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  1. from Chad Koeplinger @ Tattoo Paradise in Wheaton, MD
    6 points
  2. from Chad @ Tattoo Paradise in Wheaton, MD
    3 points
  3. @Lance I'll elaborate on the story a bit, it was a fun trip after all. I show up at the shop around 12. Like I said, I came expecting the worst, but I wanted to exceed the expectation and knock this thing out in one day. Johan shows me the drawing, and in my head all I can hear is Gob from Arrested Development, "I've made a huge mistake." So much hair and little lines, fuck me. So we spend the next 45 minutes or so with general setup and talking about placement as I reconsider my goals for the day after seeing all those lines. All laid out, I assume the position. He starts low at the hip and works the way up in sections. The hip bone made my body vibrate, and the nerves radiated at certain times where I swear he put a line down my shaft, or up higher it felt like he ran over my nipple. Nothing worse than expected though. Nothing that made me break out in an instant cold sweat like when my lower back got hit. Just general "this sucks." so I was able to make it. @hogg recommended a focused breathing technique, and pretend to blow out candles from far away, well I blew out the equivalent of a forest fire over the course of the day. My lips were chapped and my throat was dry. Anyhow, after almost 4 hours of lines, I was again reassessing goals for the day. This was about the point when I was feeling the worst. I was almost ready to call it a day, but I was actually looking forward to pretending to be tough in front of @ironchef, so I pushed on. Johan and I had to be realistic about what was left, and what we thought we could finish that day. We opted for coloring the low hanging fruit; the horns, the belly, and the fire. Especially because we couldn't settle on body/hair colors. So after the first strip of fire, Johan can tell I'm close to the end and I might not make it. He offers some vasocaine spray. At first I'm a little reluctant, but after some time to consider it, I take him up on the offer. He assures me that for most people, it takes away ~50% of the pain. Well goddamn if it didn't work for me. At this point, ironchef shows up, and who knows what he thought of meeting me as I'm able to hold a conversation getting my ribs worked on. A second wind combined with relief from the spray, I felt really good at this point. We all talked and had a good time while Johan wrapped things up, and ironchef and I took obligatory nude pics together. I was out of the shop around 8 and on my way home for a shower and very restless sleep.
    3 points
  4. Pushed as long as I could with Johan Svahn to get this far. Will finish on Johan's return to the States. Had a great time at the Kings Ave in Manhattan, very cool shop. It was great to see @ironchef and his incredible tattoos in person. I know you guys want to see more, slightly blurry, ass.
    2 points
  5. Female college student. Among other girls the "pinterest" tattoos are very popular- small white ink, small symbols in B&G, etc. Yesterday there was a girl in the gym in front of me that had some weird black shape. Once she stopped running I realized they were tiny elephants. Guys are very into the tribal and the black out style pieces. That being said, I do see many people with larger, bolder tattoos. A girl who sits next to me in Chemistry has an octopus that covers her entire chest. Another girl I've seen on campus has two large Alice in Wonderland images done on her thighs. There's also a lot of nerdy tattoos: Harry Potter, Supernatural, gamers, LOTR, etc. I truly think that's a generation thing, because many of these things have come to define our generation. Good tattoos aren't a rarity, but they get overshadowed by the lower quality ones. I think a lot of it, especially with the women my age, are still associating feminine with small and dainty, and that tattoos are still in the stages of becoming widely accepted
    1 point
  6. @marley mission = that's you're best one yet! - - - Updated - - - @marley mission = that's you're best one yet!
    1 point
  7. had a great time today Tattoo Paradise with Chad lots of driving though - I'm beat don't know how Chad does with all that travel also got to meet @21stNow who stopped in and brought food for myself and the shop thank you so much - very sweet of you sorry we didn't have longer to chat but it was great meeting you - - - Updated - - - had a great time today Tattoo Paradise with Chad lots of driving though - I'm beat don't know how Chad does with all that travel also got to meet @21stNow who stopped in and brought food for myself and the shop thank you so much - very sweet of you sorry we didn't have longer to chat but it was great meeting you
    1 point
  8. I'm obviously biased because I have a huge one from him, but I think Grez at King's Avenue has some of the sickest eagles goin. And being in NEPA, you're not far from NYC. He doesn't have his own instagram, but searching #grez on IG will show you plenty. I'm also very partial to Steve Byrne's and Aaron Coleman's.
    1 point
  9. 9Years

    What do you use?

    @JBluewind -1. Is there anything I can do (or not do) before the appointment to help with the healing? As with any healing process, the healthier you are going in, the easier/faster you will heal. 1. Can I use white Dove bar soap to clean it? Yes 2. I don't want to use an after care product as they sound like a nightmare for a girl with lots of allergies. It there any normal first aid treatment I can use to help? You won't need any aftercare product or first aid treatment. It's just a tattoo. Reading your other threads about the tattoo you are getting, it looks like it's going to be pretty quick. Keep it clean and you'll be fine. There are lots of people out there trying to make a buck off of convincing those getting tattooed that they need some particular brand of snake-oil for things to heal well. This simply isn't true. 3. Which lotion (or at least what to look for in a lotion) and how often? The typical recommendation is something non-scented. Since you have a lot of allergies you probably already have a moisturizer that fits your needs. Use that. Use a small amount if you feel the tattoo start to dry out. Some people prefer nothing at all. 4. Does Bert's Bees make any products I can use? I don't know 5. How do I keep from having a nightmare situation when I wake up? (upper ankle piece) Do I wrap with sterile gauze and ointment or something? Not sure what this means? If I'm reading the situation correctly you are getting a relatively small, quick tattoo. I think you are making a mountain out of a mole-hill. You are going to undergo some minor skin-trauma. That's it. I understand that you want to do it right since it's your first, but don't overthink it...the most tried and true method of healing tattoos since forever is keep it clean and wait.
    1 point
  10. I'm scheduled for a slot in Little Rock on the 29th this month. I'm kinda excited because even though this is certainly NOT my first tattoo, this is the first time I've travelled to have one done and the first time I don't have a planned-out piece beforehand...I just know I want a tiger. I don't have anything close to Chad's style so that part is cool, too. Plus, being part of a cross-country tour like this is just fun! Just a few weeks away :) Wildcat
    1 point
  11. Just got this reimagining of a Rock of Ages by Aaron Hodges at Spider Murphy's. Stolen from his instagram:
    1 point
  12. Many people have seen this all ready I guess. By Jondix, 11 days ago. Had such a great time. Stayed at the shop past midnight, talking and eating after the session. Everybody should get something from him. Super good heart, attitude and knowledge of tattooing and art. Wrathful offering of the five senses by Jonas Nyberg from last year.
    1 point
  13. Just got this by Marie Sena.Electric Eye Tattoo.
    1 point
  14. Just got this San Jose tribute, from my buddy Matt Wes.
    1 point
  15. This is 2-3 days after my 3rd sesh w/ Jason Brooks. Got a little of the background to finish, but gonna start to fill in the scales next time. Can't wait till the next appointment!!! BTW, these boards introduced me to Jason. THANK YOU ALL :D
    1 point
  16. Gotten a few fun ones over the last six months or so: Steve Byrne at Temple before the Bay Area Convention of the Arts: Healed Robert Ryan at the Convention: Crappy healed photo: - - - Updated - - - Got a couple from Miguel Montgomery aka Uzi to start the year Healed - - - Updated - - - And most recent is a little one shot by Alex Petty based off of some old Milton Zeis flash Flash Piece (still healing)
    1 point
  17. Here is the piece I just got in Springfield, Oregon at the Evergreen Tattoo Invitational. It's not quite finished but will get it's final touches in Vegas in a couple weeks. It's a collaboration piece done by Christian Buckingham and Dwight Bulb who both work out of Revolt in Vegas. Christian did the black and gray realism of Archangel Gabriel and Dwight did the Neo Traditional Jasmine flowers. Ended up sitting for almost 11hr over 2 days and had a blast! It was my first convention and was such a great setting to get a tattoo. Had originally scheduled with Christian who did my first 2 tattoos but when he asked if I had any interest in doing a collaboration with Dwight I felt honored and jumped at the opportunity. I'm amazed at how nicely the Neo Traditional works with the Realism and it really does frame out the angel is such a stunning way....basically two great tattoos in and of themselves. Dwight did all of the flowers freehand and they fit my arm so perfectly. In June this sleeve will be continued onto my lower arm in some way. I want to have a cavern with a devil and maybe some dead trees and/or wilted flowers...?? The art isn't decided yet but will be a Heaven and Hell sleeve basically. Will have Christian and Dwight collaborate on the lower half too so that it carries well. Hard to get all of the piece in one pic but will get some nicer pics after the work is done and it's healed. I'm so completely stoked about this tattoo and feel like I got such a great one for it being my 3rd piece.
    1 point
  18. made a trip to michigan over the weekend jeff zuck @ name brand tattoo. not sure why the picture looks weird at the top of the flames alex boyko @ sunhouse then today on my way home i swung by old soul and got this from john hill
    1 point
  19. I know, i'm posting again the same tattoo, but i'm very excited with it, even if it's in progress :o Fourth day of healing and it's starting to slightly itch :)
    1 point
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