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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2016 in all areas

  1. My girlfriend surprised me this morning with a birthday appointment with Morten Transeth! Great gift
    5 points
  2. lucyb

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    I got this incredible panther and snake by Valerie Vargas earlier this week https://www.instagram.com/p/BBn6dIQkHUa/?taken-by=valeriemodernclassic
    5 points
  3. Bear head done by Jack Allender out of Worcester a few days ago, photo stolen from his Instagram as I didn't grab one before it scabbed up. My first piece of trad, super happy with it. Bear head done today @fourleaf_tattoo thanks for coming down Tsam
    2 points
  4. Alix Ge finished my pharaoh's horses yesterday https://www.instagram.com/p/BBnT4LcQCmd/?taken-by=alixge
    2 points
  5. SStu

    Noobie needs help/advice

    @AverageJer is right. Also, 1st = figure out what kind of style (artwork) you prefer 2nd = figure out which artists that are within your travel area can rock that style 3rd = discuss design and placement options with that (or those) artist(s) you are headed in the right direction.
    1 point
  6. Jens

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Hey guys, I'm new here. Just want to share my back piece in progress with you. done by Vincent Houquet
    1 point
  7. stiv

    Old tattoo photos

    I met a 92 year old vet yesterday who got these in Norfolk and Hawaii in 1940 during ww2.
    1 point
  8. Shaun1105

    Old tattoo photos

    These four are on my great-uncle Boots, who served in the Royal Canadian Navy. First two are on his upper arms and were done in 1949 in a street booth "by some 19 year-old kid in Pompey, England". Google tells me that means Southampton. The second two larger ones are on his forearms and were done in Victoria, BC. Artist unknown. Within the same year, I believe. All of his kids' names are in/around the tattoos.
    1 point
  9. Shaun1105

    Old tattoo photos

    My family reunion was this past week. I made sure to get some shots of the tattoos on my great uncles. These would be some of the first tattoos I remember seeing as a child. These are on my Uncle Jerry. Done in Vancouver, BC in 1941 by Steve Robertson*. My uncle was 15 years old, and was working on the Building and Rail gang of the CN Railway. One night they got into a bottle of wine, the older guys told him he was going to get tattoos, and he went along with it. They cost $1.25 each. * My uncle says these were done in a shop by an artist of that name. Has anyone heard of him? There is a Canadian tattoo history thread I have yet to read through fully, I will check there too. First is a heart with an arrow+banner, "Father" and "Mother" above and below. Second is an anchor, kind of tough to read nowadays as it's quite small.
    1 point
  10. I don't have an issue with passing down a craft or trade, I worked for my folks at that age but nothing too major.. That said, anyone who sits in the chair and knows a 7 year old is about to tattoo them gets what they deserve.. If there's no labor laws being broken and clients are cool with it, who gives a rats ass, lots of generational tradesman and craftsmen start this early.. I guess if you're a tattooer that had to work their ass of to get an apprenticeship it could/would be frustrating, but we're all dealt the hands we are dealt, this kids hand happens to be with a tattooer in the deck. At the end of the day, it really doesn't affect anyone but the people who let a kid tattoo them. I find it ridiculous that we have let price and explanation of price become a taboo and dare not discuss it but we are all up in arms about someone teaching their child to tattoo..
    1 point
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