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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2016 in all areas

  1. Finished my upper arm this weekend at the Richmond convention with the (holdout) inner bicep area. Thanks, @darcynutt! She did the outer/shoulder portion of it last year at the convention, and I booked her Saturday to go ahead and finish all the way around. She made it look like it was all done at the same time, and I'm thrilled. She once again used my own aquarium fish in the design.
    6 points
  2. Chris Anthon put put this Fudo Meow-O on me. I love him. That is all.
    6 points
  3. bongsau


    but i think this is the original image you are looking for
    5 points
  4. Inner bicep/pit area done last night to complete upper arm sleeve. 3.5 hrs or so and pretty much murder, done at a convention, but I knew this location sucks, and I took it like the boss I am, lol. Tattoos hurt, and that's all there is to it. Trouble sleeping from the residual pain, and today my upper inner arm is swollen, red, and hot to the touch. I've never had any of my tattoos react this way, but this is a very sensitive area and I think that's all it is. Tegaderm on board, and I'll get there! The whole upper arm is now connected and it almost looks like it was done at the same time, not a year apart. #worthit #conventionartiststalker
    5 points
  5. Heather Bailey did this one for me a few months ago. Inside the upper arm is a fun area.
    5 points
  6. Well, I hope I'm not discouraging anyone with my complaints, lol! I am SO glad to have completed this part of my arm, since to me it always looked kind of odd (on me) to see the blank space on my inner bicep. The outer arm/shoulder tattoo was done without a specific line, but was free-form and organic, so it was easy for her to design the rest of the upper arm sleeve and connect the two areas seamlessly. I'm almost sad the weather is now getting colder and I'll be back in long sleeves and jackets! I will definitely get my other inner bicep done at some point.
    3 points
  7. I totally meant that in only a positive and honest way, and I agree,my arms look unfinished if I raise my arms ! LOL
    2 points
  8. Appreciate all the response, folks. It looks like the color is really in there, so I'm not too worried about it falling out, just surprised to see it still so dry and raised. Guess I just have to be patient...
    2 points
  9. bongsau


    theres this thing called google on the internet which makes it really easy to get all sorts of generic tattoo references https://www.google.ca/search?q=tiger+eyes&espv=2&biw=1785&bih=771&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj765u6hL_PAhUI0GMKHfrGC0EQ_AUIBigB
    2 points
  10. MoistTowelette

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Nikko finishing my demon samurai piece at the SF convention
    2 points
  11. accordianthief


    The start of my geometric sleeve, going back for more next Wednesday!
    1 point
  12. Transplant


    3\4 sleeves for me, although they are somewhat pieced together.
    1 point
  13. TattooedMumma


    Omg that photo is messing with my brain big time ??? it's like a pug or boxer x tiger ???
    1 point
  14. Ammy


    I am dreaming about getting sleeve inmehndi style, but real tattoo. Like this
    1 point
  15. @LizBee So beautiful!
    1 point
  16. bongsau

    Your First Tattoo

    St. Christopher, 2003 ...
    1 point
  17. I need to finish both my arms in that spot too,not looking forward to it. good job ! oh ! and @LizBee thanks for the motivation to get my "Inner bicep/pit area" finished !!! your post is helpful. :)
    1 point
  18. Cats seep into everything.
    1 point
  19. MoistTowelette


    No one is going to help you copy someone else's tattoo.
    1 point
  20. mtlsam

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    I love how so many of the cool tattoos I see on instagram turn out to be on LST posters! Keep up the collecting.
    1 point
  21. Benji

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Lets get this thread going again! The latest progress on my back from Adam Kitamoto from tenten tattoo in Melbourne Australia.
    1 point
  22. There aren't many (if any) artists here, so you won't find many answers. Good luck with your first tattoo!
    1 point
  23. My Dad went into the Marines at the end of WWII - this is him in July 1946, just scored as high shooter in his training platoon at Parris Island. His tattoo was a killer skull with a snake intertwined in the eyes and mouth. I wish I could show him mine now - he died in 1997 while I was commanding a battalion in Bosnia - but he was my incentive to finally do it. I'm still looking for that rifle - serial number 2860035. I've come close to it and have several M1 Garands in my collection. I know that he would have never considered putting something on him that reflected an image of Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, North Korea or China. Still, he loved the oriental and German cultures and visited Asia and Europe many times over the years before he died.
    1 point
  24. This thread is great motivation to go ahead and get my sides done. I've always told myself that I would do them once I got skinny, but as the years go on it's becoming obvious that I'm always going to be a big guy. After lurking this forum for a few days, I decided to join just to say thanks!
    1 point
  25. a_beukeveld

    How about an art show?

    Completed these three recently. Life size Kiyo-hime bodysuit painting, a dietzel girl mash up and a kitsune running through grass with a stolen namakubi.
    1 point
  26. The tattoo that I was hoping for in like 99% not going to happen, so I'm bummed about that since I worked on getting it booked for 10 months. BUT the cool thing is that I won an award at work (yea!) and had some extra cash that was going towards the tattoo. Anyway, I saw this cool thing that was being auctioned off for one of the charities that I support. I bid. I won. HENRY ROLLINS is recording my voicemail. I am more than a little excited. *drops mic*
    1 point
  27. Well what else am I going to do with my time at work but read tattoo forums!
    1 point
  28. Stock up on your Dial Gold now. FDA has banned most anti-bacterial agents, saying they are no more effective than regular soap and water. They want clinical trials, which of course will drive up the cost, to prove any of them. Hand sanitizers next. I like Walmart foaming soap which has triclosan, one of the banned agents in it. Think I'll buy a few gallons. May be no more effective than bar soap, but is easier to use and makes less mess at the sink.
    1 point
  29. Checked in with my artist today - he agrees that I need a little touch up on the blue and red of the flag. Decided to wait for another two weeks of healing - the spots where I had scabs is still peeling as the tattoo settles in. No big rush - but I want to be fully healed before we head off to our vacation in November. So, I'm set for October 6th - just a 30 minute appointment to finish up.
    1 point
  30. I got my first tattoo about 5 years ago when my wife decided it was time for her to get a new tattoo after a long break. We decided to get matching tattoos of a terrible drawing I had done on a Mother's Day card of the two of us and our daughter all holding hands. Think of those stickers people put on their mini vans except drawn by someone who can't even print his own name legible most of the time. It is by far my worst tattoo and one of my favorites. I never thought that it would lead to all these other tattoos.
    1 point
  31. Braceleto


    I have great stuff like this. You can see more these kinds of tattos on braceleto.
    1 point
  32. CollinK

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Who did this? It's fucking killer! I had my back outlined a few weeks ago by Jason Kelly. Stoked to get back on it! There's going to be a lot more background added, and we're probably going to fill up both ribs and armpits too (fml)
    1 point
  33. heathenist

    Elbow Tattoos

    Here is my elbow from Josh Stephens at Hold it Down, about 2 years old. Also, just noticed the LST shirt I just got in the mail today laying behind me on the bed.
    1 point
  34. deadsp0t

    Elbow Tattoos

    Finally got my elbow done. Was worth waiting, I'm stoked about it.
    1 point
  35. deadsp0t

    Elbow Tattoos

    Ok guys and gals, I have some cash saved up to get my elbow tattooed. I have enough space for a palm size tattoo centered dead on the point of my elbow. Everything I have already is traditional and I wanna stick with that style. Looking for some suggestions for a rad tattoo. I like the idea of a bear head, gorilla head.. I'm going ask my tattooer for input and he will have full artistic liberty but I'm not sold on any one idea. I do want something solid, unlike a spider web.
    1 point
  36. CABS

    Elbow Tattoos

    I'm debating whether to go the @hogg route and get Scott Sylvia to fill that weird spot, or to get spider webs that scream "I'm an elbow..." Decisions, decisions.
    1 point
  37. Hrubarb

    Elbow Tattoos

    i really like elbow tattoos that just pretend the elbow isn't there...like this. well, i like those and i also like heavy spider webs that scream look at me, look at me... i am an elbow...
    1 point
  38. Ursula

    Elbow Tattoos

    ok here's mine. was easier than i thought to photo my elbow with the help of a mirror and my iPhone. done by Chris David, then of TCB tattoo toronto, now he works in BC i think in victoria somewheres. People are always shocked he did the heart red and that i haven't had it touched up. It looks a little darker in the photo because I used lotion right before it was taken. It could use another pass on the red, it's a little blotchy when I bend my elbow all the way, but it's in there pretty good. looking at these pics makes me realize i need to get some more shit around that thing!
    1 point
  39. hogg

    Elbow Tattoos

    Some guy named @Scott Sylvia put a cobra over my elbow. It swelled up nicely: But healed perfectly: Every tattooer who sees it is amazed that he got that red in like that in one pass.
    1 point
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