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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2016 in all areas

  1. Further to what @cltattooing said: It's incredibly important to discuss price beforehand. Many people have a specific budget and cannot afford more at that time, maybe ever. We are professionals, offering a professional service. Payment is one aspect of that service. Part of the consultation for any tattoo, be it a backpiece or a small walk-in design, is to discuss the price. Then you can decide if you will get the tattoo today, or at a later date. If you are not told a price for your tattoo, you should ask. (at my shop we make sure that every client knows the maximum amount they will be expected to pay for their tattoo session, before they book an appointment or agree to get tattooed - sometimes it works out to be less) Yes, we're also in London. Not mentioning the cost of goods and services is certainly not a cultural thing here.
    2 points
  2. Pahtcub1

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Got my Russ Abbott on in DC figured I'd throw up the finished product.
    1 point
  3. Wilhell

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Cool! I´m getting tattooed by him February 20th, but not in Oslo. Going to Austin, Tx on vacation in April and will of course pick up some souvenirs by some of my very favorite tattooers Jason Brooks & Ben Siebert -both April 29th. Inner thigh filler from Brooks and a small oni head filler in my ditch from Siebert. Chris Trevino - May 2nd, six hour session on my knee (!!?). Getting a Emma, King of hell
    1 point
  4. It's been a while. Went back to Mexico for a visit. Done by Juan Arreguin "El Super" at Superfly in Leon Guanajuato Mexico.
    1 point
  5. Finally got an appointment with Sneaky Mitch. He's been my great white buffalo (hot tub time machine anyone?) for a while now, especially since he literally works 5 mins from me! Haha. So worth the wait though and he's a top guy.
    1 point
  6. kimkong

    Upcoming Tattoos

    that should ring a bell. if not, check it out, it's great! Marcus Kuhn's - The Gypsy Gentlemen - Home
    1 point
  7. Padji

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Looks like I have an appointment with Marcus Kuhn in Eindhoven in March! I'm over there for my stag/bachelor's party and supposed to be flying home the Sunday morning but I chanced my arm to see if Marcus could take me on Sunday - he said he could so looks like I'm flying home on the Monday instead! Gonna get a start on my chest with a badass eagle
    1 point
  8. joakim urma

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Getting tattooed by Marius Meyer in february. First time visiting Olso in six years, it's going to be fun I hope. Trying to get something from Tony Nilsson to during the same trip. Who's ready to hang out with me/host me @Iwar @Wilhell? ;)
    1 point
  9. suburbanxcore


    I don't know how it took me so long, but I'm just now finding @japanesecollective. The takeover that Juni is doing right now is awesome.
    1 point
  10. polliwog


    I finally got a smart phone, so naturally I downloaded Instagram ASAP. I'm puttablock on there, in case some weirdo by that name starts following you.
    1 point
  11. 9Years

    Jaw, Meet Floor

    Everyone already knows this but Marius Meyer seems to melt brains on the daily ( well, mine at least… ):
    1 point
  12. Ugh I could write so much on this topic but I have to get ready for work soon. I'll put it in a nutshell though. First of all, my opinions on this topic are constantly evolving and changing. I also strongly believe that in the USA, the people in power in this country are deliberately manipulating the media and the police force to create strong racial tension that will eventually break out into rioting, giving the state the opportunity to declare martial law (whole other topic of discussion). So with that being said, cultural appropriation and race are hot topics and very sensitive and close to home for a lot of people, also creating a complex of white guilt among many people (bullshit), which is where a lot of the internet social justice warriors come from. No seriously, next time you see someone yelping on the internet, just for curiosity, take a look at their race. So from my perspective, many of these concerns and emotional triggers are definitely valid, but also being blown up to push the buttons of the public to engage in certain hot topics and ignore other extremely disturbing shit that is happening behind the curtain (GMO engineering, climate engineering, drone warfare, DARPA, CERN, etc). So if a tattoo is offensive to you, guess what? The internet isn't the place to get into it. Talk to the person wearing it, you don't know the reason that they got that tattoo. It could be satirical, or it could be legitimately ignorant. You may have the chance to change your own point of view or influence someone else's. As for the whole white privilege/guilt thing in regards to cultural appropriation, everyone should be aware of their privilege so as to not capitalize on it and marginalize other people, everyone should generally be good to other people, and nobody should feel guilty about things that their ancestors have done because guess fucking what? You weren't there for it, you had nothing to do with it, and you can't change the past.
    1 point
  13. There's definitely certain things I wouldn't wear just because I wouldn't want to get constantly questioned or accused. I'm not offended by much personally, but I wouldn't want to hear other people's whining every time they catch a glimpse of my tattoo. But I support an artist making whatever art they want, whether it's a painting or a tattoo, and absolutely believe people should have the right to get whatever they want on themselves. So if someone wants to get a severed samurai head tattoo and doesn't mind idiotic SJWs saying it's racist against the Japanese, they should totally have the right to. Even deliberately offensive and racist designs I have no issue with, it's just not something I would want on myself. I guess the bottom line is no one has any right to tell someone else what they should do with their body, but some people still think it's their place to "educate" people about culture, so it's something to be prepared for if you do want an "offensive" tattoo. And I don't believe in the whole idea of cultural appropriation to begin with. No one culture created everything, we all have to borrow and share from each other, and I think that's more a sign of respect than it is to say "No, I can't get that tattoo, I'm not Asian/black/whatever." I think that does nothing but create unnecessary divisions.
    1 point
  14. I don't think it's awkward to ask that at all. Definitely good to just straight up ask the hourly and the amount of time expected, which imo is a bit more graceful than asking for a $ amount. If someone can't answer that for you, they are probably extremely stuck up or shady. The "if you have to ask then you can't afford me" attitude is bullshit, tattooers need to understand that tattoos are a luxury and there are lots of other expenses in life that take priority to getting tattooed. Also how are you supposed to build a returning clientele if your clients leave feeling like their business wasn't handled with full transparency?
    1 point
  15. Got this one earlier, also from Chad at Frith St.
    1 point
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