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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2015 in all areas

  1. I experienced hell on earth the other day when I got my butt crease tattooed (where your butt and leg connects). We hit tons of bad spots that day: knee, back of the thigh, hip...bit none as awful as the butt crease. Literally felt like I had a white hot sewing needle being jabbed into my butt! And he just kept going back into it to add details...
    2 points
  2. OP you're anxious about this tattoo which is normal - especially since its your first but... you're asking the wrong questions the money is simple either you have it or you dont but the real focus should be have I done research on my chosen artist what I have seen in the portfolio (IG, in person, etc) that tells me 'this is gonna go well' thats the vibe i need to have when i set up a tattoo appointment there are plenty of good artists to choose from especially in the area you are heading to and with current technologies there's no excuse for failing check out your artist's recent work anyway - who you getting work from?
    2 points
  3. Finally booked with Seth Wood in December to finish my dragon sleeve. It's been a long time coming -- but of course I'm already fantasizing about the next one!
    2 points
  4. In my experience, every one of my tattoos turned out bigger than I thought it would be haha. So that "3-4 inch" design could easily go up to more like 6 inches. Maybe he's preparing for that possibility. Just bring way more cash than you think you'll need.
    1 point
  5. @Walker012 hey man I enjoyed the background - you know I'm sure you're gonna end up with a cool tattoo - just make sure you throw up some pics on LST :) and getting tattooed is something that you learn more about as you get more tattoos (and you can learn alot here as well imo) but beware...its addicting...and not so cheap - especially if you want good tattoos
    1 point
  6. I won't comment directly on the price of the tattoo. I will say that Bethesda is one of the most expensive places in Maryland for anything, from renting an apartment to parking a car.
    1 point
  7. Wedge

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I just booked an appointment for the spring with Grez at King's Ave in NYC to start a Rock of Ages lower leg piece. Can't wait, he's been one of my favorite artists for some time.
    1 point
  8. Dan

    Hello! Did I just get screwed?

    300-350$ is not a lot IMO for a tattoo.
    1 point
  9. Chad Koeplinger, Rose in the elbow ditch, done at Smith Street mid Aug '15, done in an hr and half (I couldn't believe how fast it was), Why? Why not. Getting some work by Eddy Deutsche next month. Thanks for looking!
    1 point
  10. Here's one that's all ready healed, hairy, a bit dry and shiny: Chad Koeplinger made this at the Stockholm Inkbash in august this year. I wanted a meditating figure but not in buddhist or hindu style and send him a bunch of different ideas of present and historical cultures/religions to get him started. I was very happy when I arrived for the appointment and he decided to not draw one of my suggestions, and instead made this hopi indian in a thunderstorm. Also this is the first tattoo with tattoos that I have my body, and the first swastika. Happy about that
    1 point
  11. UglyButProud

    Tattoo Blowout

    I love the fact that EVERY ONE of my tattoos have imperfections...I'd choose character over a body full of perfect "stickers" any day but that's just me...... :)
    1 point
  12. Thanks. I had to sign a release for photos, and I could not remember how to spell "yahoo.com" I was lucky to know how to say my own name at that point, lol
    1 point
  13. I downloaded and read part of it. A medical-Toxicological view of tattooing my ass. In the introduction it says 50% of people who get tattoos regret it. I've never seen a number that high. 20% of inks are contaminated, but only 1-5% get infections? In Germany 68% of tattooed people reported complications? My tattoo itches, I'm infected, allergic, having a reaction! Typical of all of these type of articles I've read. Lots of judgment, innuendo and conjecture, few, if any, actual facts. Lots of assertions with little or no basis in fact. I've said it before, with the 10's of millions of people being tattooed and many HEAVILY tattooed, if there was an actual problem, we'd be seeing it.
    1 point
  14. (Pardon my overly enthusiastic post but I've just recently started getting tattooed, and I've never been tattooed at a convention - this is all pretty new to me so I'm gushing a bit!) Not great pics, and no good clear ones of the tat yet, but am SO STOKED (and still a bit wonky) from my epic day yesterday with Darcy Nutt at the Richmond VA Tattoo Arts Convention. We emailed about ideas beforehand, but she decided not to draw anything up, wanting to meet me first and collaborate on something after we spoke in person. She had no other appointments, so my simple Japanese koi idea turned into my own freshwater angel fish from pics off my phone, and my beloved peonies. She freehanded it onto my arm, and including that part of it and one potty break, it was 6 hours in the chair. That is why I look a bit cross-eyed strung out by the last pic! I ate an omelet at 9 am and hubby tried to get me to eat along the way, but I could not do it - endorphins from pain suppress the appetite, I guess. I tried to stay hydrated, though, and found my happy place. It is all about breathing. I knew I'd be leaving with something wonderful that I'd enjoy forever, and it would be worth it. She won Tattoo of the Day (I guess I won too, but I didn't do anything but sit there), and that was pretty sweet! She finished at 9:25, the contest was at 9:30, and the pic was taken at about 10, at which point I didn't know my own name, lol. That is definitely a long session, I don't care who you are, but I had an opportunity that was not to be passed up, and Darcy is a genius. When I went up to the judges, they looked at each other, shaking their heads and grinning as they all exclaimed, "Fuckin' Darcy..." cuz they KNEW this tattoo was going to win, lol. Anybody who has the chance to get some work done by this sweet, wonderful, brilliant lady you should definitely do it. She made this design up on the fly, without ever having done this type of fish before. I'll post pics when I get the ones done by the photographer at the show, or the ones she'll post on her IG, showing the fish better towards the back of my arm. From Darcy's IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/-ZQEJVMdTl/
    1 point
  15. sophistre

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I miss you, LST! I have been busy not getting tattoos and instead getting/recovering from hip surgery on Nov. 9th (it went reaaaaally well and I am ditching the crutches and brace tomorrow, already!), and I can't wait to catch up on seeing what everybody's been getting. Now that the hip ordeal is over with, I get to look forward to a Dec. 16th consultation in Portland for my back. ^^
    1 point
  16. All booked in with Tony at Blu Arms Oslo.. Super stoked!! Dreading the getting my chest done but excited as too. Looking forward to visiting Oslo too
    1 point
  17. Old left knee and new right knee from Chad Koeplinger. If feels good to finally have this shit out of the way.
    1 point
  18. Manu Manu

    Upcoming Tattoos

    sometime in december a traditional gipsy head by Mikael De Poissy, next february last session for my pharaohs' horses with Alix Ge and a week later my second (and last) knee with Valerie Vargas!
    1 point
  19. Just got this from Scott Sylvia at the Elm Street Festival in Dallas
    1 point
  20. First session from my long and humbling journey with Horitomo, in August. Ignorantly assumed that I'd be able to schedule within 90 days and was sadly mistaken. Won't have my next appointment until July. It's probably for the better, I needed to pump the brakes.
    1 point
  21. Dan

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I am in the consultation stage with this artist to get a hand tapped piece when we go back to Maui in May Mo'o Tatau | Polynesian-style tattoos I know it's not the preferred style here,but it's going to be something in this area & style. .
    1 point
  22. Well it's been a year since I've had my back worked on and per our usual fall schedule, Henning was in town and this time we FINISHED my back! Some of you might have seen the updates via Instagram. So happy with this collaboration between Henning and Rubendall being completed! WARNING, PIC HEAVY!!! Put your browser on FULL SCREEN! The master himself, Henning Jorgensen. Such a great artist and humble man. Filling in the phoenix...tail feathers, breast, head and a few touch ups here and there. Such a pleasure watching Henning work. I was so stoked with the zebra/tiger striped pattern he chose for the remaining tail feathers. Touch up on a tender spot...the spare tire. Slowly getting there. Details details details... Close-up of the phoenix...beautiful! Full view from my right side. There was poor lighting inside since it was dark out, so they propped me up on a table and surrounded me with lights. A quick reminder of the work Mike Rubendall did on the lower half of this collaboration. LOVE his water! Another angle of my lower half. Here's the finished top half. Finished full back in all it's glory. My back is a sea of colors! Hope everyone enjoyed my show and tell! (don't mind the feet on the left or right, hahaha)
    1 point
  23. Thou shalt tip your artist on a job well done!
    1 point
  24. 10. Thou SHALT freak the fuck out if you get a microscopic tattoo on your pimple. 11. Thou shalt not EVER get tattooed by a friend of a friend in his kitchen, motel room, truckstop, etc. Use ONLY reputable tattooers working in actual shops.
    1 point
  25. The Hyena

    good client behavior

    All of the above! ALso: The healthier you are the more prepared your body is for what's about to happen to it. Try not to come in hungover, get a decent nights sleep, eat a good breakfast, and lunch, essentially come in on a full stomach, by hydrated, and be relaxed as much as you can. I've been told that exfoliating the are you are going to get tattooed for about a week before hand helps greatly with the healing but that's more of a suggestion. Try to keep an open mind. Tattooers are professionals(for the most part, but not always so do your homework!). We have a wealth of knowledge we can bring to bare at any time for you, so take advantage of that. You will get a great tattoo. A tattooer who cares won;t talk you out of your idea, but might help you do it in a way that transcends your personal whims and trends, and will age gracefully, and compliment you as a person. Though it may be somewhat different than what you initially had in your head. Try to be a little malleable, and trust your tattooer. Try not to be some emotionally attached to every single detail. Remember: you aren't thinking like a tattooer. You think like a person who likes certain images and is used to seeing things on t-shirts, computer screens, and prints. Sometimes things don;t work in skin and we try like hell to make things work the best for you. Try to remember that as much as tattooing has become a main stream product for most clients, it's still a hand made craft to us. If you are expecting hospital levels of sterility, Professional attitudes and expert technique then see us, not just treat us, but SEE us as professional craftsmen/women. Most of us have your best interest at heart because we can and do see the big picture. We are looking at your tattoo in our heads 10 years into the future. At least. We just want to do a nice tattoo for you. So when a tattooer explains why an idea is too complicated at a certain size, or why there is too much clutter, or that outlining it pink may not be the best idea, pay heed to that. You are hearing the educated opinion of a craftsman. If you want a tattoo, don;t let your significant other try to do all the talking. Be plain, and straightforward with the things you want out of your tattoo. The less we have to guess, the fast we can get on the same wave length and make you happy. If you are on vacation and you plan on things like tanning, going to the beach, strenuous activities, swimming, hot tubs, etc. Plan to get your tattoo at the ass end of your vacation so there is less interference with healing(and we can't tattoo sun burned skin so take care of it!), but try to get to the shop at the beginning of your vacation to set the appointment up, or if possible call ahead. Many shops can accommodate walk in's at most times, but since you have a limited time, try your hardest to think ahead. Rush jobs at the last second may not be ideal especially if you want something more involved than a single sitting, quick tattoo. Avoid food that makes you fart before the tattoo. No one wants be sniffing your pooh ghosts while they work. Hope some of this helps.
    1 point
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