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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2016 in all areas

  1. Just got this reimagining of a Rock of Ages by Aaron Hodges at Spider Murphy's. Stolen from his instagram:
    8 points
  2. @Naiemh If you are collapsing and having some pretty adverse symptoms multiple times after big tattoo sittings...it's your body telling you you're putting it under too much stress and to take it easy. Try eating a simple healthy meal mid-way through the session, that may help. Or talk to your tattooer and perhaps you can schedule more shorter sessions. Being impatient may be your other problem. Finishing a back tattoo in under a month is biting off more than most can chew, especially if you're having adverse symptoms like fainting and blurred vision. Finishing a big tattoo project in 3-4 months is still very quick and respectable. You need to give your body enough time to recover from the tattoo session and deal with healing the areas. The numbing gel isn't going to solve your problem. It may help you get through the last 1 hr if you and your tattooer are strategic about where/when to apply it. But you're still going to have to sit through some times of feeling everything. After the numbing wears off it is going to hurt waaay worse. good luck
    3 points
  3. Today I learned that the posterior of my body is home to multiple portals to hell! Seriously, I kept expecting cenobites to show up and drag me off with hook chains. Whoever said the butt crease is magical sure knew what they were talking about. But the most surprising thing for me (and for Greg, actually) is that there were a couple of spots near my shoulder blades that actually made me burst into tears instantly! It was the strangest thing...it wasn't like I just bottomed out and couldn't take it anymore, it was a huge surge of adrenaline and emotion that felt completely involuntary. And just in those spots! We tattooed well into armpit territory and it was honestly a relief after those other spots. So strange. I would post the Instagram but I'm on my phone. :( it's on his page, though, butt crack towel and everything.
    3 points
  4. Thanks buddies. :) I feel kinda like death warmed over today, but I'm happy we were able to get through all of it. Now it's back to saner amounts of discomfort, I think! (Can't imagine doing a backpiece over a few days -- more power to the folks that have, but I think I would die!)
    2 points
  5. I vote for a Jesus head with a dagger through it.
    2 points
  6. Many people have seen this all ready I guess. By Jondix, 11 days ago. Had such a great time. Stayed at the shop past midnight, talking and eating after the session. Everybody should get something from him. Super good heart, attitude and knowledge of tattooing and art. Wrathful offering of the five senses by Jonas Nyberg from last year.
    2 points
  7. Knee zapper from Chad Koeplinger the other day in Denver
    2 points
  8. Not strictly 'news', but it made me chuckle this morning, so I thought I'd share: Man's Tattoo A Constant Reminder of Time He Stabbed Panther In Face - The Hard Times
    1 point
  9. I sit here, sore, swollen, in a daze... but I have to share my story. I am an apprentice tattooer and have been in my apprenticeship since September of 2014. I have always had a deep respect for tattooing, but it has now been solidified even deeper. Last year at the Lady Luck Tattoo Convention, my teacher was asked to receive a traditional Samoan tatau by Sulu'ape Si'i Liufau of A-Town Tattoo. My teacher has known Si'i for about 10 years through the convention circle. We were sharing a booth with A-Town, so I was preparing for a pretty close view of the event. As they were preparing, Si'i came to me and told me that he only had his apprentice, Genesis, available to stretch skin for the tatau and they would need my help. I have a previous post describing the experience, so I won't elaborate further on it here, but it became one of the biggest honors of my life to be involved in that tatau on my teacher. Fast forward to this past weekend: We were working the Lady Luck Convention again and had a pretty slow schedule of clients. My teacher intentionally did so, because he wanted to hopefully help stretch on a tatau. It is a huge honor to receive a tatau, but it is an equal honor to assist in one. Saturday night, we are all in the bar, relaxing and having a good time. It was a group of about 20 tattooers from all over the country. Talk of the process of tatau began and I took the opportunity to interject and publicly thank Si'i for asking me to assist on my teacher's tatau. I told him it was one of the biggest honors of my life and I would never forget it. He nodded to me and said, "What are you doing tomorrow?" I said, "No tattoos, just working our booth." He said, "I should give you tatau tomorrow." Without hesitation, I stuck my hand out and said yes. We shook on it and he went over to discuss it with his apprentice. They were making gestures around the lower thigh area and kinda laughing a little. I jokingly said, "You guys are laughing too much! You gonna fuck me up tomorrow?!" Si'i responded, "We're gonna try something new on you, Nate. You're not gonna like it... but you're gonna like it." The next morning, I went over to the A-Town booth and Si'i had me remove my shoes and put on a sarong. Without discussion, he started shaving my knee area, all the way around. He drew on a couple reference lines, where he then called over my teacher and told him he would be assisting his apprentice with stretching of the skin. I've already written a lot, so I will skip along. It took 3 hours of, by far, hands down, the most painful tattooing I've ever received. Almost my entire knee, and all the way around back, through the ditch. At the end, I was congratulated. I didn't move. I didn't squirm. I made no sounds. Inside my head, it felt as though they were cutting my leg off, but I knew I had to show my respect and gratitude by being silent. It was incredible. To be a part of my teacher's tatau and for him to be a part of mine has bonded us even closer. We are both so humbled and blown away by it all. As he did a final cleaning of my leg, I asked Sulu'ape Si'i what I needed to pay him for this (I was actually kind of worried, because I'm a broke apprentice). He said, "Meaalofa. It's a gift for you. You earned my respect when you sat for hours and stretched for your teacher last year." He also said, "Now Nate, this tatau has the ending placement of a traditional Pe'a, so when a Samoan sees it coming out of your shorts, they are going to question you. When they do, you tell them it was a gift from Sulu'ape and if they have any more questions, they can come talk to me." I'm still in awe. I look at my leg now and it is so much more than a tattoo. It is history. It is honor. It is respect. I just wanted to share my story. Thanks to all that read it. Here are some pictures of the whole thing. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. I might answer in hours. I've noticed that since both calves are mostly covered, drivers don't hassle me as much when on the bike.
    1 point
  11. @sophistre = BOOM! Down on 1 knee and bowing. - - - Updated - - - @sophistre = BOOM! Down on 1 knee and bowing.
    1 point
  12. I have my second appointment on the 20th with Horitomo at State of Grace - during the first appt he outlined my arm dragon. Will be adding color during the second. Just can't wait. Such a nice man! - - - Updated - - - I have my second appointment on the 20th with Horitomo at State of Grace - during the first appt he outlined my arm dragon. Will be adding color during the second. Just can't wait. Such a nice man!
    1 point
  13. I have an appointment with Steve Byrne on the 22nd. Really looking forward to meeting and getting tattoed by him! - - - Updated - - - I have an appointment with Steve Byrne on the 22nd. Really looking forward to meeting and getting tattoed by him!
    1 point
  14. The one mercy of when I got my back lined was that Dave decided to fill in the tiger stripes in that first session so I had some breaks from the liner. Not that shading doesn't still hurt, but it at least doesn't feel like giant heated knives are being dragged slowly through your flesh. You win, not just for sitting strong on a tough session, but also for making a quality Hellraiser reference. - - - Updated - - - The one mercy of when I got my back lined was that Dave decided to fill in the tiger stripes in that first session so I had some breaks from the liner. Not that shading doesn't still hurt, but it at least doesn't feel like giant heated knives are being dragged slowly through your flesh. You win, not just for sitting strong on a tough session, but also for making a quality Hellraiser reference.
    1 point
  15. I can't wait to see that all come together @sophistre. You're off to a badass start, no pun intended. Huge respect for sitting through that.
    1 point
  16. I'm inking tatts all day with my tat gat. Zapping Sacred G on underboobs, tramp stamping tatts on canvases, guns buzzing... I'm an inker. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. @Naiemh I know, but I stay because I have family here. It's where I was born and raised. Also, I'm broke ;) I've gotten the speech before about keeping my body a temple as well as a speech about saving myself for marriage and the crap I caught when I didn't (I was 23!). People don't seem to catch too much guff about tattoos like they use to (especially with their popularity), but I really don't care either way. I like good ink and I want good ink and if I'm gonna pay for it, I'm gonna show off good ink. ;)
    1 point
  18. Thanks a lot!!! The tattoo artist name is Nil Marqués Coll, and I'm super happy with my decission! He is so talented! Unfortunatelly I just have bad quality mirror auto-pictures of it (since it's not finished I won't worry about taking good photos, yet, hahaha), but I can show you at least these pics :D First session, just drawing the outlines And this one is from the second session
    1 point
  19. Naiemh

    Haku Japanese Dragon Back Piece

    Nil Marqués Coll
    1 point
  20. Naiemh

    Haku Japanese Dragon Back Piece

    Nil Marqués Coll
    1 point
  21. Phenomenal start @sophistre. When I first seen it I was like holy crap that's a lot of lines! Bravo for sitting through that. - - - Updated - - - Phenomenal start @sophistre. When I first seen it I was like holy crap that's a lot of lines! Bravo for sitting through that.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Yes @sophistre, that's you?! Awesome!
    1 point
  24. @sophistre Multiple portals to hell, yes, but you did it! Looks like a great start! - - - Updated - - - @sophistre Multiple portals to hell, yes, but you did it! Looks like a great start!
    1 point
  25. Bloody h#ll, just saw it on insta, too. That's a huge back piece and all lining done in one sitting? Well done you, hope you're getting some rest now. Looks flipping awesome though!
    1 point
  26. I just saw you roll up on my IG, @sophistre, and came right over to see if you'd posted yet. Looks AMAZING!
    1 point
  27. Actually I never realized about someone staring (in the bad way) my tattoos. I think it's more about don't thinking about it and then you will not realize about people staring the bad way to your tattoos. Just change your mind and stop worrying! I never worried about people staring or judging my tattoos, and that's why I think I never watched nobody doing so! I just realized about compliments and admiring glances! I have a funny and cute tattoo on my leg (a pile of kawaii cats. You can check it on my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/BDfk1qNvAYD/?taken-by=polymernai ), and, even when I know it's not the best tattoo ever (and it's not perfectly done, I have to touch up the colours soon) , I had A LOT of kids loving my tattoo, saying that this is super cute and funny!!! I'm super happy when I make children smile :D So, just listen to the compliments and forget about the bad words!
    1 point
  28. i dont mind stares, comments or questions generally my pet peeve is the "how much" question i typically wont give a sincere answer to that one
    1 point
  29. I came from a rough background, drinking & drugs (don't ask what I did for a living between 1977 and 1981), fixing cars for a living, motorcycles, street racing and ultimately stock cars. So a lot of people I knew had tattoos and it was totally accepted. I was the first with big pieces done. With all I went through with some really close calls, I still give my wife (RIP) credit for saving my life. Now I'm 61, 6' tall, 255 lbs and am in the gym 3 days most weeks, I'm kind of hard to miss. As I said earlier, people now look the other way and give me lots of room. Partly which is fine since I pretty much keep to myself when I'm out and about. It does bug me how quickly others judge, I'm actually pretty nice most of the time.
    1 point
  30. Just got this by Marie Sena.Electric Eye Tattoo.
    1 point
  31. Cork

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Johan Svahn appointment getting so close. @ironchef You busy on April 11th?
    1 point
  32. Here is my newest piece......done by Chad Lambert at Revolt Tattoos in Las Vegas. It fits so nicely next to my Trash Polka style Tie Pilot!!
    1 point
  33. I have 3 good sized pieces on my legs so far. I will likely get something new on one of them in may. The dagger is by Scott Sylvia; the mushrooms and skull/wings are by Jereme Galloway
    1 point
  34. Yesterday I got this skeleton with a videogames system from the '80s on my calf.
    1 point
  35. Just got this from David Parker at Black Heart Tattoo in San Francisco. Do I really need to say how I feel about this tattoo?
    1 point
  36. Well, I took it to my artist and he did his thing. Here is a photo of the outline. I'm pretty much in love with it. - - - Updated - - - Here is the photo.
    1 point
  37. My pegs, tattoos by RHW (snake and rose), Cris Cleen (lady in the mirror), BHR (vulture head), Carolyn Le Bourgeois (snake, Niña Blanca), Scott Sylvia (candle burning at both ends), and Nick Colella (eagle and flag). No plans but to fill them up with rad tattoos.
    1 point
  38. Here you go, on my left thigh, koi, water and cherry blossoms done in Japanese style by Henning Jorgensen. Not completed yet and also now connected to my back piece project. Will eventually get a piece on my right thigh to balance things out. Maybe a tiger or dragon or both.
    1 point
  39. My father, who has no tattoos and is Catholic, asked me what would happen if I met the perfect man but he hated my tattoos... My response :"If he is the perfect man, then he'd love my tattoos." He also used to teach me as a kid that tattoos will make you go to hell, but has since reversed his opinion on that.
    1 point
  40. I get a lot of "I never would've guessed you have tattoos!" often followed by something along the lines of "but you look so nice!!"
    1 point
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