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  1. my wife and myself got some work from Oliver Peck on Saturday (10/22) at the SFO show. my wife got this octopus it was put next to this mermaid Oliver did last February ,she is working on a traditional underwater leg and I got this on my right upper thigh,it's about 9"x8" . . .
    10 points
  2. (1) What is your perception of what last sparrow tattoo Forum is today? I still believe LST is one of the few pockets of the internet where the community really takes the tattoos and tattoo experience seriously - despite the wave of dumbed-down posts. LST reminds me of what BMEzine was back 15+ years ago when I discovered a curiousity for the taboo counterculture. It is a good archive of quality tattoos and information on the subculture but also a good forum for a community of knowledgeable and passionate tattoo enthusiasts around the world. That's why I've stuck around. People that get tattooed because they love/hate it! Not just because they want a tattoo as a fashion accessory. (2) why do you participate? LST gives me a space to discuss tattoos (my own and see others) and discuss the tattooing process and the concept of being an illustrated person. I don't really get an opportunity to do that in person outside of a tattoo shop. No one cares haha! Like oh yeah budd got another tattoo...um ok so what...LST people share your excitement, share your pain haha. LST gives me a chance to promote the good tattooing local to my area but also I get to see/read what else is going on around the world in terms of what the community is getting made on them and what makes for good solid tattooing. Also gives an opportunity to share our collective experience with folks that are new to the tattoo counterculture and approaching tattoo with sincerity. And a dose of real-talk when the bullshit starts watering down the forum. (3) what have you gained from it? A better understanding of why I got tattoo in the first place and continue on my path with my tattoos. LST has given me a forum to express and explore my tattoo journey - for myself and to share with the community here. Tattoo has always had this "too-cool" vibe to it. Maybe that's what drew most of us in in the first place? I feel this forum helps break down those barriers and just get to what's what - tattoo. I try and take that away from LST and apply that to the in-person real world. I've gained some friendly internet stranger acquaintances. Supportive and enthusiastic tattoo kin-folk ! Even if it is just a "like" on the 'gram, I know the LSTer on the other side of the country knows whats up! so thx. (4) what do you think will make it better? More passionate tattoo collectors, less tattoo-tourism. More honest discussion. More sharing, less jabs - this isn't reddit !
    8 points
  3. My original post wasn't meant as a personal jab. If you hang around here for a little while, it seems to me that a user's body of posts answers all of these questions without a need to ask them explicitly--that is, I have a sense of how any given poster feels about these issues simply from having followed their contributions for a while. (But maybe I'm wrong.) So the survey format from a relative newcomer is a bit of a head-scratcher--like, why not tell us how you feel first? That's all.
    4 points
  4. (1) What is your perception of what last sparrow tattoo Forum is today? The forum? Too many garbage topics (2) why do you participate? well I still enjoy it to a degree (3) what have you gained from it? so much - cant put a price on the things i've learned here (4) what do you think will make it better? Well we could use some awesome folks returning and for the active folks - resist the urge to start shit topics - quality over quantity as for the criticism of @Charles.M well he probably deserves it to a degree - he has made quite a few missteps here - and I'm not quite sure where I stand on some of his activity on here but whatever - LST is not life and life is not LST
    4 points
  5. Brand new today! Traditional anchor with flowers by Chris Collins at Fronter Tattoo, Cardiff
    4 points
  6. Seems weird for someone who isn't a moderator to ask us to take a survey.
    3 points
  7. I had a fair number of snarky replies drafted, but figured I'd bite my tongue. To tie into that "state of the union" thread or whatever, I will say that this is exactly the type of reply that is pushing me away from this board the way I used to. You have three people discussing tattoos/their significance and a topic that apparently in no way involves you, then you feel the need for a passive aggressive comment because you don't like that OP's posts. As you said in that thread, "So damn weird."
    2 points
  8. Synesthesia's response was thoughtful, insightful and articulate, that is the kind response that I like to read. Also marley mission's response was constructive, I can see where there coming from. Thank you. Personal attacks are not constructive. I read a lot on this forum that I am interested in and just pass it by without response or comment. I respect this commons space that others use, what I am interested in, may actually useful to someone else. If you have nothing to add, why not just move on. When something catches my eye and I have something that I believe will add to the dialogue, I post a response. There are sections of his Forum which have been dormant for years, which I believed I could add content to stimulate discussion. I am unafraid of starting a thread on a topic which is not being focused on, or is vaguely referred to on page 101 of 300-page thread. Also my unique perspective , I believe is an asset, on occasion, to provide insight to honest questions from sincere people who ask for help. I think that is the point of this forum. Having to respond to personal attacks on this forum is a waste of my time. The reason I only recently signed up to this forum, was because I had some time and it seemed the historical, debates over trivial matters and person attacks seemed to have been shed. Maybe I was wrong. If the only input you have on this forum is witty cutting remarks and unconstructive criticism, why are you here?
    2 points
  9. we had a great time as always there.we both got good tattoos.
    2 points
  10. So, I had my interview up in New Hampshire this week. Interview went really well and I would be surprised if they don't offer me the job. Manchester is a small city and it didn't seem like there was much of a scene there. I did find a shop that looks like they put out some solid work though. http://bulletprooftigertattoo.com/ https://www.instagram.com/bulletprooftigertattoo/ I have no people in Manchester though so if I do take the job looking for an apartment and moving my crap in might be rather difficult. But I could get a solid tattoo once I settle in. So there is that.
    2 points
  11. am I missing something here ? because I don't see any "personal attacks", I just see opinions.
    1 point
  12. Amazing, @Dan!! Love everything about the new pieces. Congrats!!
    1 point
  13. Devious6

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Great pieces, Dan!!! I'd love to get a piece done by Oliver Peck!
    1 point
  14. @Charles.M, what is your deal? This isn't your website. Why are you doing surveys? I just can't figure out what the point of about 95% of your posts are. So damn weird.
    1 point
  15. There seem to be a lot of weird posts from the o.p. of late, many of them plugging his business interest. I have called him out before and I guess I'm doing so again.
    1 point
  16. I disagree with this statement. My foot and lower leg are both tattooed and they both oozed a ridiculous amount and scabbed badly in spots as a result, a lot of which was just due to gravity and blood pressure. After walking around for a bit, my leg and foot would be literally dripping with various bodily fluids (sorry for the gross mental image). Unless I washed them 10+ times a day and laid on the couch all day, there was no way to avoid some heavy scabbing. I guess Saniderm would have been an option, but I didn't have any of that...so yeah, scabbing was unavoidable in those places. Scabbing isn't necessarily going to ruin a tattoo unless you pull them off too soon.
    1 point
  17. Ugh, you gotta wash your tattoos. Looks just like filthy scabbing to me. You're lucky you didn't get an infection. My first inclination is that either the tattoo artist has poor technique, but if you never washed it and developed thick scabbing, it's likely a lot of ink was drawn out.
    1 point
  18. At this point, just wait and see. The saturation does look a bit questionable — you might need to get another artist to rework it. But it's too early to tell at this point.
    1 point
  19. I'm getting some more work done and my artist said we can do over the nipples or around. I didn't even have to think, I said, "AROUND!" If that makes me a pussy, all I can say is meow.
    1 point
  20. @Amanda Don't feel bad! Most people will need a touch up on their feet, it's hard skin to deal with and having to wear shoes or socks makes it more complicated. I have a foot tattoo I've had for like 8 years now and it needs a touch up but I haven't gotten around to it. Worst case scenario, parts of it will have to be redone, no big deal. That doesn't sound like the worst aftercare, maybe a little antiquated. I think the most "progressive" recommended aftercare methods are to either wrap it in Tegaderm/Saniderm/etc (it's like breathable saran wrap) or to heal completely dry or mostly dry (little to no ointments or lotion, only a tiny little bit when it gets unbearably itchy just to keep yourself comfortable). In the future, your aftercare doesn't have to be so extensive, your body can take care of itself and sometimes doing too much can cause a whole new set of problems. It's been so liberating since I started doing more dry healing!
    1 point
  21. I've been a member of the forum for years but post sporadically based on how sick I am of being tattooed haha. I take breaks from the forum after some particularly rough sits where I get burnt out even thinking about tattoos. Here's my thoughts on these questions: 1) It's more newbies posting a few questions, starting arguments, or spamming ("go to this website that has the same name as me for more tattoos that look like this!") than it is meaningful discussion or lively debates. I think a lot of the veterans barely post anymore, probably they're in the same boat as me where they just need breaks from the hobby sometimes. Some of the newer members are great additions, but others just are a drain on the place. 2) I love tattoos! I love getting them, having them, and hearing about other people's experiences. I lurk on some other tattoo forums but this is the only one I actively use because I like the format the best and it's just the one I'm the most familiar with. 3) A sense of humility. Sometimes you get to feeling a little too big for your britches when you live in an area where people are covered with shitty tattoos and yours are way better. This forum has put me in my place in that aspect and also just in seeing what other people have gone through and how I still have so much to learn. Obviously, I've also gained a lot of knowledge. 4) I don't really have a lot of concrete suggestions. I know I'd like a better filtration system for newbs (as far as blocking spam, moderators stepping up to address new members causing issues, etc). As far as actually creating great discussion among us...not sure.
    1 point
  22. Love everyone's new work! <3
    1 point
  23. Josh took a photo of my little rescue, Jasper, and tattooed him for me. I'm so in love with it.
    1 point
  24. Hands On

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Finally finished my Chad/Jondix collabo back piece yesterday, after nearly three years! Session 1: 10/25/13 at the Bay Area Convention, SFO Hyatt - tag team Session 2: 11/20/13 at Garage Ink, Napa, CA 11/20/13 - Chad Session 3: 7/10/16 at Yoni Zilber's private studio, Atlantic Highlands, NJ - Jondix Session 4: 10/19/16 at State of Grace, SJ, CA - Chad
    1 point
  25. Rob I


    Here are crappy pics of my left arm. Through a mirror no less. Jason Scott did all the background work and left the perfect amount of negative space in my opinion. All the little blue flowers and vine swirl stuff was done by him. I love what he did.
    1 point
  26. a_beukeveld


    Starting my half wrist sleeve.
    1 point
  27. @Synesthesia for sure, man. It's not for everyone. For me, it was something I always sort of lived by, but almost not intentionally until late high school. As I got older and more of my friends got into heavy drinking, harder drugs, dealing, dying, etc, I just knew it was better for me. Plus, my mother's family has a pretty serious issue with alcoholism, so I always wanted to avoid that. That all said, I'm actually one of very few people in any of my social circles ever that is/was straight edge, and I've never been one to preach at all. At this point in my life, I'm 33 years old and don't ever see my edge status changing. I don't know if anyone remember's that website How's Your Edge, but that was always their first interview question. Mine is still sharp as fuck. @Charles.M Thanks for starting this thread. Wish there was a bit more to it. Haha.
    1 point
  28. I landed an apprenticeship! I will be working under Jeff Wilson and John Dohe at Infinite Expressions in Charlottetown PEI, Canada. Realy stoked, but just trying to figure out money/moving stuff. Herecare a coupke pieces by them. Super low key, but awesome artists/tattooers. Im hoping to start practicing tebori early as well, as its something Ive always wanted to do. We'll see.
    1 point
  29. The guy who made the first panther tattoo must be f*cking pissed.
    1 point
  30. i never understood why somene would get bummed out if someone else had the same tattoo - i have a sailor jerry octopus and a basic pharoahs horses tattoo that you can find in any shop and probably tattooed on many many folks - but...who cares
    1 point
  31. ShawnPorter

    art ownership

    I did find it interesting that that kid got shot down so inappropriately harshly while Ursula's embroidery was so well received. Both were non-tattooers offering tattoo imagery for sale. That other kid ended up typing out his life story to appease people, which is a shame. I would have went with a 'hey, fuck off, sport'. And Gouge- no one will think you're an outsider because folks seem to like you. It's all about who you know... didn't you know that? :D
    1 point
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