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  1. Graeme

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Session three down. A lot of ass and thigh lining today. So brutal. Really loving how it's coming together though.
    32 points
  2. Both looking awesome @misterJ and @Graeme. Love tigers in Japanese art and they make such a great center piece for a huge backpiece. Sometimes I wish i had 4 backs so I could do a different theme on each. :) No wait I am glad I don't have 4 backs, not sure I could do it 4 times. Another session today and I can safely say we have now started colour. :) The severed head now is finished. Jason.
    14 points
  3. @Pugilist I also teach at a university and your comment really resonated with me. I'm not young but I'm perceived to be. I'm actually more concerned at this point about hiding my tattoos from my students than colleagues because I don't want the students, many of whom have tattoos, to see me as their peer. And I also fantasize about getting a very visible tattoo--my son's name on my neck by Freddy Corbin--once I'm tenured. Ha.
    6 points
  4. Graeme

    Tattoos and the workplace

    This isn't work-related, but on that point, when me and @Pugilist were flying to Spain earlier this year I had the misfortune of having my seat next to this uptight, middle-aged woman who couldn't stop fidgeting in her seat for the entire length of the flight. Anyway, I wore long sleeves onto the plane, but when I was settled in, I rolled my sleeves up because we were crammed in economy and it was warm in there. It didn't really matter that I have nice tattoos (or that I was wearing a nice shirt at the time either), that lady saw a guy with long hair, a long beard, and tattoos on his forearms and it made her uncomfortable to the point that when she got up to go to the bathroom during the flight she took her purse and ipad with her, presumably because somebody who looks like me is going to steal her stuff. On a flight. And whatever, I don't really give a shit because a) I've made a choice about how I look, and part of that is understanding that some people associate that look with unsavoury characters (as if the real crooks aren't the ones with the expensive suits and haircuts); b) I like that tattoos still scare at least some people, and I hope this is always the case. But basically the point I'm trying to make here is that for people who aren't interested in tattoos, they're not going to notice artistry and craftsmanship. A tattoo is a tattoo to them.
    5 points
  5. Graeme

    Full Back Piece Thread

    You know, during the first session when we lined the tiger and the snake we did a fair bit on my ass and I didn't find it that bad; it seemed much worse this time. Tattoos hurt, that's part of the deal.
    5 points
  6. Pugilist

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Step off, woman! I thought this backpiece was supposed to make him LESS attractive to the opposite sex?! ;) @BrianH - I know, right? Those were already done when I arrived at the shop and were the first thing I noticed - brutal.
    4 points
  7. My daughter is named Sydney- one of the naming books warned us that kids might call her "Squidney" so we cut it off at the pass by calling her that ourselves. Last summer my wife had Nick Colella tattoo a squid across her knee. It's awesome.
    4 points
  8. couple of recent ones: made by Dave Condon (who is also currently working on my stomach) from Curtis Pettigrove
    4 points
  9. misterJ

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Background complete. Did arm pit, lower back, butt, and touch ups on random spots. I prefer working one area after this session lol. Next session is stripes then color starts. It's so far from done but I couldn't be happier with the way it's coming out.
    4 points
  10. The best way to keep it from rubbing against your clothes is to cover with something that won't move. Either under armor type clothing, or saniderm/tegaderm/tatuderm. The derms will keep germs (and your picky fingers) off the tattoo. If those aren't an option, your best bet is just to leave it alone and let it heal. Don't start worrying about how it looks until it's fully healed Also, make sure to read the several pre existing threads on aftercare instructions on LST.
    3 points
  11. I am not sure whether it was posted or not on here BUT it seems I got to be tattooed by and visit with Peter Giaquinto just in time! Peter was laid to rest last weekend! He was very welcoming to me and told me some really cool stories as well as sharing with me a few things on tattooing! :(
    3 points
  12. I waited until I was 50+ too. It reminds me of an old story I heard. A man was walking through the desert one night when he heard a voice that told him to fill his pockets with the stones at his feet. The voice then said, “Tomorrow you will be both happy and sad.” So the confused man took a handful of pebbles and stuffed them in his pocket. The next morninghe examined the pebbles and discovered that the stones were really precious gems. He was happy and sad—happy he had obeyed and picked up some gems, but sad that he had not picked up more.
    2 points
  13. I agree with @Mick Weder's reflections - there is no dress code in my line of work, and no one would ever say I can't show tattoos as a prof. One of my colleagues has some crappy tattoo on her bicep and she'll wear tank tops in the summer and expose it, so not everyone is as uptight as I am about it. But I feel like even though most of my colleagues think they don't judge a book by its cover, and if asked most would probably say that they don't care I'm tattooed, I am already a young-looking woman in a profession where you typically imagine people with my job to be old white dudes in tweed. I already do a lot to "convince" people to take me seriously professionally, like dressing more formally than many of my colleagues, insisting on using my fancy titles more, etc. And I feel like if I showed my tattoos, it would not help people's general perception of me of not being "professor-like" and that would affect how I'm treated, even if no one explicitly cared about the tattoos. (Maybe it would help my students be more scared of me? Haha.) I remember that in grad school, the prof who led my doctoral seminar had a tattoo on her wrist. At the time I was stunned to see a professor with a very visible tattoo, especially at my very old school university. But she was older, and she was a pretty huge name in her field, so I think she could pull that shit off by virtue of being so on top of her game that there was no question as to her reputation or competence. I joke a lot that I'll go super visible as a post-tenure gift to myself, haha. :) But as I've said before, I work at a small conservative university, where many of my colleagues are like, nuns. Literally. At bigger, more progressive universities, I would probably be making very different decisions. So I feel you, @TrixieFaux, in terms of how contextual these decisions are. It's totally a matter of figuring out whether or not the culture of your particular new workplace would have people judging you, explicitly or implicitly, even if your job hasn't changed.
    2 points
  14. Thanks for the reply! I am used to getting tattooed jetlagged as this will be my third time getting tattooed after travelling internationally. The first time, I arived in JFK from London and headed straight to Saved for a session on the inside of my thigh. I don't plan on getting tattooed on the day of arrival this time but most probably the day after. I really appreciate the input, I like to think I am fairly experienced but just wanted to get some opinions on back to back days vs spaced out which you have done and I will be taking it all on board. I've had about 4 sessions so far on my back with Chad and the impression I get is that he works in 3 hour slots. Everything have been quoted price wise is for 3 hour sessions so I don't want to really rock the boat and say 'hey, can I do 2 x 4 hours please' I'd rather just go with what I have been told and as I said earlier, be as accommodating as possible. I'd like to have my game plan all set out before I book in and book my travel to make my booking as smooth as possible hence seeking advice on here first before bothering Chad/ROA with questions. 2 sessions back to back then a day or 2 off then another session sounds great and will try my hardest to follow this guideline. Thank you!
    2 points
  15. RoryQ

    Full Back Piece Thread

    @Graeme Looks great dude. I see the missus in the corner looking after her investment.
    2 points
  16. ironchef

    Full Back Piece Thread

    @Graeme STELLAR!!!! @Fala butt crack is pretty bad and the seam where your butt cheek meets with thigh is not picnic either oddly enough.
    2 points
  17. Pleadco

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Looking great @Graeme ! He's moving along fast!
    2 points
  18. mtlsam

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Just wow!!!
    2 points
  19. Well last year, at my other school I would just pull my sleeves up to my elbows, so tattoos would peek out all the time. Nobody judged me on my professionalism, I had a really good rapport with the parents of my students. But, as I've said before those parents were almost all tattooed (a lot of scratcher stuff). At my new school, there are also a lot of tattooed parents, higher quality work for the most part. This is Hollywood, so things are different here. I'm sure some would judge me, but I'm just trying to gauge how many haha.... and if it would bother my boss. I kind of feel like if my boss is cool with it, so be it, I'll pull up my sleeves from time to time when it's 109 freakin' degrees outside. We are in the worst heat wave of the year right now. If you came to Hollywood, you would not get that type of avoidance! Most people would be just fine with you and wouldn't be surprised that you had a good job.
    2 points
  20. Don't worry honey, I'll help you feel that mystical bond by making fun of you on the internet. Xo.
    2 points
  21. I have an ass/back of thighs lining session tomorrow. I'm going to try to keep this "magic" and "mystical bond" in mind while I'm getting tattooed to try to convince myself that I'm not the stupidest person in the world.
    2 points
  22. Graeme

    Full Back Piece Thread

    You'll find out how they are soon enough. - - - Updated - - - Dave is so good. There are a lot of really cool things in the way he designed it that aren't obvious in the photo like how the water on my arm carries over onto the back and how the water on the back of my thighs is readable as a continuous wave from the right angle. The background is so pretty and gives this really great balance to the toughness of the tiger and snake. He's such a good dude too, and that really really helps during rough sessions.
    1 point
  23. Rob I

    Full Back Piece Thread

    @Graeme YEAH!!!!!
    1 point
  24. OMG yes! Tenure necktat club!
    1 point
  25. rozone

    Full Back Piece Thread

    So killer, man! Dave's work constantly blows me away.
    1 point
  26. Yup. As a trucker, my tattoos are not an issue. When I went to company orientation, I wore long sleeves to cover up; one of the staff had tattoos, so I sort of whispered to her "can I take this damn long sleeve off??" She just laughed at me. The staff had nothing but positive to say. Sometimes I have a hard time telling the difference between the truckers and the homeless at the truck stops. I may go a bit longer than I should without shaving, but on the whole I present a pretty professional appearance compared to most truckers. In jeans and a t-shirt!
    1 point
  27. SeeSea

    Full Back Piece Thread

    @Graeme - I just love that design - one of my favorite so far. And I'm not just sayin' that because your Instagram bare butt is cute ;-) j/k! Really really nice. @Shaggy - color - yay!
    1 point
  28. I think you got some good advice re: speaking to Chad, because it seems like he might have a strong preference around the way he tattoos. I get the impression he might do enough for both of you in 3 hrs given how he tattoos. If it was me, in terms if travelling, recovery and spacing:- 1. Are you going to be jet lagged? If so is consider giving yourself a day to rest up post - arrival. Getting tattooed hard when tired is hell. 2. Session-wise I find doing 2 days back back OK. If I were you I would do something like Arrive, Rest, Tattooing, Tattooing, Recover, Tattooing, Relax, Fly home (8 days?).
    1 point
  29. Cork

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Welcome to the ass club @Graeme. You were already a member in spirit, now physically, haha. Love the detail on that @Shaggy.
    1 point
  30. 9Years

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Oh man, that is sooooo killer!!!! @Graeme
    1 point
  31. bongsau

    The Tattoo News

    I just met an older biker lady that has a Paul Jeffries piece she got 18 years ago. Koi fish and phoenix on the side of her leg - calf, knee and thigh. The finger waves and the blue ink was spectacular, bright and vibrant, no browning. Incredible. Tattoos definately do look the best after they've aged for several years...if you get em done right! Come to think of it...I think I have seen her tattoo before, maybe in this book? I'll have to check my bookshelf later Tattooing from Japan to the West: Takahiro Kitamura: 9780764321238: Amazon.com: Books I'm pretty spoiled though, my buddy has been getting tattooed exclusively by Paul Jeffries and we get to see his regular progress. Half sleeves, chest plates and full back. They are now finishing up by extending the arms down to the wrist with a Smiling Buddha tribute on his forearm. Awesome :cool:
    1 point
  32. CABS

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Yeah, so those Rassier ditches were supposed to be my last tattoos of 2014. How in the world do I have 3 appointments booked, with a potential 4th that may or may not go through, depending on whether or not Ben Grillo gets booked up for his Temple trip. And I want to do that Idle Hand GWYG on Saturday too. Fuck.
    1 point
  33. I'm an engineer (Civil) and notice that visible tattoos are a little more common. I'm really wanting a pin up on my forearm, but i am still debating whether i should or not. I can always cover with long sleeves and in the small city i work, i don't think it would be a big deal. My worry is if i ever wanted to work for a big corporation it might hinder my opportunities.
    1 point
  34. Got back on Saturday from my latest session with Kore Flatmo. We added all that color to the dagger, snake, and flames. These pictures do not do those blue jewels justice. Next time we're adding black and grey work to the bottom shin area, the knee, and back of thigh. Had a great time up there as usual.
    1 point
  35. tatB

    Mom/Son tattoo help

    @daveborjes that is exactly what i was imagining. i would get something like that but i don't know anyone named Rose.
    1 point
  36. gougetheeyes

    Need help with font

    Your tattooer will have infinitely better font references than the internet. Or at least, he should... If he reaches for the computer instead of one of the many lettering books out there, BJ Betts will appear like a genie and smack him in the face.
    1 point
  37. I never understand why people go for something generic and impersonal for something as close as a parent/child bond... or for that matter, getting cancer/whatever ribbons to symbolize someone... What do your wife and son have as a common interest? Did he play some instrument in school that she's supportive of? If he enjoys painting or drawing, a tattoo of a paintbrush/palette or a few pencils with his name? Or if he's still too young for all of that, how about something based on his favorite toy... Tonka truck, a GI Joe, teddy bear, etc. etc. etc. As for memorial ribbons, I get it... but why always only be reminded that Grandpa died from cancer, not that he absolutely loved fly fishing? Or Chicago sports teams? Or whatever he happened to enjoy most? Something I always try to suggest to someone getting a memorial, and they always just get the name/date/ribbon/cross... which is perfectly fine. But, is the same memorial that everyone gets. Get a tattoo of Grandpa's favorite lure WITH the cancer ribbon. At least balance the negativity and sad memories with positivity and good memories. With design in mind, Google/Pinterest/etc. are highly, highly impersonal and breed only generic ideas that occasionally start from something great, but in the end never give you something that actually means anything. I have put that mother/daughter idea (or a slight variation thereof) on around 15 or 20 people, and I've only been tattooing just over 2 years. I can't remember a time I did something based on what their kid has actually done in their life...
    1 point
  38. I definitely got a bit sad after my arm was done, but it was definitely more of a 'oh, its over' moment than a 'oh what have i done'. The only sad part now is the wait before the next one :P
    1 point
  39. it might be fun to have a who has the best tattoo by X contest.
    1 point
  40. SeeSea

    Tattoos and the workplace

    @Mick Weder - two great stories! You sound like a pretty cool dude (and of course being a cider-lover gets you lots of extra points). I'm liking breaking people's assumptions, but in the opposite way. I have no visible tattoos. The few times I've shown my back or shown a picture. "I never thought you'd be the type of person to do something like that!" I've a lot of schooling and am an engineer working in a somewhat visible federal position, so I'm pretty much the opposite of "thug looking," so I think I'm educating the other half as well.
    1 point
  41. You'll find you will be judged on your professionalism @TrixieFaux rather than your tattoos. I completely understand the testing of waters though. I had a Nurse Unit Manager say to me the other day....the staff love it when you come on to the Wards Mick. Now they know you and have attended your training, they're no longer scared, they think it's cool when you bounce the Wards, talk and laugh with them and just be yourself. On the flip but, I pick my kids up from the extra curricular activities from school rockin jeans and singlets, all the parents avoid me like I'm the plague. Until recently, a couple of them started striking conversations and shit. One mother asked me last week...so Mick, what is it you do for work. I said...oh, I work for the Qld Govt, look after mandatory compliance to assist in National accreditation reviews for 5 major Metro Hospitals. The look on their dials were like pure shock. I love that shit. Yeah, not just some no hoping, tattooed Harley riding thug you envisioned hey. I love educating the straights that we might have a brain too.
    1 point
  42. clemsonscj

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Filled in the upper arm portion Friday afternoon. Still hurts like a mother! This being my first one, all I had to go on was what people told me it would be like. And everyone always said the outline hurts the worst. Horse shit!
    1 point
  43. I wrote a review of a great exhibition of works by illustrator-turned painter Tomoo Gokita for the Japan Times. Tomoo Gokita's painterly coup | The Japan Times
    1 point
  44. pidjones

    Post-tattoo blues anyone?

    Check my intro. It includes my first (only, for a few more weeks!) tattoo photos and critiques of it both + and -. I welcome and understand this. I still love the tattoo, and in fact have an appointment with the same artist for another. Yes, I see the flaws, and it faded too rapidly which was corrected. Maybe at my age, I'm a bit more pragmatic about it all. Expect not just art, but life to have flaws - and learn to enjoy the difference that reality brings!
    1 point
  45. I had an absolutely AMAZING time in Montreal this past weekend, as did my wife! Thank you so much to @Graeme, @Pugilist, @Shaun1105, @BrianH (and Taylor) and @mitslam for a great brunch and great conversations. I was on zero sleep due to a bit of insomnia and some hard partying neighbors in our hotel. Going into a back session with Chad was terrifying under these circumstances, but Graeme, Anna, and Shaun kept me calm and relaxed! Thank you so much!!! I CANNOT wait till next year and plan on staying a few extra days next time. Thanks again guys. Great memories and talking with you all felt like hanging with old friends. It truly did. @Graeme, @Pugilist, @Shaun1105, and @BrianH scored some amazing work, which i believe has been posted in the latest tattoo thread. GREAT TIMES!!! Rob btw- @Graeme, @Pugilist, and
    1 point
  46. @BrianH - you saw his butt. You're now either friends or enemies.
    1 point
  47. Yeah, going all three days is EXHAUSTING. It was really a lot of fun though, got a great tattoo, saw a lot of great tattoos, showed my butt to people I hold in very high esteem, hung out with friends, made new friends, and all around had a great time. It's weekends like these that make me feel really fortunate to have a part, however small, in this crazy tattoo thing. Here's a picture from our LST brunch meetup on Saturday: I've probably said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again, but y'all are a great bunch of people: smart, funny, interesting, fun to hang out with. I'm proud to call you friends.
    1 point
  48. I asked today, and was told that once it's over on the 14th - it's over for good. I hope that I'm mistaken!! - - - Updated - - - I finally made it today - and my mind was blown. Such a beautiful exhibit - down to the last detail. That genuinely made me decide to donate to JANM because it was so amazing. It's kind of small, and yet I spent two hours walking in circles looking at everything. Kip did a great job - It was truly breathtaking. The majority of people I saw there were not visibly tattooed and seemed so impressed with the quality. I officially think Kip is one of the greatest ambassadors of the tattoo community today.
    1 point
  49. dronemaster

    Battle Royale in progress

    Tattooed by Bob Roberts http://battleroyaletattoo.blogspot.com/
    1 point
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