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  1. Rikhall

    Hand Tattoos

    Havnt really posted in a while here is my girl head by Todd Noble. I picked it up in October at the Calgary convention and it's a design from his girlhead book No idea why it came out sideways
    4 points
  2. bongsau

    Hand Tattoos

    A bit amusing...I'm reading my lengthy post above from 18 months ago...now I've got tattoos creeping the cuff and onto the hands. Things change, tattooing is fluid! here's my newish dragon fist: and here's a an artsy selfie of my dragon fist - dragon fly and dragon eyes ! for your viewing pleasure see guys! i got lots of space left...maybe squinch in some tudor roses on the hands in the future
    3 points
  3. +1 "Get a dragon" is the correct answer to any tattoo question. Question: "I have too many dragons, what should I get next?" Answer: "Get another dragon!"
    2 points
  4. I agree but I also feel the name of the artist should not be revealed until AFTER a winner is chosen. Just my opinion.
    2 points
  5. Rad Kelham

    Face/Head Tattoo

    Here is my dome by Jesse Roberts - whether or not this is a face tattoo I don't know. I'm the farthest thing from hardcore and would say nothing has changed since getting it. No big deal! I really liked the cover of the finger wave book so that's why I went to Jesse, as he painted it. I fully endorse people getting their head and face tattooed.
    2 points
  6. graybones

    Hand Tattoos

    I love a good back piece or a solid sleeve, but my obsession is hand tattoos. Here are a few of my favorites from the collection I have saved on my computer. Tim Hendricks Seth Wood Ron Wells Ashley Love Annie Frenzel Peter Lagergren Peter Lagergren again I'd love to see some other favorites, or hand tattoos that LST members have!
    1 point
  7. ShyGypsy

    Face/Head Tattoo

    :o Beautiful work. I really love the composition and placement! I know I can handle the social stigma, face tattoos bring. Im just not sure about the toxic levels of the glowing ink... Im starting to become more comfortable with the idea of simple fine black lace along my hair line and inking my skull. I have an amazing pain tolerance. Id like to believe Im a dream canvas for an artist. - - - Updated - - - Nice, you really found yourself an amazing artist!!
    1 point
  8. PinkUnicorn

    Tipping Question

    Tipping is generally at a lower level in the UK than in the US. (I'm a citizen of both places.) In general I dislike tipping and would rather just have everything included in the price. (e.g. as in restaurants in Japan.) Following US customs in the UK is often not appropriate. https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Travel-g186216-s606/United-Kingdom:Tipping.And.Etiquette.html I also dislike the "tipping inflation" that seems to be happening in the US at the moment - particularly at places where you order at the counter and pay with a credit card and sign on an iPad! The lowest tip listed is often 15% or 20%, whereas I had got used to 15% being the default tip when you got full service at your table. OK, rant over! (For now...)
    1 point
  9. lucyb

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    I got this incredible panther and snake by Valerie Vargas earlier this week https://www.instagram.com/p/BBn6dIQkHUa/?taken-by=valeriemodernclassic
    1 point
  10. Alix Ge finished my pharaoh's horses yesterday https://www.instagram.com/p/BBnT4LcQCmd/?taken-by=alixge
    1 point
  11. New tattoo, new post. After much research I chose Chris to do my new piece, which he was happy to do for me. I waited a few months of course then finally the time came. Got it done yesterday, 5 1/2 hours straight. Fucking legit piece of art.
    1 point
  12. mtlsam

    Face/Head Tattoo

    If you read through the 500 or so comments on that post you'll see some by the tattoo's owner. Seems like he might be an interesting character, the kind of guy who can pull it off. While it's a well executed tattoo, it's a bit more bold than what I would ever want.
    1 point
  13. Scott R

    Face/Head Tattoo

    cheyene sawyer just posted a nifty eyeband on instagram Honestly Id get my ballsack tattooed before I ever go to the face
    1 point
  14. I might be biased since I have two but I love Danielle Rose's ladyheads. I actually have a proper emotional reaction to her work that I rarely get from the visual arts. The one on the left is from her earlier work, the second one about a year later, I think it's interesting to see the difference. I also love Claudia de Sabe's ladies and Xam.
    1 point
  15. Kevin Leblanc. He's been killing it for a long time and his name only pops up here and there. I don't believe he gets the credit he deserves.
    1 point
  16. hey! i painted that! it is a waters repaint. you can get a good book from blueletter books that has that design in it. @Jackrabbitt666 - - - Updated - - - also, how did you find that? i posted it once on instagram like a year+ ago. @hogg
    1 point
  17. bongsau

    Hand Tattoos

    thank you @kimkong :) I had this weird gap between my chest and stomach and then I was reminded of the image during a vinyl crate dig when the tattoo-lightbulb went off. The reference is from Bunny Wailer's Solomonic record label and I'm a pretty big reggae-head so I was pretty drawn to the imagery. A bit of a spin on the classic traditional tattoo eyes or the buddha eyes. I'm pretty happy with the outcome - different, gritty, hypnotizing and goes with the different dragons on my hands and ribs. I may go get them re-lined to pop them a bit.
    1 point
  18. Isotope

    Tipping Question

    I try to bring BBQ, coffee, etc. And I tip every session.
    1 point
  19. kimkong

    Full Back Piece Thread

    started this end of '13 with rich hardy in krakow,poland. then i travelled to london, paris and london again to finish it few weeks ago. so relieved that i finally don't have to get through that pain again. although the shading during the last 3 sessions was so easy in comparison to the lines. anyways i can only repeat that rich is the nicest guy. everyone should get tattooed by him if he is around. merry christmas everyone!
    1 point
  20. canarycoal

    Face/Head Tattoo

    I wanted to get the sides of my head done a while ago, but chose not to. I still want the same tattoos but I think I'm going to move them to my arms. I really don't think I am going to get any tattoos past the hairline/on the face. I don't think it would help people's confidence in me in my chosen fields unfortunately. Also the pain and healing on the face scares me a bit.
    1 point
  21. Dennis

    Face/Head Tattoo

    Did the copyright form address not posting the image until he has had a chance to run it through a photoshop or instagram filter? All joking aside, I think face tattoo's work great on some people, but I'm personally not getting one. I love this one from Victor Portugal!
    1 point
  22. jacoboxsi

    Face/Head Tattoo

    i see a huge number of "nope". i'm all for it. really want my face done. if anyone is into xmen, I really want the mutant M that was made popular during dofp and x-cutioners song. feel such a strong connection to being labeled "different" or "mutie" that it just feels natural to one day bare that for the rest of my life. i get the social stigma of facial tattoos but sometimes people should open their minds to other's choices. such a cliche ass post but it all depends on that person and whether or not they mind the stares. i do hate all these young kids wanting to be hard with a face tattoo and no body ink. seems weird. just like the gauging phase, they'll get them removed. already know about 6 people who've had their ears sewn shut. let's just say i see them a lot differently. still rocking plugs 6 years and 2 inches later. still working on them too.
    1 point
  23. jimstanley

    Face/Head Tattoo

    Tattoos on the side of the face, or on the head are somethin else, as are tribal tattoos, but if you don't live in an area with common facial tattoos for a while I can't see any good way to justify it. I would get my hands tattooed if I ever needed to. I'm not a lawyer, and no one I know is a lawyer, so I just leave copyright alone and hope I never have to deal with it.
    1 point
  24. 1.) Why do people want things right away anymore??? Hubby says it's McDonalds fault! You used to go in and sit down and have a meal.....even if it wasn't with the family.....you would sit at the counter and order your food while they cooked it in front of you and that took a little bit of time! Most people would eat there at the counter as well and still do in a lot of towns! But do you see the way people act if they go to McDonalds drive thru and their food isn't ready in less that the two minutes they drive around to get it??? It's like the world is coming to an end because their food isn't there so they can just drive right away! LOL 2.) My hubby is a printer (printing presses and such) and in that industry the "designers" always "owned" the right to the work the produced! The "hard copy" was theirs......the fee you were paying was for them to do the design work (ie....the illistration or typesetting) but they actually owned the rights to their work! If you wanted an actual logo designed the price was always a lot more.....so you actually owned the right to your logo! Then you would pay them to do the typesetting and such! Likewise....the negatives and plates belonged to the printer! You were paying for the process to make them....not the physical items themselves! Interesting fact.....Ernie Carafa had his own negatives and plates made when he printed all the Guideline flash so that he "owned" everything!!! No one could ever reproduce those sheets without Ernie having a hand in it or being able to take them to court for reproducing it! Smart!!! I think that this is the argument with artists now.....they own the right to their original art and you are just paying the "fee" to have it applied to you! My personal feeling is.....once YOU post something online or YOU allow someone else to post it.....it is going to become "flash!" You may not have intended it to be......you may not want it to be used.....but it's going to happen even if it is just used as reference and changed slightly! Right or wrong.....it's going to happen!
    1 point
  25. Side of my head is tattooed! For me it was the most painful tattoo I have gotten.....but I hear others say it wasn't bad at all! Mine was done in two sessions and the lining was not too bad.......the second session of shading and blending was horrible! Pink Tibetan Snow Lion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_Lion
    1 point
  26. In terms of rules and such, Charlie Cartwright tattooed both of my dad's hands in the early '80s, when he only had a few pork chops on each arm, and some work on his chest (that I'm not sure was finished). He was 23 or 24 at the time. Just as an example, the "rules" that we all think of weren't as set in stone as we may think, especially before some of the mainstream exposure began to come along in the late '60s and '70s, bringing more regular people in, asking for outlandish things to ruin their lives. Much like my dad, I'd imagine a lot of people got their hands done because it was outside enough that tattooers recognized that the people back then weren't going to get hands blasted, then go try to get a job as a lawyer. Unlike now, when someone asks about getting a hand done while they work as a receptionist or some low level office position. I personally got one and my knuckles done by Dennis McPhail while still in college, and the other hand recently from Steve Byrne. Back and thighs are completely bare still... but, just like with my dad, Dennis knew me well enough to know I wanted to tattoo (before I did), and was willing to be a janitor or welder with two college degrees if tattooing didn't work out. Thankfully, it has so far (provided my hands don't befall some unfortunate fate), and I'm not looking back now. That all being said, I'm all for not doing any sort of visible work on someone who doesn't fully understand the ramifications, and try to talk young kids out of it all the time. Half may listen, most seem to go get it somewhere else to someone that will just stick them in the chair. If someone has a sack of crap (literal or figurative) on their hand, though, I support covering it up or blasting over, if possible. If their life is going to be ruined, it might as well be ruined by something that looks semi-decent.
    1 point
  27. Mick Weder

    Face/Head Tattoo

    @hogg & Mark Bee. The term "bikie" is another media term only. Many years ago, a person would come close to having his mouth shut for even using such a derogatory term. These days with everyone becoming an expert as to what's written in the papers and what they see on the news, pfft, it just becomes another little piece of history that gets lost and some of us become a little too tired in trying to keep it alive. Another term "gang" is also a media typo. They're "clubs". Again, if that needs to be elaborated on, then it just ain't worth the time. Those of us who had/ have origins from the Oi days know how retarded the media terms to "skinhead or punk gangs" appear. Same shit. Back to the tattoo topic. This is what we get when we offer mainstream a glimpse into our culture. We create opposing cultures with two completely different takes on the subject, and that has been the sad part for me. It's like the day when I was getting tattooed in High St, Fremantle Western Australia back in 93, directly opposite the Workers Club, oh, in an old time "biker" run art studio...sorry, tattoo fuckin shop...these were the days Tattooers started charging like $100 an hour!! After we had completed our 4 pack of Rum and the 3 hour tattoo, I laid out $300 on the chair to complete our deal. Old mate looks me in the eye, handed me back half my cash and said...mate, the day I start charging top dollar for tattoos is the day I may as well be just tattooing Drs and fuckin lawyers. Fuck taking it away from the working man where it belongs. And that was my very 1st encounter in that particular shop.
    1 point
  28. Mark Bee

    Face/Head Tattoo

    @hogg I've read a few books on Australian Biker gangs and noticed the use of the word "bikie." Not a term we'd use in North America! I'm no expert, and I expect one of our Australian friends here can confirm or deny my claim with authority.
    1 point
  29. hogg

    Face/Head Tattoo

    Slightly off-topic, but is "bikie" actually strine slang for "biker"? Because that is adorable. Also, I'm with @Mick Weder when it comes to hands and neck tattoos. Not to sound like an old guy (too late!), but there used to be rules to this shit.
    1 point
  30. SStu

    Face/Head Tattoo

    Bingo. While we're at it, why not hire the other 2 occupations that encompass ruling the world. We can hire a Lobbyist to petition for a place in line with a tattooist and a Banker to finance the work.
    1 point
  31. Pugilist

    Face/Head Tattoo

    I agree with the skepticism over the legal stuff, but I also wanted to highlight this point that @Mick Weder made. Why does everyone want everything so fast these days?
    1 point
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