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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2015 in all areas

  1. Jeff Rassier flying Cobra. Done at Blackheart in January. Pics taken Yesterday. Tough to photo...wraps around the arm a lot.
    11 points
  2. This is my latest tattoo. Done by my girlfriend, on me, after I tattooed her. The technical application obviously needs some work, but I think she did ok for the first time running a machine. Haha.
    10 points
  3. Should really have thrown this in over the last couple of months but i'm a lazy fucker, so here it is now. By Marius Meyer, completed in May of this year (started in December of last).
    9 points
  4. Finished the majority of my sleeve with Gre Hale at Rain City, Manchester, UK. Extremely happy with it, Gre is an awesome bloke, and the shop is great; packed to the brim with talented artists and character. What do you guys think? Just the 'pinchy' inner bicep to go.
    5 points
  5. Looks like a legit study on a legit website.
    5 points
  6. I'm a moron! You are of course right. The winner of Tattoo of the month June 2015 is @Kinglambert with this amazing back piece by Fil Wood. Congrats man!!
    5 points
  7. Got a namakubi done at a local shop. Sovereign Arms Tattoo in GR, MI. Getting tattooed around the shin hurts a lot more than I thought it would. Got a little shaky..
    5 points
  8. Shao Lin Monk backpiece made by Steve Batt in his private studio in Edmonton, Alberta 32 hours, Dec 2014-Jun 2015
    4 points
  9. "Natural News" "We polled 300 people in central park." Yeah....what Graeme said. Spurious Correlations
    4 points
  10. Ha! Thanks dood. I really didn't mind, but thanks. I'm off now to get married by Elvis in Las Vegas to my beautiful fiancée, so I'll see you all soooooon! @exume Yes, you are correct, this is my first tattoo. I seem to have started in 5th gear...
    3 points
  11. I was checking the London Convention line up yesterday. I'm going to be there that week end all ready but hadn't planned to get tattooed. By accident I was browsing the 2014 lineup, thinking it was this year. My mind was like "Mike The Athens.. Duncan X.... Eddy Deutsche, Ed Hardy, Filip Leu (and so on and so forth....).... wooooot?! This is some crazy shit!!!" and then I realized my mistake. Anyway, I ended up getting booked in with Mike Rubendall. So I am very happy True story
    3 points
  12. Try reading their sources: http://www.nowtheendbegins.com - self proclaimed magazine of record for the last days About Chemistry: Chemistry Instruction, Projects, and Periodic Tables - about.com says it all anybody can post anything Wiley Online Library - I don't know WTF this is Live Science: Scientific News, Articles and Current Events - cites the dermatologist from the original article, basically using yourself for a reference Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post - another article that cites the dermatologist in the original article Science or not? | Separating science from nonsense - a blog by someone with no significant credentials, but says, "I have to withhold judgement in this case. On the positive side, I couldn’t find any evidence that tattoo pigments are responsible for serious harm." Further, according to the FDA's Arkansas-based National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR), research chemist Paul Howard, Ph.D, "There have been no systematic studies of the safety of tattoo inks." If you read through this nonsense, it is basically saying, "We don't know anything for sure, can't prove anything, haven't done any studies, but bad shit could happen."
    2 points
  13. Here's my how to list @sophistre according to how my first convention in Bristol went. 1. Drive around the train station looking for the correct parking lot. Make at least 4 laps to get a good idea of the layout. 2. Buy ticket, walk in, feel brain explode. 3. Forget to look at the scantily clad women, because you're too busy watching some dude get his ass tattooed. 4. Promise yourself you're limited to small purchases, like shirts. 5. Immediately fail at that promise, and get a tattoo. 6. Go home poorer than you expected, but very happy!
    2 points
  14. The real question should be "is it still a panther if it was made with vegan inks"?
    2 points
  15. joakim urma

    New member

    Hello Paul and welcome to LST! I recommend you to not make the design yourself or have anyone draw it for you. Instead, look at a lot of tattoos until you get a sense of what kind of styles you enjoy. I don't know where you are located but chances are there's at least a couple of tattoo shops close by. Go check those out, look at the artists portfolios and hopefully you'll find an artist that inspires you and who's work is good enough so that you will trust her/him to draw a tattoo based on your idea. To get you started you can browse the blog where I post tattoos that inspires me: UGLY FREEDOM I also whole heartedly recommend you to read at leas part of this thread: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/2396-what-makes-good-tattoo.html The info and opinions inside will help you while looking at tattoos, to determine the "quality" for lack of a better word. I always suggest people who are new to tattooing to get their first tattoos on a part of their body that's often covered by clothes. So you can chose when you want to show your tattoo and slowly get used to the thought of permanently changing the look of your body. Also, speaking from personal experience, if you keep getting tattooed your taste and ideas about tattoos will evolve a lot. Even if your first tattoo turns out to be super good, chances are that in a few years you'll be happy that you saved the more visible body parts for better work. Long winded message, anyhow. I wish you good luck and have fun getting your first tattoo(s)!
    2 points
  16. If you are annoyed by the these articles, avoid reposting them etc. Spreading them around/clicking the links etc is what gives them power.
    1 point
  17. @bongsau @ItsNewport I'm not worthy! Really nice, guys.
    1 point
  18. My new record was just released today! I worked pretty hard on it, so I hope you guys like it! https://withwolves.bandcamp.com/
    1 point
  19. sophistre

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Ughhhhhhhhhhh. I want to go! It looks amazing! I have absolutely no idea how to attend a tattoo convention. (Right, buy ticket, go to convention, I know, I know. You know what I mean, though!)
    1 point
  20. ironchef


    Tell me of this island called Staten :p
    1 point
  21. CultExciter


    You need to diversify your bonds.
    1 point
  22. Graeme


    Please do tell me more.
    1 point
  23. Hopefully i can learn as much as possible about what good tattoos
    1 point
  24. I freak out about too much sun, and for the past 9 years I have been really happy with the usually gray Seattle weather. THIS SUMMER, BROUGHT TO YOU BY GLOBAL WARMING: MY TAN. I have a tan. This is a once in a lifetime event. (Actually 3rd in a lifetime). I am kind of freaking out over it though? All I'm thinking is SUN DAMAGE and I'VE RUINED MY TATTOOS. And it's actually causing me anxiety. Reading through this I can see that clearly I just need to relax and enjoy the fact that I've upped my Vit D and my outdoors time, but I do feel the anxiety in the pit of my stomach. Gaaaah. Thanks for listening, that is all folks.
    1 point
  25. I saw a 15 yr old zuck tiger and panther that looked sooo good. THe lucky dude said he didnt even use lotion or sunscreen. I was taken aback I always liked most of his stuff, but seeing some large pieces in person helped me appreciate what he does even more
    1 point
  26. Maybe if I posted that I was eating some bacon burger wrapped in bacon and drinking a bucket of coke-cola while I was painting? :P
    1 point
  27. losParanoyas

    New member

    I think the piece you're missing is that you don't need to find anyone that can draw. You need to find the tattoo artist/shop you want to have do the piece and work with that person to draw it for you and ultimately tattoo it for you. It's what they do... The "someone" you find who can draw, might be great at drawing but will have no clue how to draw it to be tattooed. They wont know how it needs to flow or lend itself to the particular spot you want it tattooed on your body. So first, find the tattoo artist/shop...then go talk to them in person and they'll work it out with you. Do you already have a shop in mind? If not, I'm sure someone can give you a few suggestions if you tell us where you're located. Good luck.
    1 point
  28. Michael J Goldman


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. Congrats, @beez. That is truly awesome. Here's an awesome thing I did last week: held this guy for the first time. He's pretty chill, and his big sister is already infatuated with him--for now. :)
    1 point
  30. Doh. Thanks for reminding me to check the lineup and try and book in with someone @mmikaoj
    1 point
  31. HettyKet

    The ladies thread

    I felt the need for a solar plexus tattoo too, but I do hope to be skipping about naked at 80, well, if I fancy it. The standard underboob placement was never going to be optimal on me, I've never had the right sort of breasts. So, my tattoo comes up and onto to solar plexus, rather than being placed around it, if you see what I mean. It ends just, just under the band of my bra/bikini. But, I'd say, with breasts like you describe @TrixieFaux, it's not boob saggage that's a potential issue with this placement, that's never going to mess things up too much. Rather, it's the way the underboob placement tends increases the visibility of the natural asymmetry of the breasts (that all women have). That asymmetry does become more apparent as the breast softens with age and reproduction even if there isn't significant sagging. Even on the very young, pert, instagram chests I've more than often seen the placement emphasise the asymmetry, making the tattoo look slightly wonky even though, technically speaking it is perfectly centered etc. which is a shame. With mine being designed and placed as it is my breasts (when roaming free) actually look more symetrical than they did before, rather than less. Which is nice. I've posted it on latest tattoo lowdown already but here it is again. - - - Updated - - - With asymetry, I mean the often subtle differences in roots of the breasts, rather than the slight differences in size and shape between the breasts (which we are usually aware of). The differences in height of the base of the breast and the precise distance from the from the center of the breast bone to the root of the breast can be pretty much imperceptible on a lot of women, until you place something that is utterly symmetrical in between and under them...
    1 point
  32. CABS

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I have a rare weekend off, and I kinda want to score a walk-in with someone. Filler jams!
    1 point
  33. This happened yesterday... It wasn't until this morning I figured out I didn't have photo before tegaderm got put on. Outline/black shading done in April and the rest finished yesterday. Artist: Tony Caporusso
    1 point
  34. TrixieFaux

    The ladies thread

    I don't think I'm busty enough to have to worry too much about that! For those it does happen to, they probably either a) don't care since saggy boobs are saggy boobs whether you have a tattoo to hang over or not, b) stop wearing revealing clothing, or c) sports bras help pull everything back in place and they only have to be saggy in the shower... ? :D
    1 point
  35. I too, would like someone to pay for my tattoos. Any takers? Big fan of Workharder by the way. Kickstarter is internet hobo'ing at it's finest.
    1 point
  36. I would fund that over this.
    1 point
  37. Graeme

    Full Back Piece Thread

    This was last Saturday's progress on my back. We're getting close. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  38. My sister snapped this photo of me today at the beach. So weird. Now I think I finally understand the whole never feeling naked thing, hah. And yes, all the sunblock reapplied non-stop, and I was only on my front for like 5mins while texting, hah. I feel like I need to justify the bare back in sun to you fine ladies. And no, it's obviously not done. Not even close. :'(
    1 point
  39. I think there needs to be more than two entrants in a given month - even though one of the above two will end up the winner. I'll throw my chest in and hope to have a chance at the 'best one-shot tattoo of the month' ;) edit: Done by Steve Byrne at Rock of Ages in Austin.
    1 point
  40. I don't have an issue with passing down a craft or trade, I worked for my folks at that age but nothing too major.. That said, anyone who sits in the chair and knows a 7 year old is about to tattoo them gets what they deserve.. If there's no labor laws being broken and clients are cool with it, who gives a rats ass, lots of generational tradesman and craftsmen start this early.. I guess if you're a tattooer that had to work their ass of to get an apprenticeship it could/would be frustrating, but we're all dealt the hands we are dealt, this kids hand happens to be with a tattooer in the deck. At the end of the day, it really doesn't affect anyone but the people who let a kid tattoo them. I find it ridiculous that we have let price and explanation of price become a taboo and dare not discuss it but we are all up in arms about someone teaching their child to tattoo..
    1 point
  41. Nico Lavoratori


    1 point
  42. Theres another one here in my town thats about 11. His dad is a mediocre tattooer that uses him as a gimmick. Its fucked up.
    1 point
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