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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2016 in all areas

  1. Scott R

    Face/Head Tattoo

    cheyene sawyer just posted a nifty eyeband on instagram Honestly Id get my ballsack tattooed before I ever go to the face
    2 points
  2. I might be biased since I have two but I love Danielle Rose's ladyheads. I actually have a proper emotional reaction to her work that I rarely get from the visual arts. The one on the left is from her earlier work, the second one about a year later, I think it's interesting to see the difference. I also love Claudia de Sabe's ladies and Xam.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Your "friend" didn't do you any favors. If you don't want a big black space on your arm I'd recommend some laser work.
    2 points
  5. More progress... this session was at the Austin Star of Texas Tattoo Art Revival Convention. It was my first time being tattooed at a convention with so many people going through, I was nervous at first, but once the rubber hit the road, it was a lot of fun, and the distraction of all the people was a huge help.
    2 points
  6. 1 point
  7. Thanks for bring this up, @Patrick Bateman, because it reminds me - the bigger border of -derm you can have outside the edge of your tattoo the better. When I've cut it closer, even an inch (which I thought was plenty) it tended to leak or fail in that area. The best, most hassle-free heals I have had were when I had a huge 2" or more border, which seemed overkill, but wound up working great. Set it and forget it, as they say, was really how it went, and that was so awesome.
    1 point
  8. @Kurgana, I can understand the logistics of applying it immediately, but I personally think it is much better to wait until the initial plasma/serum has done its thing. That stuff will collect beneath the film in a big way, at least with Tegaderm. I don't know about some of the other -derms, and maybe the ones developed specifically for tattoos are more breathable or whatever, and could be designed to be applied right away. I know with Tegaderm (what I use) the plasma will collect underneath and things go much more smoothly if you can wait. I have a St. Bernard and a Great Dane mix and teenagers, so even if I sat there with a vacuum cleaner at the ready at all times there'd be no way to stay ahead of the filth, lol, but it is possible to apply the film in a clean manner the next day. Just wash it, pat it dry with a clean towel, and apply the film. It does not have to be sterile, just clean. My two cents!
    1 point
  9. kimkong

    Old tattoo photos

    i was bored at work and found this gem on youtube. freddy corbin doing some work on odb. i couldn't find a thread for videos, so i will leave this here. it is rad!
    1 point
  10. No probably not. I think it makes sense that certain personality types are attracted to certain activities /past times. I guess tattooing wouldn't appeal to people who are always changing their minds, or people who struggle with change for example. Of course I'm generalising on a huge scale here!
    1 point
  11. The fact the majority of people now think of the swastika as primarily a racist and Nazi symbol speaks volume to the impact cultural appropriation can have.
    1 point
  12. First session Wednesday with Tim Lehi at Temple in Oakland. He lined the main image and some background. Pumped to get started, pumped for the long road ahead, pumped to finally be able to contribute to this thread after ogling it for years...
    1 point
  13. a mark in time brother - but hey - do what works for you - keep us posted
    1 point
  14. It's been a while. Went back to Mexico for a visit. Done by Juan Arreguin "El Super" at Superfly in Leon Guanajuato Mexico.
    1 point
  15. Rad Kelham

    Face/Head Tattoo

    Here is my dome by Jesse Roberts - whether or not this is a face tattoo I don't know. I'm the farthest thing from hardcore and would say nothing has changed since getting it. No big deal! I really liked the cover of the finger wave book so that's why I went to Jesse, as he painted it. I fully endorse people getting their head and face tattooed.
    1 point
  16. Side of my head is tattooed! For me it was the most painful tattoo I have gotten.....but I hear others say it wasn't bad at all! Mine was done in two sessions and the lining was not too bad.......the second session of shading and blending was horrible! Pink Tibetan Snow Lion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_Lion
    1 point
  17. Bryan Burk

    Lady Heads

    All that being said, I think it takes a lot of hard work to get good at doing it on the level of the people mentioned in this thread. It's a kind of tattooing that doesn't allow much room for error, and I respect the amount of work all these people have put into getting ladies faces down It's a little more complicated than copying chris or things from magazines. I can guarantee that for every head we see that looks "good enough" or "looks like a Conn girl", these guys did 3 or 4 that they weren't happy with, that are living on people as we speak it's easy to say that someone just "copied a piece of Sailor Jerry flash" onto someone, but if you've ever tried it, you know it's a little harder than it looks. I've fucked up countless girl heads trying to even get in the ballpark of people like Valarie or Uzi, and in the end I always come to the same conclusion: they've simply put much more time in with the pencil than I have Garver, Jack Rudy, Cartoon also do really great ladies
    1 point
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