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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2015 in all areas

  1. @clttattooing congratulations on starting your back piece! I would also like to see the progress if possible. My instagram is @robieva A few here know that I had my fifth session with Chad Koeplinger on my back last Saturday at Congress St tattoo in NH. This past session he shaded and colored all of my lower back. Whew! I am glad to get that part over with! There are blood drips in the tattoo, and one of them is mighty close to my butt crack. That spot felt like FIRE. I can't IMAGINE the horror of getting the full butt tattooed. I salute ALL of you with your full back tattoos!!!! @BrianH I read your comment about your tattoo being finished faster and cheaper if you were shorter. I am so happy I am short for this endeavor!!! I've never particularly been bummed about being short or anything, but in this case, it's a super advantage. I am super pumped with what Chad has given me and he thinks one more session, maybe 2 small ones. Total time so far, tallying up these sessions is about 10 hrs and that is rounding UP. It's probably closer to 8.5-9 hrs, but i'll call it an even 10. IN the end it will probably total 12 hrs. It has been an absolutely awesome journey. I love Chad like a brother and cherish the time spent with him. I am sad to think we are winding down, so I will probably have him tattoo something else on me soon enough (not my ribs. I told him never my ribs). Also the time spent hanging out with Jason Scott and Jebb Riley during these sessions have been awesome. I feel very at home at Jason's amazing shop. He employs only the best people. They are all great tattooers, but even more, amazing and awesome people. He's clearly got a good "douchbag radar" and hires accordingly. Next session is in August, and will possibly be my last, but I am certainly not putting pressure on it to be so.
    4 points
  2. Some early morning work. Drilling up by the ribs was super fun. Another small section done.
    3 points
  3. If there's any good thing about that stupid article it made me come back to this website to see if anyone was talking about it. The thing I dislike most about the article is her argument that it's her body and she can do whatever she wants to it. That's not how bodily autonomy works, the right to do anything to your body does not mean she has the right to tell OTHER PEOPLE what to do to her body. By not respecting the artist's right to refuse work, she's dehumanizing him. It's sad we live in a world where a feminist website will publish an article by somebody who doesn't even understand agency.
    3 points
  4. Hehe surreal smoking skull:cool:
    2 points
  5. bongsau

    Tattoo Copycat

    I guess this a thing to be mindful of whenever uploading our pics to IG, FB or even LST. Because eventually those tattoo photos you had the courtesy to share with the internet may end up on the websites like Pinterest, Shock Mansion, tumblr, buzzfeed and many other clickbait sites that do NOT credit the artist, collector or source. I wouldn't get too worked up. Your tattoo has slightly better placement on the hand and looks like a cleaner execution, not to mention it was made by a world-class tattooer. The other guy, well he's a hard looking hoodie metalhead who wasn't original enough to get his own thunderstorm. Don't let him rain on your parade!
    2 points
  6. I stand corrected. Looks like he really doesn't do neck tattoos. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, but I should've known better. I also thought this was a brilliant analogy: “A neck tattoo on someone without a lot of tattoos is like lighting a birthday candle on an unbaked cake.”
    2 points
  7. Got this on Tuesday, and I love it! On the upper shoulder/collarbone area. I'll post a better picture once it has healed.
    1 point
  8. Desert rose on my U2 arm. William Kasper @ Iron Tiger Tattoo
    1 point
  9. You want a diagram of how to do a squat?
    1 point
  10. Hi there, my name is Nathan, I'm new to this site and honestly I'm looking for critiques in the work I've been getting done. I'm super happy with the work and the tattoo artist has been amazing. But I feel the need to ask others in the tattoo community what they think as well. I'm going full sleeve classic universal monsters, your opinions are appreciated. Thanks all.
    1 point
  11. Just finish my sock last night. Will post pics later.
    1 point
  12. Manu Manu

    Tattoo Copycat

    @Flo Ania ça me ferais bien chier aussi!! (i'b be pissed too!) Mais je suis d'accord avec @bongsau, le tien est mieux place, à l'air tellement mieux exécuté et c'est bien l'original! Mais putain.... ça fais chier!
    1 point
  13. A well written, well thought out and professional response from none other than Tim Hendricks: In Response… « Tim Hendricks I can't help but think that the author of the original piece would be the exact type of person to attempt to crucify the guys at NYA had they tattooed the neck of her (hypothetical) un-tattooed 18 year old daughter... However it has everyone talking about it, so I guess she has achieved her goal :(
    1 point
  14. a1steaks

    Tattoo Copycat

    The thing to really be upset about here is that dude got his hand and neck blasted before having full sleeves.
    1 point
  15. Graeme

    Tattoo Copycat

    I like that a hannya on there is described as a "purple monster man".
    1 point
  16. I totally agree with this and posted elsewhere that it is ironic that she accused him of sexism, because to me this smacks of classism, i.e. "how dare YOU, a lowly tattooer, give ME advice". I think normals might be getting tattooed these days, but they still see tattooers as some sort of savages who are beneath them, and certainly wouldn't have years of training and expertise that might just be worth listening to. But mostly I feel annoyed that I got sucked into commenting on this at all, because it is indeed total clickbait, and so we are playing right into these idiots' hands. GAH.
    1 point
  17. sailor jerry sick day fun by Shannon Pagliarini Crown and Anchor Pt Pleasant NJ
    1 point
  18. She is what I refer to as a god-damn TATTOO TOURIST !!
    1 point
  19. jimstanley

    Telling My Parents

    Surprised at how casually the money issue was discussed here... If I had been giving someone money for (things that I deemed) necessities like rent or school, and then I saw them cruising around town in a brand new car, or with a brand new tattoo... That's super disrespectful. It's like being in debt to a drug dealer and blowing all your money on other shit... you're gonna get hit... If a person can afford this nonsense they should be able to afford everything else. Getting tattooed while still living under a financial security blanket is childish
    1 point
  20. a1steaks

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Chippin' away at the ol' front. https://instagram.com/p/3pzXp1MVGD/
    1 point
  21. Franz Stefanik, Okey Doke Tattoo Shop, Toronto, Ontario
    1 point
  22. Made the trip up to Davis to see George Hernandez and came away with this fun one: [/img]
    1 point
  23. A heavy Chad Koeplinger cover-up/blastover from two weeks ago, photo from today: Tony Hundahl eye/flames filler on my elbow. Works great together with the Lehi tattoo I think. Never too much flames, hehe.. Tattoo from Saturday last week, photo from today:
    1 point
  24. Round 1 by Chris Garver Invisible NYC
    1 point
  25. I doubt anyone will beat that tiger/cobra but Zuck it.
    1 point
  26. Shaun1105

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    I'm going to try to post a picture from my phone here: By Steve Byrne at Rock of Ages. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  27. scubaron

    shark Cheo Park

    1 point
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