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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2016 in all areas

  1. I know this is older but I was just going back through. Sorry for the off centered "selfie" pic with hubby but I wanted to show off my 2 day old chest piece. We didn't go up terribly high on to the shoulders to leave room for more projects. Slight bruising around collar bone.
    5 points
  2. Marwin3000

    Preferred tebori styles

    got my first tebori from Toshi(Bunshin Horitoshi) the other day. Great experience, and Toshi is a great guy. Went with something simple and classic for my first japanese tattoo
    3 points
  3. “Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign. We are now crossing a forum thread of turbulence. Please return to your seats and keep your seat belts fastened. Thank you.”
    3 points
  4. 8 hours for just that? Nice that he took a 50% deposit than insisted on the rest of the money up front... sounds sketchy.
    2 points
  5. If it's been a couple months already, this sounds like a question for someone knowledgeable who can look at it in person, and not for the internet...
    2 points
  6. Never heard of him until I looked him up just now. It's like there's this parallel universe of famous tattooers who aren't good, and no good tattooer would take seriously. At least now I know where all that tiny shitty script comes from. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  7. Just got my first tebori from Bunshin Horitoshi. Tosi is a great guy! Highly recommended. I went with something classic and simple for my first japanese tattoo
    2 points
  8. I've seen waaay worse check out LivedInTattoos on the 'gram - I think that is one of the best, most honest tattoo feeds because it's straight up healed tattoos. The internet is severely lacking in the healed tattoo department.
    1 point
  9. love this pharaoh's horses piece classic tattoo design (i have one myself) well executed great placement beautiful woman thats a good recipe for a great tattoo
    1 point
  10. HettyKet

    The ladies thread

    @SynesthesiaI'm ashamed to say I've lost the accompanying information, but I'm pretty sure this is the Pharaoh's Horses you're talking about, saved it from here a few years ago: It's amazing. Google reverse image search seems to suggest that it's by Prof Falcon but I can't vouch for that. I also really love the use of space with this Marius Meyer eagle: Edit. Ah, found it on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/yc0-fSwB_2/?taken-by=prof_falcon
    1 point
  11. Listen to the critiques you've been given so far. No one is talking you out of getting what you want, only trying to help you get something better. My other advice is, consider reading the quote out of context. Feel it, don't fear it. That sounds weird, and isn't really a complete sentence or idea on its own, which may or may not matter to you. You will likely have friends and family if not random strangers asking "feel what "? When you're in line at the grocery store. Some people look at tattoos like they are public works of art which can be uncomfortable and even more so when your tattoo doesn't really make sense. If you don't want to change the wording my next advice would be to change the orientation of the Crown, make it larger, and put the text maybe under or inside of a banner wrapped around the Crown, in a more legible way. Just some thoughts, I hope you get an awesome tattoo! Sent from my Z755 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Most of us aren't tattoo artists. If we have a bad day at work, we get a scolding from the boss and go home without any lasting repercussions. When you mess up at work, it's on someone forever. Instead of getting defensive, you need a serious attitude change and to take your craft more seriously. You can't go through your career saying "Boy I really fucked up that guy, oh well, I had a bad day. Next!" Whats your excuse for nearly every other pic in your profile? Because most of them are jacked up.
    1 point
  14. i hate when people ask "what about when you get old?" Well surely then will be old with tattoos rather than young with tattoos?
    1 point
  15. Are you in or planning to travel to Canada in the next few years? Ill cover it up for ya with somethin nice once you hate it.. Will probably be half gone by then so bonus.. ? In all seriousness, you must half some second thoughts if youre asking a big nch or strangers.. Take their advice they wont lie to be nice.. its your canvas & if you really wanna trash it before knowing anything about tattoos so be it.. But from an artist's perspective (&one who has their fair share of bad decisions permanently in the flesh) -at the VERY LEAST flip & stack the words horizontally, bold out & size up that font .. & move it down to your wrist on the inside or your foot!! .. Or do you, whatever.. ?
    1 point
  16. I would really think long and hard about this. It really isn't a very good tattoo idea.
    1 point
  17. First thought was that the crown makes it look a little like the Keep Calm and Carry On thing that was everywhere a couple years ago. You should consider whether you want your tattoo to evoke that. Other than that, I'm not an artist and it feels weird to give design advice to someone I don't know...
    1 point
  18. @irishowl to be EXTRA sure I'll ask strangers on the internet can i just direct you to our coverup threads now dont get this tattoo too small bad placement etc you obviously have the itch so stick around - stay on the latest lowdown thread and check out some cool tattoos and get your bearings on finding a good artist to help you with your ideas also not a fan of first tattoo on the forearm
    1 point
  19. Personally, I would never, ever get this. It's on the forearm, which is a highly visible place and prime real estate for tattoos. I'd rather put an awesome picture in that spot and not sideways lettering, and certainly not that cursive style of lettering. It's hard to read and it isn't going to age well as is because of its size combined with the fact it's in a highly visible spot (sun exposure). My first line of advice is to get a picture of some sort instead of words. They generally age better and they have more "impact" as something recognizable (no strangers squinting at your arm and asking what it says constantly). Is there a scene of the show you like? A motif of some kind you can reference? Someone on it you'd like to get a portrait of? Even if you could pair this quote in a banner with a picture of something would be an improvement, imo. I doubt you'll change your mind so my next line of advice: make everything bigger and make sure it has easy to read composition. You may have to change the placement of it if you aren't comfortable going big, although bigger is always better for tattoos. Like I said, I would never consider something like this, but different types of tattoos appeal to different people. If I had things my way, everyone would get panthers and daggers. If you're dead set on a lettering tattoo, just make sure you change the font and size if only so it doesn't all blur together in a few years.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. you'll be all good @oboogie - dry heal is the way - i only do 1 application of aquaphor after 1st wash - then - thats typically it
    1 point
  22. I think it's impossible to tell without seeing the artist's other work. Sort of like judging a finished painting based on a rough sketch. I will say that the line work looks a little thin. I like bolder lines. But again he might be planning to go back in and layer it. Did you like what he had in his portfolio? Composition and placement looks okay to me but is he going to leave all that blank space or put in background? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. @Dan Get it done, man! I waited until I was 57 for many of the same reasons and had a grandmother who died from colon cancer. My wife and I finally decided to have them done. She was clear and I had a pre-cancerous polyp which was removed during the procedure. I just had my 3 year follow up colonoscopy last fall and was clear. The procedure itself is so easy I was amazed. Even the prep isn't as bad as people say it is. In fact, the prep was the worst part and that wasn't bad at all. odds are you are fine and having that piece of mind will be priceless. And, even if something is found, treatment today is much better the even a few years ago with good outcomes. You do have amazing tattoos! But I'd prefer to have you around to guide us through our own journeys. You need to have that piece of mind to truly enjoy those trips to Hawaii....and I want to see those beach pics for years to come. Now, listen to the Colonel and get your ass in there, literally, and get the procedure done. Anyone who says they aren't scared in your situation is lying. I know I was. But, believe me, not knowing really is worse.
    1 point
  24. LizBee

    Tattoo Pet Peeves

    Amen to above, and, it reminded me that I had saran wrap on my arm one time when a lady seating my husband and I at a diner after the tattoo asked me if I this was a fresh tattoo as she slapped me right on the wrap. REALLY?????
    1 point
  25. One of the wildest parties I have been to in the last few years was a 50th. And some of the "oldest" people I know (by that I mean only want to talk about mortgages, never want to do anything but watch tv at home) are mid 20s. I'm 28 but I'm gonna be young at heart for a while yet!
    1 point
  26. Garrett

    Dumb Hipster Tattoos

    People can get what ever they want and i won't judge them, unless it's a face tattoo then they're fair game
    1 point
  27. I've just been reminded of when is I'd just had my feet/ankles tattooed with beautiful birds and flowers and some guy walked past and said 'I thought you had mud on your legs' (they're actually super colourful). I just thought cheers mate, some pretty expensive mud!
    1 point
  28. Just posted my twigs on Instagram this morning, but figured I'd repost 'em here too. Many of them are hard to see / are on the other side of my legs, but of what's visible... Right Leg: - Foo Dog by Mike Rubendall - Punk Rock Girl Head by Nick Oaks - Pyramid by Eli Quinters - Dragon Head (peeking out) by Steve Boltz - Rose Girl Head (peeking out) by Kirk Sheppard - Snake Head by Nick Oaks - Wacky Ankle Tribal Band by Paul Samplonius Left Leg: - Hindu Demon Goddess by Freddy Corbin - Devil Woman by Hillary Fisher White - Skull Mosque by Chris Stiles - Pyramid Palm Hand (peeking out) by Jason McAfee - Wolf Head and Snake by Bailey Hunter Robinson - Hammer by Nick Oaks - Dr. Teeth by Cody Zeek Not visible: - Oni Head by Dave Cummings - Dagger through Tiger Head by Jeff Rassier - Mom Heart by Steve Boltz - Higgs Druid by Nick Rodin - Demon Head by Todd Noble - Panther by Matt Arriola - Wacky Husker Du Mandala by Keith Stewart I think that's all of 'em for now, but I'm wearing pants so I can't double-check. :)
    1 point
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