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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2015 in all areas

  1. couple years old by max kuhn bout a 1.5-2 years old by adam shrewsbury
    6 points
  2. I forgot about this one on the other inner bicep. This one was done by Nick Collela on a visit from Chicago a couple of years ago.
    6 points
  3. This is a cool thread. Lots of really good tattoos. My contribution is as follows... Cross with Koru designs by Tommy Downs at Roger's Tattoo Art in Wellington, NZ. That is surrounded by a half sleeve by Gerry Carnelly at Octopus Tattoo, Derby, UK. The second piece then is a dotwork Aum gap filler by Patrick Huttlinger going in the little gap left by a half sleeve by Ian Flower at New Skool Tattoos in Ewell village, Surrey, UK. I really like that the combination balances the two arms. When I had the gaps it felt totally unbalanced. I agree with the earlier comment though about not having to tattoo that part of my body again. The cross was my first ever tattoo and not the most pleasant introduction to say the least...
    5 points
  4. Graeme

    On the move up

    I glanced through your Instagram and I'm guessing that when you say you're an "independent" tattoo artist what you really mean is that you're putting shitty tattoos on your dumb shithead friends in your filthy apartment with no training or hygiene. That's normally called scratching but because you're a clever art school kid you probably have a lengthy jerkoff artist's statement about how it isn't that. Nobody cares. Beat it.
    4 points
  5. Some of my hippie stuff to tie into the original outer arm hippie stuff . . . Jon Mirro
    4 points
  6. SStu

    Upcoming Tattoos

    A week from now I'll be finishing up my 5th session with Thomas at ROA. All the outline is complete, so psyched to get into some more serious shading.
    4 points
  7. left - waves and maples by Jill Bonny right - stank skull by Gary Koblis when he was in SJ. i actually got the anchor (Jilly Bonny) and mini tiger (Chad K) before, so the skull was the weird filler. the smoking monkey is by Sean Baltzell, done at Liberty Tattoo in Seattle at their 12/12/12 party. i kinda wanted to, but strayed away from getting a shunga kakushibori. glad i did, because every once in a while i'm wearing a tee and i stretch or yawn and see people take peeks at my arms... i could imagine saucer sized eyes if a coworker or family member caught a glimpse of that.
    4 points
  8. Party wolf by Eddy Deutsche
    4 points
  9. Here we go. Fudo by Matt Brotka RFTC tattoo (and surrounding) by Andrew Conner.
    4 points
  10. RHW bicep club represent! Haha. It's quite tricky to take a photo of my own bicep but here's my fox: I'm trying to plan my 3rd arm tattoo around this and my bird and it's been a challenge. I sometimes wish I'd thought ahead a little more with the placement but I'm sure the tattoo artist I choose will able to come up with something.
    4 points
  11. Both by Chad Koeplinger.
    4 points
  12. Theo Mindell wolf Ron Wells disintegrating skull n roses And+1 to weird gaps...had Paul Dobleman do a Dietzel design (snake around skinny dagger) on the back of the wells arm. Not sure what I'm gonna do with the other yet.
    4 points
  13. rozone

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I'm getting tattooed by Jef Whitehead in 3 weeks...
    3 points
  14. I got this one from Nikki Balls when she passed through The Pearl in Toronto a couple of summers ago.
    3 points
  15. RoryQ

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Change of plans on Sunday. Managed to get a morning appointment with Tim Pausinger at The Pearl Harbour Gift Shop. Suits better time wise than rolling the dice on getting a walk in at The Okey Doke (next time!). I can have breakfast with my family and meet LSTer @markbee in lieu of queuing. The staff at The Pearl really went out of their way to fit me in. I have been lucky like that recently too with Uncle Allan. Tattooing, as an industry/community, has some really nice people in it.
    2 points
  16. Guero

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    It says "Oh Bury Me Not" (on the lone prairie) on the other side. By Kemer in Leon GTO Mexico
    2 points
  17. I am stoked! Saw a post from Jon on instagram that his appointment did a no show no call and was looking for somebody to fill the spot for 8hrs. wwww00000tttttt!!!! I am game homie! 1st Session 6hrs.
    2 points
  18. Essentially healed tiger head from Tim Lehi. Done at the Summit Convention here in Colorado.
    2 points
  19. new lil dude from Hector Fong at Tattoo 13 in Oakland :)
    2 points
  20. Appropriately posting this one on Easter. I got this one from Matt Arriola a few weeks ago at Spotlight. Photo stolen from his IG: For reference, it's on the back of my thigh:
    2 points
  21. Kind of tough to make out what goes where from this picture. It's the ball and chain. To give you reference, the girl head is above my elbow ditch.
    1 point
  22. rozone

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Totally. Me too. I have no idea what it'll be, either. I'm pretty much giving him free reign to go nuts. It'll probably be insane. :)
    1 point
  23. SStu

    On the move up

    Right . . but tell my how you really feel -
    1 point
  24. A butterfly drawn chariot.
    1 point
  25. This is a real LST problem...
    1 point
  26. SStu

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    One of my artists dipped his paper towel wipe into a container of bactine after the 1st 3 or so hours. From then on the wiping was actually helping deaden the working area.
    1 point
  27. Thanks so much @cltattooing! They let me move back in the other day. Garage is still condemned, but sleeping in my own bed is quite the relief.
    1 point
  28. This thread is a killer RH Wells portfolio... I've got the words "Tighty" and "Loosey" on my right and left inner biceps, respectively.
    1 point
  29. Yeah, it can be tough. I had space down the back and at the top, so we had the snake come up to a shoulder cap. The snake writhes in and out of my arm to match the skin rip by my elbow, and then is coming out of the smoke plumes from my skull on a pile of shell casings. Tied it together very well luckily! Sorry for the crappy pic.
    1 point
  30. RHW inner bicep crew. It was a pretty dumb choice to get this as my second tattoo, given how uncomfortable the location turned out to be/how badly I sat. The only thing with covering your inner and outer bicep with one largeish tattoo each is that you then have that weird back-of-the-arm area to fill. Thank goodness for snakes, daggers, torches...
    1 point
  31. Urn by Ron Henry Wells. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. Both by Mo Coppoletta, TFB.
    1 point
  33. It turns out that it's really difficult to take pictures of your inner biceps but here are mine. The skull is from Ron Henry Wells and the Haeckel mandala type deal is from Thomas Hooper. I am glad I don't have to get that part of my body tattooed anymore.
    1 point
  34. Interesting idea - I agree with no color. Are you thinking of going up your entire calf all the way around? I think that might be the only way to do it justice for any detail. Another thing to consider is that your lower leg is smaller at the bottom (ankle) and gets bigger as you get up to your knee (duh) but buildings are bigger on the bottom and get smaller near the top. So the buildings either need to be drawn out of perspective or squashed together at their bases, or you might consider them overlapping on the bottom - like 3D, one in front of the other, and then becoming separated as they rise from their bases. If that makes sense. If you want it realistic. Or, you might avoid trying to be realistic and fitting them in without them all necessarily having the same base along the same line at your ankle.
    1 point
  35. MoistTowelette

    Upcoming Tattoos

    i MIGHT have a collab with Erin Chance and Matt Lambdin in Reno next month. both are interested, its just that Matt is over booked so we have to figure something out...
    1 point
  36. By Trevor Shea in Vancouver BC. Healed and no filer...seriously. Trevor is the Mike Roper of Canada in my opinion. Bodysuits that you will never see online.
    1 point
  37. I can't get enough of this dagger by Tony Nilsson. I'd definitely have that on my arm.
    1 point
  38. losParanoyas

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Next session with Kore Flatmo is 2 weeks away! Then I start stomach/rib pieces with Thomas Hooper a few weeks after that! Super pumped!
    1 point
  39. Hands On

    Mother/Mum/Mom Tattoos

    When I was young, my mom used to always sing while she curled her hair in the morning. Que Sera Sera was one of her go to songs and it stuck in my memory... now it's stuck in my leg. The Sly and the Family Stone version is way more my style than Doris Day though... https://youtu.be/v7G5MIpFui4 Tattoo is by Jill Bonny. It's not a portrait or likeness of my mom... i just asked for a gypsy with a bandana, curly hair, roses, the song title and let her do her thing.
    1 point
  40. idyllsend

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Hello friends. It's been a while since I've posted, as it had been a while since I've been tattooed. That ended today with the first sit on my back piece. Overall, I'd say it wasn't as awful as I expected, but certain areas were downright painful. Notably the bum. Next sit isn't for 9 weeks, so I've got time to mentally prepare myself for more pain. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. Scott R

    Upcoming Tattoos

    have an appt with Tony hundahl at the Oklahoma tattoo convention put on by Richard and Jennifer Stell.
    1 point
  42. Read the forum rules. We don't talk equipment or technique here.
    1 point
  43. AuntTudie

    Full Back Piece Thread

    I'm so glad I found this thread. Although I never screamed during my back piece, it was brutal at times. I literally saw stars during the session that we did her face and shoulder area. I did this in 2-3 hour sessions. By Matt Dinovo out of Black Squirrel Tattoo in Omaha, NE.
    1 point
  44. I saw Chad Koeplinger while he was in town the other day for rose #4. Done at Rock of Ages in Austin.
    1 point
  45. Cork

    Tattoo convention

    Good luck in the contest. Not sure how you'll place because there is so much random shit that shows up. Some dude with a crazy traditional Japanese deity back could come in and bump you from the rankings, ain't that right @SeeSea? :P
    1 point
  46. Got this pantherose from Jeff Rassier at Black Heart yesterday. So stoked. If I lived here, I'd get a lot more tattoos a lot more quickly.
    1 point
  47. I love it when people get their own names on themselves. I have much a similar reaction to these as to when I see a civic rolling down the street with a giant "HONDA" on the windshield. There is a certain level of retarded narcissism involved.
    1 point
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