed ridiculously well. Henning did the namakubi at the Bay convention. I had been waiting a few years to catch Henning at the convention when he had space from his larger works and this was the year. This is absolutely one of my favorite tattoo's. My girlfriend is definitely not as pumped. I'm blown away by his skill and kindness.
    7 points
  2. Done at Invisible NYC by Garver
    6 points
  3. eisen7979


    I came across the site while looking online while at work a couple weeks ago and figured I might as well join in on the fun. I have been getting tattooed since the late 90's, but 3 kids had really put the hurt on any new work until the last couple years. The tiger shark in my profile pic is the most recent piece done about 3 weeks ago. I will work on posting some more pics shortly (I am at work and for some reason having a hell of a time sending the few pics that I do have from my phone to my work email). Just browsing the forum has been great and I am looking forward to contributing where I can and continuing to learn. Thanks! Sorry for the shitty picture of my rose panther also...
    2 points
  4. This has got to be one of my favourite sleeves here at LST .
    2 points
  5. Here's my Steve Byrne panther from when he was at Invictus in Oslo. Fresh and healed photos.
    2 points
  6. Well, I guess I'll throw my "cat" in the ring (groannnn haha). I'm very happy with how this turned out. The pics are of the fresh tattoo. It has healed beautifully. Done a month ago by Franz Stefanik at the Okey Doke in Toronto, ON. I'll toss in the before and after pics too as it was a cover up of a sad old bird. 32 years old to be exact. And, I love the line work !
    2 points
  7. That namakubi absolutely rules, as expected.
    1 point
  8. @GlaryMilberg -- Incredible!
    1 point
  9. Jezzus, @GlaryMilberg - 3 winners all at once!
    1 point
  10. will add...2 months the tattoo is only superficially healed. usually takes about 6 months for everything to really settle underneath the skin.
    1 point
  11. Here's a panther bursting free from a rose. This was done a little over three years ago by Chad Koeplinger and is a bit beat up like a tattoo should be.
    1 point
  12. Jamie D.


    Greetings! I've been lurking for months, and figured maybe it's been long enough to start getting creepy. So, here I am, all registered and introducing myself. I'll try to keep it shortish (I tend to be long-winded in text). I've always been fascinated by tattoos, and got my first one as a gift for myself just after my 18th birthday (very conservative parents - no way would they sign off earlier). It was done by a popular local shop and I was pleased at the time, but it did not age well (as no small lettering in another language will), and I got tired of translating it for people pretty quickly. Lesson learned. It was on my right shoulder blade, and I got two more done before I stopped tattooing in my early 20's. My then-boyfriend/now-husband is not a big fan of tattoos. Jump forward 20 yrs, and my husband encouraged me to go ahead and get another tattoo if that's what I wanted. I think he realized I wasn't just going to stop thinking about it. I warned him that if I started again, I probably wouldn't stop, and still waited until my 40th birthday to get my fourth tattoo. That was nearly 2 yrs ago, and I've gotten five more since (plus my first one covered up, so six), with an appointment for another tomorrow. They make me happy. :-) Here are the most recent pieces (all on my forearms except the snake/quill, which is on my right outer calf)...tomorrow I get a lace/rose piece of some sort (won't know exactly until I get there) for the opposite side of my skull cameo forearm. I'm pretty excited to see what the artist (Andrew Hauck/Ghosts of Grace Tattoo Collective) has drawn up for me! Thanks for letting me join - nice to "meet" you.. .
    1 point
  13. Third session on this demon samurai by Nikko at the Bay Area Tattoo Convention
    1 point
  14. Aldo is finally healed, love it :D
    1 point
  15. My warrior of a wife got a wolf tattooed by Jessie Beans yesterday at Classic Tattoo in Red Deer AB. And holy chit mang...right before she left in the morning I gave her a pair of warm wool socks, wished her good luck and reminded her don't be scared to go bigger. She came home with one hell of a one-shot tattoo on her thigh. Thoroughly impressed by the tattoo and my wife's spirit !
    1 point
  16. Super bold indeed, very happy with how it came out. No I have very thick hair actually. For now I keep it short but I plan to let it grow long again. Had it down to my nipples before the tattoo.
    1 point
  17. And here's my tattoo done in the last day of the convention, yesterday, by Florin Orga. My first neo traditional and i love it so much! It's my cat who likes to bite, so we reinforced the theme :D Video also here.
    1 point
  18. Although sakura are my favorite, the peoney is a good choice. Horkin's wife's nipples are peoney, and there are allot of old bodysuits with peoney nipples. As you can see, larger slowers are much more typical as it hides more of the aeriola. Awesome photoshoping by the way!
    1 point
  19. Here frands: Feeling pretty tattoo-flu-y, but I have a steak on the way, and then it's time to drink every water and sleep every sleep. So happy that we finished the areas that were the most painful for me during lining, though. Couldn't be happier.
    1 point
  20. Had this done yesterday at 454 tattoo in Encinitas by Dave Kruseman. There's a little warble in the line at the top, that was 100% on my twitchy leg, not Dave. I'm super stoked about this tattoo though. Probably my last of 2016 and my last American Traditional for awhile. Hope ya'll like it! If anyone is curious, Dave is a super nice guy, and happy to talk about winning the show/shooting the show, but also about just about anything else. Everyone at 454 was super friendly and helpful. Great little shop.
    1 point
  21. From 19:th of september, by TomasTomas at Into You. That was a beautiful and special day. Maybe 2 hours of tattooing and in total 8 hours with all the talking, planning design, preparing, listening to music, watching videos, sharing stories and experience. Tomas is fantastic.
    1 point
  22. Ok so I caved and took a photo - crappy cell phone because I tried to get a close up and with an iPhone 6S Plus it's huge and hard to steady in my hand. But, you get the idea. Even though it's still healing I am so psyched at how it turned out.
    1 point
  23. Finally ! I have a reason to post haha ! So stoked about this ! I mean........SO stoked ! Bandage and endorphins still on lol And the freakin' pics will likely be side ways ;) I finally got my crawling panther, like everybody should ;) By Franz Stefanik at Okey Doke in Toronto, ON. Awesome personable guy, awesome chat, awesome tunes. Just a cool chilled out hang and I got to go home with a wicked tattoo at the end haha. ..................................................................................................................... Wow ! Upside right ! Who knew haha !
    1 point
  24. Hell, I have a dragon tattoo on my ankle... (or just above it anyway).
    1 point
  25. Just get a dragon.
    1 point
  26. Jon just knocked these out on my arms last night. Really stoked. I felt so sick that day, so Im glad I was able to power through it. Just chugged apple juice and soda to keep myself concious through it all. Thankfully arms are easy spots for tattoos, and my arm was asleep for the diamond lady because of the awkward position, so it didnt hurt that much. Getting a Fudo Myo-o cat by Chris Anthon today. Will post photos latter.
    1 point
  27. otisc

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Japanese dragon sleeve by Scott Ellis is finished!
    1 point
  28. Here's the start of my jaguar.Unfortunately I have to wait until December to get it finished.....
    1 point
  29. So, this turned out way better than I could have expected. Got it finished in two sessions with the second one at Allstar Ink in Limerick, Ireland. Chris Stuart was guesting there for a day prior to the London convention so I was lucky enough to grab the spot. A great experience again. I couldn't speak highly enough of Chris and the atmosphere was enhanced with the liked of Nagle, Peck, Topper, Noble, Arment all working there on the same day. Anyway, I'll let the pic do the talking ? Sent from my D5803 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  30. just for reference, pics off the whole thing
    1 point
  31. Just got this hannya giesha from Jeremy Lamos on my thigh. So happy with it. The actual tattoo didnt take long but it was a long sit. Felt pretty sick by the end of it. Had allot of fun with the eyes.
    1 point
  32. Three new ones last night by Will Lollie! My wife and I got "matching" swallows and I also got the bison head. I've also added a quick picture of my healed foodog.
    1 point
  33. My nipple and bellybutton: Full body shot:
    1 point
  34. Thats a badass Tattoo!
    1 point
  35. Some of you saw this on Instagram already, but my stoke cannot be contained. Fudō crab from Eddy done today at Lifetime in Denver. Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  36. So my wife got in on the Chad Koeplinger world tour when he was at Aloha Monkey in Minnesota. Obviously I'm happy for her but also I am a little jealous.
    1 point
  37. Tattoos like to ride, too.
    1 point
  38. Little late here. Got this one waaayyyy back in November of 2015 from Chad Koeplinger while he was at Tattoo Paradise in DC. Tough to get a good pic because of the way it wraps, but you get the idea.
    1 point
  39. I got this little one shot eagle yesterday at the Quebec City convention from Trevor McStay. It wraps a lot because it takes up most of my thigh so here are a couple of pictures.
    1 point
  40. Here are the end results of my trip to Denver. My wife got some balloons and I got a praying mantis. Both by Destroy Troy at Til Death. Great shop and fun artist. Also, The Cure was fantastic, the beer was cold and I used Saniderm for the first time.
    1 point
  41. I recently got this incredible peacock from Luke Jinks at Cloak and Dagger. The picture I pinched from his instagram page also shows a glimpse of a Bert Grimm sun I got from Nick Mayes when he guested at Frith Street back in March.
    1 point
  42. Finished my lower leg with Grez at King's Ave NYC. He added the (bloody and swollen) lighthouse and ROA piece to go along with the clipper ship from Russ Abbott. I couldn't be happier with how he was able to tie it all together. Sorry for the giant pic, I'll post healed shots in a couple of weeks, there's a video on my IG: wedge45.
    1 point
  43. I am pro nipple obliteration. I have a blank front at the moment but am trying to brainstorm up the best way to do a full front piece that works for women. This is my favourite. Full front in progress by Rafel Delalande. RIP nipples.
    1 point
  44. In tonight's episode of Shitty Reality Check: You got face tats, you might get strong reactions!
    1 point
  45. In Qld, Australia now, it's common to be refused from venues for having hand, neck and face tattoos. Especially on the Gold Coast. The way I see it is that these venues are mainstream. Fuck mainstream. Never wanted to mix with them fuckers anyway. Give me a dingy blues club any day of the week.
    1 point
  46. this is a great quote: "I have two cats. I'm the furthest thing from a gang member."
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. benlucastattoos


    Kapala and snake
    1 point
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