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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2016 in all areas

  1. Isotope

    Full Back Piece Thread

    One tiny little touch up/detail session left next month!
    5 points
  2. Just got a wee elbow banger from Franz Stefanik
    5 points
  3. Gotten a few fun ones over the last six months or so: Steve Byrne at Temple before the Bay Area Convention of the Arts: Healed Robert Ryan at the Convention: Crappy healed photo: - - - Updated - - - Got a couple from Miguel Montgomery aka Uzi to start the year Healed - - - Updated - - - And most recent is a little one shot by Alex Petty based off of some old Milton Zeis flash Flash Piece (still healing)
    4 points
  4. Jack Rudy on Tattoos' Stigma and Why It's Good They Hurt | OC Weekly
    1 point
  5. Kinda late to the party here but man . This kills. Congrats. The colour palette really appeals to me. Gotta get me some of that lol
    1 point
  6. MrToby

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Having started 21 months ago I am unbelievably happy to say that my back is done. It took 59 hours, at least a dozen tubes of bepanthen, lots of cups of coffee and bacon sandwiches, and at least one ruined set of bed sheets. Thank you very much Mr Ian Flower.
    1 point
  7. You really shouldn't ever take this "coloring book" approach to any tattoo. If you are willing to travel to get tattooed by someone whose work you really love, why have someone else complete the work? It makes no sense and is a disservice to everyone, including yourself. I'm currently getting a sleeve from an artist I've admired for a long, long time. I tried for 3 years just to get an appointment, which wasn't until the end of 2014. I can't go often or for more than one session at a time, but I've had 4 sessions, and there's still work to be done. It's been a long process, but I wouldn't trade any aspect of it because the end result is so, so worth it. If you're gonna commit to traveling for a long-term project, then fucking commit.
    1 point
  8. cltattooing

    Jaw, Meet Floor

    I can't explain why this one had such an impact, but it really struck me. By Troy Trujillo
    1 point
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