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Full Back Piece Thread
havetsherre and 12 others reacted to youthcrewalex for a topic
So pleased I'm all done with my back.13 points -
Kyle Hollingdrake who tattoos at the Okey Doke in Toronto wrote a thing about a specific design website, parts of which relate to the matter at hand:10 points
An introduction is in order
gougetheeyes and 6 others reacted to Iwar for a topic
Kristen, Watch this, and listen closely to what Chris is talking about (especially around the 2 minute marker). Hopefully it will enlighten and educate you a bit.7 points -
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gougetheeyes and 5 others reacted to tatB for a topic
Your sarcastic remarks are not appreciated. Please let me engage in quality conversation about quality tattoos without further tattitude from you mister tatty mctat pants.6 points -
Update on second sleeve from YB Shige, went down two days ago: Postimage.org / gallery - IMG 4084, IMG 4085, IMG 4106, IMG 4107, IMG 4108 Outline, 10 hrs. another 7 to go, will post when finish in December, Cheers6 points
5 points
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Bunny Switchblade and 4 others reacted to Graeme for a topic
You mean tattoo artists, "tattoo design" websites are a scam and a "tattoo designer" isn't a thing.5 points -
A tattoo enthusiast has tattoos. You're a tourist at best.5 points
Tattoo Designs There is way more tattoo design going on than you guys think. It's all over the place. It is so common now, that someone who makes money off it who doesn't even have any tattoos would feel comfortable joining a forum for tattooed people and think they would be welcomed with open arms. I mean... that's a completely hypothetical situation that I just made up, but you can understand what I'm trying to say.4 points
4 points
An introduction is in order
daveborjes and 3 others reacted to DJDeepFried for a topic
@Kristen R Holbrook, let me try to put this another way: YOU DON'T GET IT. Your arguments don't make sense because you don't know what you're talking about. Feel free to take a look around this site and edumacate yourself a little bit about the art and culture of tattooing. Because honestly the more you say the more you insult some of the real professionals here and aspiring pros who are doing this the right way -- and annoy the rest of us who actually have tattoos and like tattoos and pay for tattoos from real tattooers. Otherwise you're just a parasite on the industry.4 points -
Cat tattoos
Colored Guy and 3 others reacted to polliwog for a topic
I really like this recent one by Kiku. It's not too sweet.4 points -
If someone particularly loves an artists style then they are better off buying a piece of art from that artist in whatever medium the artist specialises in. It's like commisioning an artist to do a watercolour painting, and then taking it to another artist and saying actually i'd like this as an oil painting. It makes no sense.3 points
Do any of the tattoo artists here have any stories about clients bringing in commisioned tattoo designs?3 points
This really sucks! If they screwed up your pay, won't they make it right eventually? There's still 3 weeks before the convention! If it helps at all I can pick you up on the way through T.O. I won't feel right driving past there knowing that an LSTer has been left behind...3 points
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Bunny Switchblade and 2 others reacted to Graeme for a topic
Kristen - please go away. You have nothing to contribute here. You don't have tattoos, you don't want them, and nobody here is interested in looking at your drawings except to make fun of them. Nobody here would ever suggest going to anybody other than a tattoo artist for a design, and what you're doing has absolutely nothing to do with this site's mission of educating people about good tattoos.3 points -
Well, if you can handle menstrual cramps for 2 days, you can handle a couple of hours of tattooing... It's just an excuse, if you really love tattoos and tattooing, you'll deal with it. Otherwise, the whole kinda sorta not really watching from the sidelines thing comes back at you.3 points
An introduction is in order
gougetheeyes and 2 others reacted to Fala for a topic
I'm trying to come up with something witty to say, but I think @Graeme and @BrianH have covered it... Being a highly respected/regarded tattooer/tattoo artist who creates sheets of flash that folks can choose from, then have individualized from there, that are based in sound tattooing practices and aesthetics, is simply wonderful and part of a long-standing tradition. I see no value in pre-made designs such as these. They are generic at best and cost the consumer more in the long run for something that a basic relationship with a quality tattoo artist should be able to accomplish. If folks think that this is the way to go, then IMO they should not be getting tattooed. And... fellow needle-phobe here - tattooing is totally not the same as getting a shot or blood drawn, and the "pain" is super temporary and no worse than menstrual cramps.3 points -
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Bunny Switchblade and 2 others reacted to tatB for a topic
So I end up paying more?3 points -
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Bunny Switchblade and 2 others reacted to tatB for a topic
Do tattooers give a steep discount if I bring in a pre drawn design? You did all the hard work so they just have to do a paint by numbers, right?3 points -
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Bunny Switchblade and 2 others reacted to tatB for a topic
How much do you charge?3 points -
I don't get it... Needles bother the crap out of me too. Getting tattooed is a very different experience and sensation. You can't have a passion for something and only watch kinda from the sidelines. Go get something3 points
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Lee Hua and one other reacted to CultExciter for a topic
And this is a practice people should stop. I've photocopied something from a cellphone before. It was as fun as it sounds.2 points -
An introduction is in order
HaydenRose and one other reacted to Fala for a topic
Because you are paying a tattoo artist (an artist!) to copy another person's work. There is no soul, no heart, in it when you are paying a tattoo artist to basically be a copier. That is a travesty and degrades the whole profession and craft of tattooing as an artform.2 points -
2 points
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Bunny Switchblade and one other reacted to tatB for a topic
Sounds perfectly reasonable.2 points -
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CultExciter and one other reacted to Graeme for a topic
And you'd know this because you've been tattooed how many times again?2 points -
An introduction is in order
Bunny Switchblade and one other reacted to tatB for a topic
Why would someone do that?2 points -
To momentarily drag things off-topic, that's a beautiful Pharaoh's Horses that keeps showing up in the snapwidget thingy.2 points
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Bunny Switchblade and one other reacted to CultExciter for a topic
Ladies and gentleman, he's back!2 points -
An introduction is in order
Bunny Switchblade and one other reacted to CultExciter for a topic
I see what you did there.2 points -
Cat tattoos
sighthound and one other reacted to Colored Guy for a topic
They're called "cattoos". Someone I know from the beach has her cats (past and present) faces and names up and down her arms, looks great! She gave one of the cats to a friend, but she's keeping the tattoo. I'd like to get my cat Chloe's face somewhere on me. She's so cute.2 points -
Having had my backpiece for a few months now, I gotta to say that I keep loving it more and more. I wanted to get one for years, and I'm so glad that I finally said "fuck it" and went ahead. The only downside is that I have to keep looking at photos of myself to get a proper view of it. Can't wait to start filling up areas that I can actually see myself. Here is a recent photo from my holiday in Ibiza.2 points
Have just booked a slot with Eli Quinters at the London Tattoo Convention. No idea what I'm getting as they'll be bringing a book of 100+ designs to choose from. Not even sure where I'll get it, probably on my leg. In any case - I'm excited!2 points
Full Back Piece Thread
Avery Taylor and one other reacted to rozone for a topic
Finally got some mediocre pictures taken of my Fudo Myoo backpiece done by Chad Woodley here in Vancouver. We're going to get started on the background in the fall, and I'm definitely looking forward to getting it all finished up! Also, sorry about my butt!2 points -
2014 London Tattoo Convention
joakim urma and one other reacted to ThatGuy for a topic
Just got an appointment with Eli Quinters on the Saturday. Can't bloody wait!2 points -
Cat tattoos
Dustingormley and one other reacted to suburbanxcore for a topic
I've posted em in a few different threads, but why not one more? Haha. I got these done by Grez at King's Avenue Tattoo.2 points -
I doubt you'll answer this.... can you share some photos of your designs and the final tattooed result?1 point
An introduction is in order
Kristen R Holbrook reacted to marley mission for a topic
kristen - i think carrying on this argument - while interesting - isnt going win anyone over on this forum - first reason is - you got no tatts - so whatcha really doing here besides trying to argue this to death - listen - just chill - surf around - an when you have something cool or interesting to post - including your art - then throw it up - but you gotta chill girl1 point -
The ladies thread
renarde reacted to El Dolmago for a topic
As for the sitting/laying down, I've been asked both - but mostly to lie down when they are working on the shoulder. If it's too uncomfortable let them know. As for bra - again do what works I'm unable to go braless so I went with the soft tank/ vest under the bra - that and I wore a bra with removable straps so i had one strap on and no strap on the healing side. It takes a bit of trial and error. Good luck!1 point -
What's in a name
Deb Yarian reacted to SeeSea for a topic
Ok, I'm gonna be a little blunt, so sorry in advance for sticking my nose in. I'm writing this like a friend-to-friend and not trying to come down on you. And FYI I'm a chick. You've talked in other threads about the disagreements between you and your wife about your tattoos - to the point that you've hidden them wearing a shirt at night and using a separate bathroom. Now she has shown interest your getting a tattoo that represents her. That seems to be a HUGE step in a positive direction for both of you and for your relationship! Huge! Wonderful! She asked for a swallow. She actually picked something out specifically - not something huge, but something that *she* felt would represent her to you. I'm having trouble understanding why you don't just find a good swallow and go for it. You've got lots of square footage, and if I recall, you already have a lighthouse (do I remember correctly?). Not like you can't have 100 lighthouses, but how would she interpret you ignoring her request for a swallow to get a second lighthouse tattoo with something else thrown in? Or trying to force fit a swallow into another design? I would feel dissed. I would feel like you didn't care about my feelings but just used it as an excuse to get another tattoo that you wanted, and made me an after thought in the design. Or got a completely separate design that you thought I would like just because it had my hair color. I don't know your situation and I could be way off base (in which case, ignore all this), but this could go wrong in a bad way. You mention surprising her with something memorable that *isn't* what she wanted. Who would that tattoo be more memorable for, you or her? Who *should* it be more memorable for? Ok, hope that didn't come across too rudely. Back to your regularly scheduled program. - - - Updated - - - Did you see this thread? http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-designs-books-flash/5477-swallow-tattoos.html1 point -
Correct It or Cover It?
Cork reacted to cltattooing for a topic
I do think they look like fireworks, but it is a pretty bland tattoo. Can totally be fixed by adding black drop lines to the colored lines similar to the picture that @misterJ posted. I don't think it needs to be covered. If you ask to have the black stop at the heart, I'm sure it will stand out a lot more as a heart. Overall, not a bad tattoo, just needs black to make it pop.1 point -
so here is my contribution to this old thread. Done by Amy Kinsell from Modern Body Art UK. Done at the Cardiff Tattoo and Toy convention, the theme was Star Wars (at the con) so naturally I had to go with the same theme for my tattoo... :)1 point
Plainskins say the darndest things...
JBluewind reacted to TrixieFaux for a topic
Right, it was just used in the thread title lightly, as a joke. I don't actually call anyone that in person... Although, on an Australian morning show, the untattooed woman speaking about tattoos on women being a mistake, referred to herself as a "cleanskin". I guess that would make us....dirty. ;) Anyway, funny story about the tv!1 point -
That segment on Sunrise disappointed me on a number of levels. Not only do we live in a patriarchal society and have to field comments like that from men, we still have a number of woman who sprout off the same ignorant remarks which only serves to re-inforce these archaic views of how woman should look and live in society. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but she could've worded her response in such a better way. No one would begrudge her for saying that tattoos weren't her cup of tea and leaving it at that, but she had to take it further with her message that woman with tattoos aren't attractive and that men don't find us attractive either. Because we all live our lives just to make ourselves more attractive to men, right? I also find it amusing that someone with no tattoos can make such a blanket statement that everyone will regret their tattoos at some stage in their life. If people do regret their tattoos, how in any way is that affecting her? What ever happened to live and let live? Why wasn't there a woman on that panel with a sleeve or a gorgeous chest piece? I hope that Anna Musson doesn't have a daughter, as we don't need any more woman growing up hearing and believing that self expression is viewed negatively and is ugly.1 point
Currently I can't handle my itch. I never remember this part waaahhhhh!! But seriously :p it suuuucks.1 point
Yep, my mum sent me this as a 'warning' yesterday, saying "This is what can happen when you get a tattoo." I sent her a picture of a car accident and said, "This is what can happen when you drive your car."1 point