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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2016 in all areas

  1. Here's my Steve Byrne panther from when he was at Invictus in Oslo. Fresh and healed photos.
    13 points
  2. I was definitely unable to contain myself the last two months. -Dan Sinnes scribbled on this locust yokai at Temple. I'm so pumped on how it came together. He posted a photo of the draw on for hilarity. -Valerie Vargas did the Oni/Gorilla fight on my arm at the Bay convention. I liked the idea of the eastern/western imagery clashing. My right arm is all american traditional patchwork and my left is semi-american traditional style patchwork with Japanese imagery. This has already healed ridiculously well. Henning did the namakubi at the Bay convention. I had been waiting a few years to catch Henning at the convention when he had space from his larger works and this was the year. This is absolutely one of my favorite tattoo's. My girlfriend is definitely not as pumped. I'm blown away by his skill and kindness.
    10 points
  3. Well, I guess I'll throw my "cat" in the ring (groannnn haha). I'm very happy with how this turned out. The pics are of the fresh tattoo. It has healed beautifully. Done a month ago by Franz Stefanik at the Okey Doke in Toronto, ON. I'll toss in the before and after pics too as it was a cover up of a sad old bird. 32 years old to be exact. And, I love the line work !
    6 points
  4. Here's a panther bursting free from a rose. This was done a little over three years ago by Chad Koeplinger and is a bit beat up like a tattoo should be.
    3 points
  5. here is my one-shot psych-panther crawling up my inner thigh into the buy-me-dinner zone made by Shawn O'Connor in 2014 before he setup shop in Nelson, BC
    2 points
  6. I didn't see anything in the rules regarding multiple submissions... so here is another panther done buy Nick Colella at this year's Montreal Tattoo Art Show. Healed pic
    2 points
  7. All have been amazing so far!!! Here's a panther and some roses done by Jebb Riley, done at Congress st tattoo. This was a spur of the moment cover up started while I was waiting on Chad Koeplinger to color in my chest eagle. He was running late, so I made good use of the down time. Done in 3 sessions. Second pick is a half shot of it healed several years later.
    2 points
  8. TATTOO OF THE MONTH IS BACK!!! Hope we see a strong turnout on this. RULES: The tattoo photos posted in this thread will be submitted for polling of Last Sparrow's Best PANTHER tattoo. This is all in good spirit and fun of course. The submission process opens on the first of the month and ends on the 20th of the month. After that there will be an open poll for one week, which will close on the 27th, and the tattoo with the most votes wins. Your tattoo picture must be posted in this thread (both tattooers and tattoo customers can win) in order to qualify. Include tattoo artist name & tattoo shop with your photo/post. You MUST be the one who has the tattoo or did the tattoo. It MUST be a finished tattoo It MUST fit the theme of the contest The theme of November is:
    1 point
  9. Tydon

    Hey Guys

    New here stopping in to say hi currently have a left arm sleeve in progress consisting of realistic animals and what not. I also have a a polynesian design right arm sleeve continuing onto chest.
    1 point
  10. This has got to be one of my favourite sleeves here at LST .
    1 point
  11. You are to be commended for helping her through this season of life. A good hospice (in-home or facility) is a very loving thing to do for her.
    1 point
  12. Devious6

    Hey Guys

    Nice work and welcome to the forum!
    1 point
  13. The weather can actually affect your tattoos as well. There have been days where my tattoos are uncomfortable and itchy and slightly raised. After a bit of research I saw that the weather - for me humidity can do this to the skin and tattoos. If it is just recovery though it doesn't look infected, some skin is just more sensitive than others.
    1 point
  14. Found out there were open auditions to be on Survivor in Dallas yesterday so I had to go, right?
    1 point
  15. @guitguy fantastic. Love that one! @9Years thanks!!! Your arm is sick! @bongsau totally what drew me to the design. I like my panthers all jacked up! Yours RULES
    1 point
  16. this contest voting is going to be a shit-show...i want to vote for everyone ! haha
    1 point
  17. A big ol' eagle always makes for a great chess piece.
    1 point
  18. Graeme

    Arrow tattoo location

    I think you should take a few hours and watch some LST interview videos before posting again. Nobody wants to hear every new idea you have every single day, especially when you seem to have no actual interest in educating yourself about good tattoos.
    1 point
  19. Here's mine by Brian Tiger at Screamin' Ink Tattoo in N.J. Done in one 4 hour sitting. I love how it turned out.
    1 point
  20. YES! Here's mine from Theo Mindell, Spider Murphy's tattoo, healed:
    1 point
  21. Let's keep this momentum going! My panther vs. snake by Bailey Hunter Robinson. This tattoo just celebrated it's 5th year looking out at the world. Done in one sitting with about 4 hours of tattoo time, while Bailey was still in NYC. This was my first big tattoo, and I'm still stoked on it everyday!!! Play on LST.
    1 point
  22. ok - I'm gonna be first to enter with my Robert Ryan Mandala Leopard which resides on my stomach - hopefully the leopard can qualify as its the closest thing to a panther that I have - no hard feelings if it doesnt meet the qualifications - done at Electric Tattoo in Asbury Park NJ - if you havent been tattooed by Robert or been to Electric - well...you're missing out - luckily I live only short drive from the shop - anyway - here you go...btw - this tattoo also made his awesome book - The Inborn Absolute :)
    1 point
  23. Thank you!! We actually just finished an unplanned second day of color. I would've posted something yesterday, but I figured I'd wait for today. Suppose I oughta crosspost it to the Lowdown, but here you go: To be honest, the pictures just don't do the actual colors any justice at all...they get yellowed out. The blue with the red/orange is so amazingly vibrant. Personally, even though I'm totally wrecked right now, I'm so glad that we powered through it, because the absolute worst spots for me have been the upper back between my shoulderblades, and also just below the nape of my neck. And now they're done! Probably worth the shocky-tattoo-flu feeling I'll have for a few hours tonight. I'll be right as rain again tomorrow, though. :)
    1 point
  24. So about the bun-twitching.. honestly, my best bet has to been to just keep it clenched. Sounds dumb and hilarious, but that's all I've been able to do to keep it from jumping up into the needle. Kahlil and I have had many laughs about the rogue jumping asscheeks, and he said he basically had to keep the muscle contracted the entire time to keep it steady as well. Hope that helps
    1 point
  25. Dan

    LST Animal Lovers

    more of my cute 9yo sweetheart
    1 point
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