Welcome to LST and to tattoos in general! I think what you're asking for, especially that first one, is challenging to achieve in a tattoo. Which isn't to say that it's impossible, but it's certainly something that you're really going to have to find the right artist for. The Brothers Hildebrandt are great illustrators but it's not straight-forward to adapt their work to tattoos. Am I correct in thinking you want a tattoo somewhat based on this (I'm hoping embedding the image works, if it doesn't it's the Brothers Hildebrandt cover for the JRR Tolkein Architect of Middle Earth book)?
The first thing that came to mind are a couple of West Coast Canadian tattooers, Steve Moore and Rob Noseworthy. Again, hoping this works, but here's a big gorilla piece Rob did that I think shows he would be capable of doing what you want:
Erin Chance in Richmond VA is another tattooer who I think could do a really good job with this.
I don't know how willing you are to travel to get tattooed, but I think especially if you're looking for something that requires a pretty special and specific set of skills, it's totally worth it to get a better tattoo than maybe you would locally. I hope this helps somewhat.