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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2015 in all areas

  1. I got this done by Jonas Nyberg at the Helsinki ink convention at the end of march and finally got my gf to get a decent photo of it so here it is!
    7 points
  2. tatB

    Full Back Piece Thread

    you want to be 100% shitless during the ass sessions.
    5 points
  3. Graeme


    My thoughts are that Internet drama is stupid and if there's a problem between them they should deal with it like grown ups.
    4 points
  4. after almost 7 years of getting tattooed i just finally got my FIRST eagle the other day... thanks to tony sellers while he was guest spotting @ tattoo marks for the week.
    4 points
  5. Got this done by Steve Byrne at Rock of Ages the other night.
    4 points
  6. I just had an apple turnover and a chocolate milkshake. It was glorious. But I'm lactose intolerant, so I may be posting an update in the "Post shitty things you have been doing recently" thread LOL.
    3 points
  7. bongsau


    ...and other images that truly matter !!!
    3 points
  8. beez


    Has anyone been keeping up with the Horyioshi 3/Horikitsune v Shige fight that's been blowing up on instagram? I saw some stuff yesterday but it appeared to be losing steam. @mike.aka.theathens on instagram had more to say today, posting a Shige bodysuit and a Filip Leu bodysuit from 1999, calling out Shige for copying! I know on the board here we have discussed outright thievery vs. an homage to the original - anyway - this is something going on. Anyone have any thoughts or know anything about what sparked all this? Edited to add screencap for clarification.
    3 points
  9. My parents, within the process of moving across the country (MI to CA) stopped by on their little pre-move road trip. Had a real nice day hanging out with them and doing fun little touristy stuff around town. Been about a year since I'd seen them last so it was really good to be together and just spend some time as a family. Also they're going to be living near San Jose so I'm selfishly getting excited about all the new tattoo opportunities I'll have available without having to worry about booking hotel rooms.
    3 points
  10. I hate to be that guy who double posts but I was told that the recent tattoo pics are supposed to go in this thread compared to the upcoming tattoos thread haha. Here is a pic of my tattoo I got on Sunday from Nik Moore at Scarab Body Arts in Syracuse, NY.
    3 points
  11. Session 3 done, backpiece done (although we have already talked about adding background - my bank account and body both screamed in unison). Such a cool experience, i've met some awesome people, had some great times and i've come out of it with a tattoo that i have to keep reminding myself is actually mine. To think that 6 months ago there was nothing, it's crazy! Already posted in the latest tattoo thread but i had to bring it to my chums in the backpiece thread! I now looking forward to sitting back and seeing what the rest of you guys are getting, bring em on!
    3 points
  12. I'm day 3 into my dry heal experiment. I've notice alot less leaking with the dry heal. I will start lotion tonight as it's going to start peeling tonight. I think I'm done using ointment the first few days.
    2 points
  13. Finally I have something new to report. Let's see if I remember how to post a pic. I got this little clipper while on a trip to Amsterdam (which was rad, as one might imagine). The shop, Tattoo Peter (named for its founder) is the oldest shop in Amsterdam established in 1955 and in its current location since 1977. Cool little shop with walls lined with amazing old flash. My artist, Bill Loika, is a super cool laid back dude from the US now living in Amsterdam. I had a goal to get tattooed by someone older than I am which is becoming increasingly difficult ;) Mission accomplished ! Bill is still in the game at 66. Awesome! The pic is of the fresh tattoo. Healing this sucker has been a bitch for some reason. I'm kinda bummed that the detail of the Dutch flag has yet to reveal itself. Fingers crossed. The design is from Tattoo Peter flash from the 60's. Also a pic of Bill with old Tattoo Peter flash in the background. Sideways pics dammit ! Apologies...[ATTACH=CONFIG]12615[/ATTACH]
    2 points
  14. Just got home with this one. Still swollen...
    2 points
  15. This will be my view of the Monaco Grand Prix tomorrow:
    2 points
  16. Itchy? Oh yes. When I outlined my back I tried to staple a swatch of carpeting to the corner of a wall so that I could rub up against it (like my cat would). However, ElDolmago vetoed my idea.
    2 points
  17. bongsau


    Has anybody eaten at the Miss Ko restaurant in France by chance? Miss K? - Restaurant Paris 8 - restaurant gastronomique sur Paris - restaurant asiatique Paris Seems bizarre to use irezumi as a design theme for the branding of a japanese restaurant. Almost cheapening the whole process of getting extensive tattoo work. especially when you read that the "Miss Ko" image is the tattoo art design photochopped onto a clean-skinned model. smells like ultra-chic high society bullshit. how edgy and exotic, my taste buds are bursting! Whenever marketing/branding gets involved in the 'tattoo scene' there seems to be bad mojo...permanent art meets disposable consumerism. - - - Updated - - - sorry/not sorry/offtopic ok back to INSTAGRAM ! and square pics of your cute dog, pissed off cats, and the odd tattoo curiousity dennis_kool
    1 point
  18. Lance

    In preparation of

    You can probably find it at herbal remedy or drug stores. Some high end grocery stores carry it too. But you may have to order it online. Walgreen doesn't carry it in-stores but offers it online. You can read a bit into it in the link below. When I got my feet tattooed one of the tattooers told me to try it. I had to go to maybe 4 different places on the way back to the hotel before I found it but was happy I did. The next day I woke up and my feet were the size of melons. So big I didn't know if my feet would fit in my shoes. I took a dose of it and within a brief time the swelling had significantly reduced. Willow Bark Uses, Benefits & Dosage - Drugs.com Herbal Database
    1 point
  19. beez

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Lucky you! I predict all sorts of awesome.
    1 point
  20. My tattooed leg hurts like a fucking bastard! Calf def worse than rest of leg for after tattoo pain. Longest session for me to date has been 6hrs. Aside from a little light (from what can see) yellow coloured bruising, it seems to be on track. Redness and swelling long gone. Bepanthen is my best friend at the moment. Won't start to itch until the second week.
    1 point
  21. Cork

    Full Back Piece Thread

    @Isotope I found around the nipple to also be pretty bad, so you aren't going to get any surprises. Looking at Kelly's Instagram, it doesn't seem like he can convince anyone to go full ass!
    1 point
  22. Hahah, actually the plan is to stay above the cheeks.
    1 point
  23. Just to further pipe up on the whole all is brutal commentary. Finished shading my ass and right thigh on Saturday. Currently still dreading sitting, then standing, or going to the bathroom. Have fun!
    1 point
  24. Isotope

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Welp, I booked my first appointment (July 14) to start a full back piece with Kelly Edwards today ( https://instagram.com/kellyedwardstattoo ). I'm 56% so excited I probably won't sleep until the appointment, 44% scared shitless. I have a lot of general ideas for potential incorporation, but I feel like I'm going to annoy the poor man to death. Most painful place I've been tattooed so far is collarbone and near the nipple... so this should be a riot.
    1 point
  25. Graeme


    @xcom can I ask why you're hashtagging pictures of your grocery shopping with #lastsparrow?
    1 point
  26. suburbanxcore


    Can we all take a quick second to appreciate how awesome @Iwar's @livedintattoos account it?
    1 point
  27. I forgot I made this embarrassing post! Thank you all for the encouragement and positive vibes :) I like the idea of trying henna first to see what it might look like. The foot/ankle would be the most all-year-round visible spot I'd have a tattoo, so I am having more than my normal amount of anxiety over placement. Alternatively, I'm also considering the back of my upper left arm (above the elbow) for this piece (a fox head and some patterned bits around it). I'm so terrible with decisions -- especially about tattoo placement. I've been looking at pictures of tattooed people on the internet for weeks now, trying to get a feel for how tattoos look in certain spots on the body. Classic overthinker, right here. Thanks again for the indulgence, guys! You really are the best. - - - Updated - - - Picture! :) And thank you for the encouragement!
    1 point
  28. My back is feeling pretty raw oooof. I've used a light hit of A&D 3 times in the last week. Dry heal FTW ! My backpiece is near completion, which is a rewarding feeling as I could use some relief from constantly healing tattoo. Starting to feel like a reptile !
    1 point
  29. @PopsBdog Thanks, it just came to me when I saw your post. Either way, it'll be a special tattoo for you both, are you both getting done at the same time?
    1 point
  30. tacifone

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I hope this is okay to post here but here is a pic of my first tattoo that I got yesterday! I am beyond happy about it and thought that the process of getting it was not bad at all. Here is a link to the guy who tattooed me because I feel he needs to be recognized for his work! https://nicholasrobertmoore.wordpress.com/ Let me know what you guys think of my tattoo everyone.
    1 point
  31. more work done tonight. next appt is the end of June. The frog is getting redone in this go 'round-he's kinda old (15 years or so I think) so he would look out of place I thought.
    1 point
  32. I slipped a disc and had some seriously intense nerve issues last week, but I figured I should learn my limitations and tattoo with an injury (because it's part of the job). Did this little National Forest hiker dude. This is my 7th tattoo, next to my 4th tattoo. Thanks for looking : )
    1 point
  33. I thought I posted it, but I guess not. Here it is. This was the 2nd tattoo I ever did.
    1 point
  34. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. You can't see it, but there is another smaller tree in the outside of his left calf. He's super supportive and is letting me do an entire band of tree silhouettes around his leg.
    1 point
  35. My name is Mickey Frost and this is one of my last works.
    1 point
  36. More badassery for you. Starting to see the finish line on this one. By Dave C., PSC Tattoo.
    1 point
  37. Might as well add my recent tattoo to this thread. ;) Done by Steve Byrne at Rock of Ages in Austin.
    1 point
  38. hogg

    Face tatty's like whoa

    I saw a pic of her tattoo the other day. Honestly, it made me queasy. The whole thing is just so disturbing to me (and I'm a tattooed freak).
    1 point
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