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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2015 in all areas

  1. Will BBQ for tattoos!! Beef chuck short ribs 15 pound packer: lamb spare ribs: pork spares:
    7 points
  2. Consider this... If you have a bad cold or flu...your immune system is run down. A tattoo is going to slam your system down even further and yeah you'll have a sweet tattoo but it's going to more painful to receive and your recovery from both the tattoo and the sickness is going to take even longer. Furthermore, you just got your tattooer sick...who then spreads it further to the other clients and tattooers in the shop and/or means he may have to cancel upcoming appointments. If you're sick...stay home, rest and reschedule your appointments. (On the flip side...yeah dayquil/nyquil works great to numb you out from the pain. But it will give you a bad stomach ache afterwards. So be pro-active, keep your body fit and healthy and your golden.)
    5 points
  3. hogg

    I finally understand

    Just popping in to remind everyone not to feed the trolls. Rad was a bummer, but I think a lot of us knew that he was trolling. LST is a great place--let's keep it that way. Please don't sink to a troll's level of discourse.
    5 points
  4. RoryQ

    Official LST BBQ thread?

    All year round... Mixture of pork shoulders, lamb leg and prime rib here. Low and slow for the former, reverse sear for the latter.
    4 points
  5. tatB

    Upcoming Tattoos

    you are in Norway so you are 100% obligated to get tattooed by Marius Meyer
    4 points
  6. lord have mercy... grabbing my passport, on my way south, i'll be there by dinner time! (or is it supper, lol)
    3 points
  7. DavidR


    Not on me (I wish!) but I couldn't resist posting this here. https://instagram.com/p/2XMZmTnXSj/
    3 points
  8. bongsau

    Matt Gone

    I had the pleasure of meeting Matt Gone aka Checkerboard Man recently at the Edmonton Tattoo Show. He was super friendly, charming and with a nice dose of crazy...I mean who isn't crazy to go the lengths we all do to get the tattoos we want to express ourselves! I recall reading about Matt Gone in the early stages of my tattoo journey, I think it was an interview in Skin & Ink and he was on the cover (I was/am really into ska so I was stoked on anything checkered haha). That led to find out more about the checkered fellow and I found his stories, tattoos and motivation to extensively tattoo his body inspiring. It showed me what was possible with tattoos. It also echoe'd my sentiments about tattooing as a way to express myself, assert control over my body and love myself. I also liked how he wasn't simply a circus freak but a dude who was stoked on tattoos and committed to the process, working hard to reach his tattoo goals, no matter how insane they may appear to the average plainskin and tattooed individual alike. Here's a really cool article about Matt Gone where he talks about his tattooers...he's had some heavyweights do his tattoos like Stell (!), Roy Boy, Sailor Moses, Gil Monte...list goes on. https://www.bigtattooplanet.com/features/artist-profile/an-interview-with-matt-gone I really appreciated how candid Matt was about his tattoos and stories. As well as how encouraging he was to get people to strip down, not be shy to show off our tattoos. It was a tattoo convention after all! I connected with him on facebook this week. I guess one of the event organizers was there when I stripped down to a smile and got this photo taken with him. That exchange along with the spectacle we had at Matt's booth with my buddies with the Paul Jeffries works, had the organizers hire/invite Matt Gone to upcoming Alberta tattoo events. This was his first time in Canada and now has more visits planned for the future. more info (NSFW) MATTGONE.NET - - - Updated - - - still buzzing from the exchange I had with him, really fun
    3 points
  9. done by tony hundahl at the oklahoma tattoo convention one shot drawn on
    3 points
  10. cltattooing

    Facial Tattoos

    I have only tattooed two peoples' faces and they already had facial tattoos so I was alright with it. Fucking difficult type of skin to tattoo though, so thin and delicate! I'm generally not a big fan of face tattoos, although the two people in my opinion who do pull them off well are Sonju and Freddy. As a general rule though, the face is the last place on a person that I would tattoo. Like for instance I would way rather tattoo your dick than your face and even that's a stretch (do you see what I did there?). I also won't tattoo your face unless you have significant coverage on your hands/neck/head.
    3 points
  11. Holy jesus. Fuck aaaaaaaalllllll of you. The jealousy is real, and now im hangry.
    2 points
  12. xcom

    Official LST BBQ thread?

    Spring, TX here @Isotope, I am only 3hrs away from you! LOL. BBQ is life. I BBQ/Smoke almost every weekend when the weather is right. I am down any time!
    2 points
  13. Iwar

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I makes me really happy to hear that you're considering Nicholas. He's a really really good tattooer, but for some reason his work doesn't get anywhere near the attention it deserves, I feel. I got a really cool little namakubi from him a couple years ago, and I'm looking forward to getting more tattoos from him in the future. You really should get tattooed by both of them though. Great guys, who do great tattoos.
    2 points
  14. Started a new job a month and a half ago - I really like it, and am a little freaked out by how quiet it is compared to my other job in terms of output volume. I am not complaining, believe me, I needed this change. Had a mother/daughter day with my mom yesterday, was so very nice. We had lunch, went shopping, walked around, took a pedicab (quite the hilarious, if scary, experience) and enjoyed each others company. I love what time has done with our relationship. And... I started taijiquan classes a few weeks ago, wow do I love it. I'm never going to learn it all do do the form (Yang style, 112 long-form?) but that's okay. I really dig the martial arts aspect of it vs the typical overemphasis of the beauty of the form/movement. And! I have a tattoo consult next week for my once-a-year tattoo because I can't afford to go more often with all of these other interests diverting my money elsewhere. ;)
    2 points
  15. ItsNewport

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Couldn't agree more. And on that subject, less than 2 weeks til i'm back in Oslo for back piece session number 3 and a little one shot from Morten at Blue arms. Can't wait!
    2 points
  16. xcom

    Day 4 healing (question)

    @marley mission holly shit balls! Dude dry heal for a day and now is pealing like crazy! Thanks!!!!
    1 point
  17. @Joey Ryan, I hear you, But I do hope you told your artist you where sick so he can take appropriate measures/decisions. Glad it all worked out.
    1 point
  18. I worked for The Pentagon. Does that mean I know everything about the US Government? Shhhhwwweeett! I kid I kid! :P
    1 point
  19. But I only recommended it as a more natural antibiotic without the side effects to achieve the results the OP asked for. No word about how pure it is but it would have helped with being asymptomatic. Yes, I know about all the chemicals in everything. I worked for a chemicals company, studied sciences including biology and chemistry...but I recommended what I felt would give the quickest and best results given the situation :)
    1 point
  20. tatB


    just posting this to be helpful not to be the forum police... from the Forum Rules : "Signatures: You are welcome to link to your own quality/original content TATTOO RELATED website/blog in your signature, but please add a link to Get Good Tattoos | Last Sparrow Tattoo on your site in a clearly visible location first. We will look at your site and moderate your posts if we can't find a link to LST -here is the code if you need it. *Note: We do not permit links to sites that sell tattoo products in your signature, or that go against the LST mission statement in general. Our moderators will be the judge, but 'cheap tattoo kits' are not a good thing. Also, we're not here to send traffic to your generic ad riddled landing page so don't bother."
    1 point
  21. xcom

    Official LST BBQ thread?

    Excellent place!
    1 point
  22. pidjones

    aging tattoos

    Oh, I do hope so! At 62 I can use any help I can get!
    1 point
  23. hogg

    What is a contributor?

    You are correct! In the bottom right of the homepage, there's a yellow "Donate" button, if you're so inclined.
    1 point
  24. Iwar

    What is a contributor?

    No, that's "Site supporter" (donating to LST). "Contributor" is a title you earn after a certain amount of posts I believe.
    1 point
  25. pidjones

    Official LST BBQ thread?

    You guys know that you just ruined my measly ham sandwich that I just ate for lunch, don't you? I'm a pork fan, but have had some awesome beef ribs, too. There doesn't seem to be a particular style for this area (East Tennessee). We get a mixture of North Carolina vinegar-basted with spicy sauce and slaw on top (sorry, not a fan), Memphis sweet and spicy, Georgia sweet and spicy, and South Carolina mustard-based sauces (really not a favorite, but their pig-in-the-ground meat is awesome!). My favorite is from Dreamland in Birmingham, Alabama. I love the Hickory smoky meat, but it shouldn't be so strong that it gives me heartburn!
    1 point
  26. rufio

    Official LST BBQ thread?

    wow, At times like these i'm really bumbed out im living in Europe and not in the USA. Eat an extra rib for me pls :)
    1 point
  27. I'm going for ribs now.
    1 point
  28. my latest which I got on a sunday afternoon finished peeling on thursday but damn its been an itchy booger into today, sunday being 2 week point
    1 point
  29. My wife was a big shot in local banking and finance for years and I've been to quite a few parties and events along the way for her job. Most of the time, suits or a tux were required, other more casual times I wore a long sleeved dress shirt and dress pants. Once some people she worked with saw I had some tattoo work, they came out of the woodwork and showed me theirs. One run of management there had a no-visible-ink at work campaign going. I think one girl was fired since she had so many that were hard to cover up completely. I always had them covered when I went to my kid's school events. Some parents knew, but it didn't matter to them. I had one complaint from a parent when my kids were in scouts and I was an outdoor coordinator. The scout master blew her off since her fine example of a husband was in prison for drug dealing. My take on snotty people, they always have to take sides against someone, maybe it would be your house, your car or something else. Rise above it. My wife wasn't crazy about my tattoo obsession, but it was more from a $$ viewpoint than anything. I never took a cent out of the household for a tattoo either.
    1 point
  30. I'd say go with Purple Drank if you can find some codeine cough medicine. Puts your head in the right place. I had an appointment back in 2010, me and my wife had real bad colds, she was on nebulizer treatments. Mine morphed into a wicked sinus infection. I had gotten steroid shots to help me kick it. We were also getting ready to go to California right after my tattoo session. I was going to my appointment even if I was in a body bag. I just loaded up on CVS brand cough syrup prior to my appointment and I got through it.
    1 point
  31. i think upper arm is a good spot to start for anyone eh its prime real estate i guess but what isnt :) so i guess go big if you're going there but in terms of discomfort / pain upper arm experiences were super easy
    1 point
  32. on all 3 of my thigh tattoos they really scabbed up and generally looked piss poor for awhile but the trick is to forget about them really - clean and dry - occasional lubriderm anyway - its what works for me i think its a mistake to overclean and overlube fresh tattoos need to breathe imo
    1 point
  33. marcel

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I have a booking this Saturday to continue my sleeve. I did a cover up in the shoulder 2 weeks ago and on Saturday i am getting my inner arm done with a cool eye inside a skull. Will post a pic when done.... Cant wait! :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  34. Yeah, can't recommend anything other than what @marley mission said - let it dry heal. We haven't started color on my sock yet, but the heavy shading definitely stayed flaky/scabby for a while on mine. Just washed twice a day with dove bar soap and after a week I started using the lotion.
    1 point
  35. Cork

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Great Flying Spaghetti Monster, Jondix's stuff is out of control.
    1 point
  36. bongsau

    Upcoming Tattoos

    What a fun time. I didn't get tattooed at the Edmonton convention...nothing really struck me + I wanted to stay focused on my upcoming back session. But I did have a really fun time being part of the spectacle and energy of the show. The Edmonton Convention is weird, the tattooer list is not on par and hardly any international artists that you would expect at a tattoo convention. It seems to be mostly local shops (and not the shops I would recommend to my friends/acquaintances). I thought there would be more flash ready to go and the drawings ready to go were nu skool, cupcake/donut, realistic. Not my thing. But nevertheless there were some cool tattooers around... Miles Kanne - got to say hi and catch up, show off one leg and arm sleeves he did on me in 2005 and 2007 when he first started. Stace aka Water Street Phantom - super friendly, really unique japanese style that I think he is approaching respectfully for a younger tattooer. He had this killer shunga print, but my wife was not into haha. The comp'd us some pina colada flamingo Steveston air freshners Cody Dewald - a young bold black traditional tattooer, got to chat and watch him work on a few people which was cool. Horiryu Family / Strictly Tattoo Vancouver - watched a huge hanya back get lined in. But the muscle dude getting it done was cringing and his calf muscles were tensing. He wasn't enjoying it haha Bart from Empire Tattoo, Victoria - had some wicked traditional flash ready to go. He was busy. He comes to Lucky Strike in town fairly often to visit. Lucas Ford - got to meet him, really nice dude. He was also a judge in the contests...more on that later haha I met Matt Gone the Checkerboard man. He was quite charming but batshit crazy. Actually it was funny, I went to get a photo with him and some security/handler guy was like "buddy, Danny Trejo isn't ready yet for fan photos"...and I'm like "huh? I'm here to see Matt Gone". I told Matt how when I first started my tattoos I saw him on the cover of Skin & Ink and have been following his bodysuit progress for several years. I asked if I could take a photo with my shirt off and next thing you know I'm in my socks and underwear with Checker board Man: Matt said to swing buy his booth and gave me a t-shirt and wanted to take more photos together with our bodysuits. It was hilarious. They are all up on his facebook page now lol. I got approached by a photographer asking for a picture for the newspaper (Edmonton Sun)...I said you want the full meal deal? No problemo...actually hold on, here come my buddies with Paul Jeffries tattoos. So the three of us ended up in the Sun's online photographs from event. So yeah we got our tattooed butts in the paper lol: Contests... Cam and Keith both entered their Paul Jeffries tattoos in the best sleeve category. They both didn't even place and lost to a ghostbusters, spiderman and zelda sleeves (wtf). We thought it was a joke that comic book tattoos could win over classic Paul Jeffries work. Like c'mon! But hey maybe that's tattooing in Alberta or tattooing in this era, the bros love the airbrush photorealistic look but don't know the name of the man who put Canada on the tattoo map. Later on, my wife arrives and we enter our matching Chris David eagle tattoos in the best traditional category. Maybe about a dozen entries, several of which had like 8 colours and NO BLACK (wait is this best traditional? wtf). Well no big deal. They called us both back onstage, the judges wanted another look as we were battling to place. So yeah, they couldn't decide so we BOTH won the 1st and 2nd place!! Ryan Gagne tattoo also won, so it was a clean sweep for Government Street Tattoo in the trad contest lmao. No cash prizes, although advertised. So it was fun. It was a spectacle. I thought there would be more shirtless folks, it is a tattoo convention after all. People seemed pretty timid. Well except for the 3 of us and Matt Gone! I'm happy I went. We had fun. Lots of laughs and good people watching. People getting tattooed. I lost track how many times I dropped trough! And then we went to the Keg to celebrate our victory
    1 point
  37. beez

    I finally understand

    @Graeme ????❤️❤️❤️❤️?????? If that string of emoticons is unreadable, just know I sent a string of googly eyes, hearts, and party horns. It's been a long time since I've been around someone that aggressive who really enjoys upsetting people so much. I've never understood that kind of behavior. I have a friend who one time tried to explain to me the art of the troll and why it was so much fun...and messing with your friends just a tiny bit is a fun and time honored tradition - but rad's trolling takes it to a different level. It's not funny? I dunno. Thx for taking care of it mods!
    1 point
  38. @hogg @Iwar @gougetheeyes can we ban this embarassment yet? Sorry if I'm out of line for asking this but holy fuck
    1 point
  39. This was done by Charley at True Blue in ATX. This is absolutely the cleanest linework I have on myself and I am so stoked/humbled/honored by this tattoo. I apologize for the glare. Great Grandpa and Great Great Uncle were Azorean whalers that settled in New England shortly before the whaling bust. Great Grandpa turned to working in a rubber factory until he could start his own floral business in bristol RI, Great great uncle went from whaling to building fishing schooners and racing yachts with Hereshoff.
    1 point
  40. Rad Kelham

    I finally understand

    I like you @marley mission.
    1 point
  41. Suiren

    Your Kids and Tattoos

    Two days ago my son felt like cleaning off my tattoos... So he said "I'ma get you wipeee mommy for you tutu..". He kept rubbing and rubbing and could not understand why it wasn't coming off ;)...continually staring at the wipe in disbelief.
    1 point
  42. tacifone

    Girlfriend Problems

    Well guys, things are officially over. Thanks for the advice. Hopefully things will get better
    1 point
  43. @beez aah sorry! By Carolyn LeBourgeois (me) at FTW Tattoo Parlor in Oakland, California. On my friend Kiki :)
    1 point
  44. I'll throw my hat in again this month with this piece, all healed and new :)
    1 point
  45. The winner of Tattoo of the month April 2015 is @heathenist with this killer piece by Matt Arriola! Congrats!! Please PM @steve1461686340 with your shirt info (size and male or female) along with your address.
    1 point
  46. Dennis


    Sorry for the filters, the picture isn't from my instagram. These are my sleeves!
    1 point
  47. OK good to know. I'm going to see what responses I get before ordering some. Pig skin...kind of grosses me out. I don't know if I'd even be allowed to bring that into the shop. But I'm open to it.
    1 point
  48. herewego

    aging tattoos

    I'm sure everyone has seen this a hundred times, but this is what I hope to look like when I have grand kids sitting on my lap.
    1 point
  49. There is this really fantastic book I read last year as part of my research for something else I'm writing that discusses the concept of identity as neuroscience understands it in great detail, at a layman's level. It's called The Self Illusion, by Bruce Hood, and it draws many of the same conclusions about the myth of identity as the article. While the conclusions he draws are still contested in some circles, I don't think there's more evidence against them than there is for them. The 'tl;dr' take-away is that identity is an extremely vulnerable construct assembled from countless exterior pressures and events, organized into a narrative that our brains tell us in order to help us make sense of new information. It does this with an aim toward efficiency and survival, rather than accuracy; it's remarkable how fallible human memory can be (and memory can be entirely overwritten or altered with astonishing ease). It's this way by design, though; these things make us adaptable to new circumstances, more resilient in overcoming traumas, etcetera. There is no little person inside of us with a set register of traits, operating switches and levers in us with pre-defined consistency. We are an accumulation of impulses defined by experience, and what we think we know or feel about those experiences is more malleable than we realize. One of the central points of the book insofar as the studies it uses is that it's extremely easy to challenge even the most dominant values and beliefs of someone's identity under the right conditions, social pressures being what they are. Given the right parameters, a person will do things they'd never believe themselves capable of otherwise -- for better or worse. It could be that the fast and furious pace of social pressures we're experiencing these days via social media are responsible for causing people to seek out ways to define themselves in a more lasting manner... ...but it could also be that the fast and furious pace of social pressures we're experiencing these days via social media are pressuring people to get tattoos who wouldn't otherwise get them. This, I think, is a point the article probably glosses over too handily. People polish up the details of their lives and shovel them onto facebook, instagram, pinterest, and other people sit around judging their own lives based on these idealized representations from others. Someone still trying to figure out who they are spends six hours a day on pinterest, imagining what their life could be like, and somehow a dandelion-turning-into-birds tattoo becomes part of the landscape of social pressures that they're using to define themselves. It could have less to do with a lack they're filling, in other words, than a lack created by this idealized lifestyle they're constantly consuming. This is a long and rambling post, I know. I do think it's relevant to tattoos, and other people's reactions to tattoos, though; I think there's something very interesting about imposing permanent images on one's self, and folding them into your self-image, regardless of whether they have deliberate meaning or not. Inevitably they'll commemorate something, even if that isn't why they were gotten; even if that something is just the moment in time at which they were tattooed, and even if that moment in time wasn't special for any reason other than that the tattoo was being done. And that act -- commemoration, deliberate or otherwise -- is definitely a thing. The word itself revolves around memory, after all, and memory is the essential thing from which we construct identity. The tattoo is permanent, the memory consequently more likely to stick around, and I suppose that could matter, even if we never intended it to. Speaking generally, people tend to view permanent things with some wariness. I think they do that for a lot of reasons, but one of those reasons may be that it affixes them to some identity or other. People are prone to being heavily influenced by the social opinions and trends of others, obviously, and I think people don't like the idea of being trapped by any given identity. It makes them nervous. It feels final, and that finality is not conducive to adapting to the social fabric that surrounds us. I can understand why someone might look at a tattoo and be bewildered by the choice to mark one's self in a way that makes being a social chameleon less easy to do. They probably find that viscerally strange, even setting aside the social implications from earlier decades. ...which makes it interesting, to me, that so many people embrace deliberately changing themselves in such a permanent way. I can't think of many other ways that a person can change themselves with such permanent intention. You can make lifestyle changes, sure, but they're usually internal...certainly not so publicly observable. Don't get me wrong, here...I'm not suggesting that tattoos necessarily change anything about the tattooed individual, or that the choice to be tattooed necessarily indicates anything deeper than the desire to just get a really awesome tattoo. I just think it probably can, given what we know about how human beings create their sense of self, and I find it really fascinating to think about what a unique relationship tattoos could have with the way our own subconscious forms our narrative of identity. I think there's probably something special about the mental attitude of anyone who can fearlessly embrace a permanent change to their self image as it's perceived by others. That all being wordily said, I think it's pretty dumb to try to psychoanalyze anyone based on the actual tattoos they have. These are interesting concepts in theory, but people are just so different...I don't know that I'd ever be comfortable making assumptions about this kind of thing with anyone, ever. Anywho. Long-winded insomnia blabbering over!
    1 point
  50. From the past two days at Kings Avenue Tattoo in Long Island and Manhattan. Yesterday was a shitty day in terms of weather but the Manhattan location was packed with appointments and tons of walk-ins.
    1 point
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