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Foo dog sleeve progress by Will Lollie. Peonies colored.11 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 6 others reacted to HettyKet for a topic
Got this finished this up a couple of weeks ago, is by @willem666 from one of his paintings. (Skin is somewhat fucked from my pregnancies)7 points -
Hello all, So I haven't put up any progress shots on my back for a couple of months. In all honesty it was a lot of cherry blossoms. Anyway after the weekends session at the Bristol Tattoo Show I thought I better put up a full progress shot. Apologies for the slightly blurry pictures these were taken with my slightly rubbish little compact digital camera. I'm stoked with how it is coming along though now and am super excited to see it coming together with the colour in the dragon over the next few months.5 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
hfs40000 and 4 others reacted to sighthound for a topic
@PackMan - looks awesome! We must have been in there around the same time, cause Will finished this one off over the weekend. Back of calf Kyosai/monmon frog mashup: edit: apologies for pics being rotated all funny, no idea how to change it5 points -
Just had a great weekend at the Bristol Tattoo Convention. Thoroughly recommend it to anyone interested in quality tattoos next year. Awesome list of great artists, well organised and everything focused on tattooing without the extra stuff that comes along with some conventions these days. The result of the weekend for me was not only did Ian Flower do another few hours on my back piece, but I also got a cool little gap filler from Duncan X on my shin. Gotta love an Ichthyosaur. We will finish the colour in the Tibetan skull during my next session in July. It's exciting to see more and more colour going in.4 points
Desert rose on my U2 arm. William Kasper @ Iron Tiger Tattoo4 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
sophistre and 2 others reacted to marley mission for a topic
i tell ya - even though your leg work isnt necessarily my style i think it is top notch - very dope3 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 2 others reacted to xcom for a topic
Latest and last session on my sock. Better pics later. I also got another tattoo I collected this week end... Will post when I get better pics of it.3 points -
A reminder, every backpiece is different. Design, subject matter, linework, colours, details, finer details, ink saturation...your stamina, that tattooers stamina, your height/weigh, your skin and health, the tattooers' experience, work flow, skill and speed, the needle clusters used, how many smoke breaks you take, the frequency of sessions...a lot of variables at play.2 points
Long time lurker just decided to get involved :) Think I'm up to about just over 80 hours coverage or thereabouts now, full back piece, both arms half sleeved and some wrist and rib work. Everything done in traditional Japanese style. Looking forward to chatting to some people C1 point
Tegaderm/Saniderm/Tatuderm healing process
cltattooing reacted to sophistre for a topic
I got to use tegaderm for the first time to heal the harpy on my thigh. I told @cltattooing I would let her know what I thought, so I might as well put my experience in here. I think having it on for the first few days was amazingly convenient. I slept better, I showered/dressed more easily...it just made everything easier, really, and I felt that it was more protected than it would have been the usual way I do things (wrap/nostick pads on overnight, hot shower and thorough rinse in the morning, then just dry healing with occasional washes every day over the next several days). I think there was a tipping point in there somewhere for me, though, where it didn't actually offer any more benefits to keep on, and may have contributed to everything feeling a bit weird after I took it off on day 5 -- probably around the time the skin started to reabsorb the small amount of inky liquid in there. Next time, I'd probably want to take it off around that point, since I think it might be the sweet spot to hit. I have a feeling the tattoo was past the point where it would scab by then, and it might have felt better/less 'suffocated' with the tegaderm off at that point. I didn't have any trouble taking the film off in the shower (just very very slooooowly), but the tattoo just felt weird for a few days. A little swollen and, I dunno, sticky? Tacky? With a weird haze over it. (Mind you, this is my only all-black tattoo, so I guess that could be part of it). Still, it was undeniably great not to have to worry about getting ink on hotel sheets/my own clothes or spend a night feeling uncomfortable with saran wrap and bandaging on. Definitely made the drive back home easier, too.1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 reacted to xcom for a topic
My second piece. Collab work by Wil Hilderbrand and Jon West. Note: Sorry for the shitty pic.1 point -
1 point
Here's a little EP teaser I made for Morten's band STORMBEIST. Music video soon to follow. - - - Updated - - - Fun fact: Their logo was designed by Marius Meyer.1 point
I apologize for the double post. Steam. Summer. Sale. mmmmmm come get your severely under-priced goodness now.1 point
What's the best placement for this tattoo?
Kurgana reacted to abeukeveld for a topic
Not sure about this. Without context it just looks like someone is taking a shit haha1 point -
1 point
Mike keeps posting cool stuff from the Hardy event. I wonder if there's any LSTers in this video.1 point
May 2015 Tattoo of the Month Contest
TrixieFaux reacted to cltattooing for a topic
Thank you!! @xcom @Scott R Also @Iwar I have an LST shirt so where does that leave us? Haha1 point -
@Tesseracts - I checked out the author's twitter account, and a few other women are enraged by the same things as the author. What a double standard... "don't you dare tell me what to do with my body, I will tell you what to do with my body." I'm not even capable of stringing words together with this ridiculousness. Dan's response has been fantastic.1 point
There is some really nice work in this thread. I've been meaning to put some of my paintings and drawings up. So here is a small selection of what I do. Enjoy and if you want to see a bit more of what I do then go to my instagram @mr_toby_s1 point
Shaolin Session #9 - 3 hrs (32 hrs total, wtf?) This was actually a very difficult session. It began with some drawing on the detail patterns in the monk's robe trim. Tattooing started with a 7 liner. Followed by a really tight shader for all the edging. The trim ended up being these lil singular flames going from a rich green to black to a rich blue, light blue flames. Very tight details. Then white in the sleeve cuffs. And finish it off with skin tones, the shaved head and the expression in the eyes! It was a very sharp session. Steve had to jump all around a lot and he is quite heavy and his machines hit hard maan (I like it !). These remaining spots were direct spine hits and bbq back ribs. Felt like he was tattooing my lung at one point. Brutal, but hey, keep your feet relaxed and the body will follow, find the clarity. Yeah man, this tattoo shit friggin hurts now, I've used up a most of my 'tattoo credits' over the years. So...my back tattoo is substantially complete. A bittersweet feeling, however I'm so pumped at how it all turned out. Size of the image, the blackground, the fine details, the colour palette, the butt waves. Nailed the expression, especially the Shaolin eyes. Most excellent. Steve Batt is the god damn guru. Full donburi bro !!! Pictures will come once the bruising and redness in the skin tones and white come down. Now time to relax, heal, enjoy the summer sunshine and lakes. I'll be back on the table in September for Session #10 to re-hit all the black and saturate the shit out of it and clean up the transitions into the other tattoos in my suit. Then the mini-banger and tattoos over tattoos begins. Booya!1 point
She's just gorgeous! Many thanks to Will Murray. 614-457-36891 point
@ironchef - Hard to say. Outlining had some brutal spots for sure. Tebori doesn't hurt anymore in my mind, but it can be mentally trying when you lay there for 2 hours and then look in the mirror and think to yourself "that's all we got done today!" One thing I will mention is that I highly recommend wearing headphones when getting tebori done. I found the squishing sound to be unbearable after while.1 point
Chippin' away at the ol' front. https://instagram.com/p/3pzXp1MVGD/1 point
I'm getting tattooed by Eddy Deutsche on Saturday. I can't wait!1 point
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 reacted to Wilhell for a topic
A heavy Chad Koeplinger cover-up/blastover from two weeks ago, photo from today: Tony Hundahl eye/flames filler on my elbow. Works great together with the Lehi tattoo I think. Never too much flames, hehe.. Tattoo from Saturday last week, photo from today:1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
tc3500 reacted to grahamcordery for a topic
Healed tattoos from earlier this year - Rose on shoulder by Chris Garver, Dagger by Oliver Macintosh Both artists were awesome, can't wait to get more.1 point -
Finished up with Hooper this past Monday. 6 sessions overall. Will post pictures to the squidpants thread once it's healed. If you can't wait there are some photos posted on his and mine instragram!1 point
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
SeeSea reacted to smalltownVA for a topic
Here is a photo of the latest updates on my front. The owl/roses/skull have been healed are almost three years old. The goat on my stomach was lined about a year ago with the shading being freshly done (other parts in various stages of healing). The rose/flames/bones on my right side are fresh also in this photo. I'll work on the other side later in the year but, in the meantime, I will be picking up a little banger from Tomas Garcia in July.1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 reacted to Isotope for a topic
Goddamn Dirty Charley Marquez again. Sorry for the glare!1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
SeeSea reacted to SnowyPlover for a topic
Finished my minogame, Gemma Pariente - Full Circle Tattoo.1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 reacted to embers for a topic
got my neck done by chris conn - - - Updated - - - also started my back with bryan burk1 point -
...I can't believe this thread has been dormant for 6 months. Last night we went to a wedding. I wore a little black dress with thin straps so the top third of my backpiece showed. I had my hair up. Overall, I got positive reviews or no comments - it was very cool. However, "Jackass" (as he was come to be called), came up to me at the bar. Picture 60 y/o paunch, light pink button-down, partially untucked - all the guys were all still wearing suit jackets. Partially in the bottle. So he is chatting me up and then sees my tattoo. Him: Wow, I just saw your art. It seems like the entire back is a "new thing." The first time I saw one was when we took our son to a dude ranch in Texas and a girl had one. It was quite alluring. Me: ::eesh:: Him: So this was probably more than one session? Me: Yes, it was two. (Actually, it was 20). Him: So, how is your Hepatitis C? Is it under control? Me: Excuse me? Him: You know, your Hep C. And your Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B? Me (deadpanned): Everything is under control. Him: You know, I ask, because you had more than one session, so there was more than one needle. So you have to keep it under control. Me, (skeeved out and walking away): It's fine. So I tell my friends, and we all get weirded out. Shudders. So anyway, later in the night, I want to go back to the bar and get a drink for me and the Hubs. But Jackass is there talking with another guy I don't know. But I go up anyway and talk straight to the bartender and order. Him to buddy: There are a lot of women in those same little black dresses. They must all shop at the same store. Me: ::Stars straight ahead:: Him (announcing into the air): Well, I guess no one heard that. Me (walking away with my drinks): I'm sorry, it must be my Hepatitis C showing. Him: Excuse me? Me: IT MUST BE MY HEP C SHOWING. Him (huffed up and offended): I was just being concerned. ?!? Super shudders. Eeeeesh. One of my girlfriends said I should have rubbed my arm over his and "gotten my Hep C all over him." But I was too skeeved out to even consider touching him. I hate people who play these little word power games. I have to come up with a few more standard answers to assholes. Happily, I did get the chance to smack him back down.1 point
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
SeeSea reacted to ElizabethBee for a topic
Almost done!!! 1 more session needed for grey wash background. By Mark Duhan, Skin Deep Ink in New Milford, CT (hummingbird was already there) Back of the arm is swelled up pretty good. This is all about my boys. The flowers are for their birth month. Artist did an awesome job of rolling with my idea for a watercolor/ feminine polka trash colorful mish mash!1 point -
2 and a half more hours. Still didn't do the black in the tail lol. been FOR EHHH VEEERRR since being under the needle. Glad to get the time in. EDIT: sorry about my sideways pics1 point
I finally understand
gougetheeyes reacted to xcom for a topic
Why American Traditional tattoos are so liked here and mostly everywhere. I had a long conversation with my tattoo artist while I was getting some work done. He is a collector himself and we talked about different artist that we both would like to collect from. Than we started talking about the different styles and preferences... Holly crap I had no clue a traditional tattoo was so complicated in sense of boldness, expression, and technic. There is allot more to it than I thought. While still not my style I have learned to appreciate them even more.1 point -
Session #7 down with another 4 hours (25 total). First colour session! Did the details in the boots and pants on the monk. The sash is now a vibrant purple which I'm particularly stoked about - my claim to fame is that I was the first purple belt at our kung fu school. The boots just run over a tattoo Steve did on me 10 years ago lol. Damn A LOT of white ink went in the pants, with some dark and mint greens in the pattern. Going to look mighty against the saturation of the heavy black once the tattoo settles in. It was a very difficult session pain wise. Lots of motion over the kidneys, spine, and bbq ribs. The session started with 30 minutes of re-lining and stylizing the lines in the clothes. zOuch! And once again, the session finishes with a Ramones song :cool: Back in 2 weeks for another big colour sesh...the monk's robe and pattern. And then 1 or 2 sessions after that to go over the blackground again, tighten up the seams. Also throw in a mini banger (hehe) in this 2"x2" spot under my butt I requested to leave open for the victory lap. So yeah, the plan is to wrap my Shaolin backpiece up in June so I can enjoy the rest of my summer. WICKED1 point
I finally understand
gougetheeyes reacted to cltattooing for a topic
Traditional and Japanese are hands down my favorite styles of tattooing. A really interesting thing is happening in the development of traditional tattoos right now, where artists are keeping in tradition with the technique and tools of prior generations but really branching out in subject matter, concept, and style. For instance, look at the work of James McKenna, Aidan Monahan, or Slawomir Nietschke. All of whom keep with the bold line, heavy black, saturated color, negative space ratios, and dynamic designs, while exploring very interesting and wacky themes. Or even the less weird but still very advanced and finessed work of artists like Herb Aeurbach, Paul Dobleman, or Gordon Combs. It's a super cool and exciting thing to be happening within a particular school of thought and is what makes the style most interesting to me. It seems to me that the general populace prefers realism or new school tattoos, or even the more painterly stuff. If that's your preference, I don't really care, but I do attribute it largely to ignorance and a magpie effect.1 point -
I finally understand
gougetheeyes reacted to RoryQ for a topic
I don't think traditional tattoos necessarily inspire a 'fuck yeah, that's awesome' reaction in most people straight off the bat. A segment immediately - absolutely - and maybe more since they really came to fore as a genre in the past few years, but I think it's fair to say that most people (and a lot of collectors) are more readily able to recognise good tattooing when it comes in the form of accomplished japanese style, black and grey etc. It probably took me at least five years of collecting and looking at tattoos a lot before I started to "get" traditional (maybe I was a slow learner). Even then, it was even longer before I understood what was going on with some of the more folksy approaches to it. To me the thing about traditional tattoos is that although you could say that there is a flash lexicon there ready to use, the devil is in the subtle details. A Bert Krak crawling panther will be a very different beast, excuse the pun, to an Uncle Allen take on the same starting point. I love that aspect of it. Looking at stuff from particular artists and seeing where they've gone with it. You get the really whimsical and fun, like Jesse Gordon Jnr, you get the real traditionalists, like Tommy T. here in Dublin and people who are doing a really distinct personal folk style like Mario Desa (or at least, that's what I see there, apologies if I'm wrong :P ).1 point -
on my Uncle-in-Law. artist unknown but done on Market St in 1955:1 point
"Nattpatruljen", Norways answer to "COPS". This is how Norwegian police handles a drunk, angry man. We of course have police officers that are total dicks over here too, but fortunately, some of them are quite alright.1 point
1 point
This was the funniest thing that ever happened to me last night when I was drunk. It is still good now.1 point
1 point
1 point
Artists who copy tattoos/styles
PopsBdog reacted to David Flores for a topic
I don't condone copying people's tattoos, but I am not really digging this thread. One it's not really any of my business to call out people for this kind of thing. Second, I would be hesistant to do so, because there is so much reference material outside of tattoo realm, that I couldn't be sure that two people weren't copying a piece of art from another genre as a tattoo. Third I have never gotten a tattoo that I expected to be or thought in any shape or form would be custom. I like running into people that have the same tattoos I do, I like the look of traditional tattoos and I am under no delusion that I am somehow "special" despite what my mother told me. I don't worry when someone tells me they are going to draw something for me, and they really just go trace it from the Ed hardy flash book and pass it off as their own, because I know most people aren't familiar with the design. Even is someone does copy the tattoo you have, it doesn't change the fact that you have a badass tattoo that most people would be jealous of and want to wear and you will get no sympathy from me, in fact i might make fun of you for complaining about it.1 point -
1 point
For TATTOOERS ONLY - most hated tattoo requests?
LeftyLucille reacted to Julio Avila for a topic
im also gonna add tiny ass upside down lettering on the wrist......in white1 point -
For TATTOOERS ONLY - most hated tattoo requests?
LeftyLucille reacted to Julio Avila for a topic
Trees. In the last two years I've done about 100 of them. Trees with hidden words or initials anywhere in the design (in the trunk, branches, or roots) Hidden words or initials. If you've got something to say, SAY IT! Arm bands. They break up the arm in such weird spots it makes it difficult "add to" or expand on with future tattoos. Cherubs. Naked babies?! For reals?! Art. You really need V. Van Gogh's "Starry Night" on your arm? Go buy a t shirt!! Superman logos. You are from right here. Not Krypton This list can go on forever. Sometimes it's not the what that you are tattooing but the who. Arrive on time, be respectful and don't figit around. Bring a good story to tell. Tattooers love em! Most of all, leave your tuff guy attitude at home. You ain't as tuff as us.1 point